I hope the left keeps on bashing the right about the concern of refugee terrorism

It really doesn't matter if any of these guys are ISIS because as we've seen already, many of them go back to the ME to train with them, then are allowed back in because they have a US passport or a passport from the country they immigrated to.

When have we "seen" that?
More times than I care to look up. Try taking your head out of the sand and look it up.

In Britain, 40% of Muslim males age 16 - 25 prefer living under Sharia Law. Why are young British Muslims more radical than their parents?

66 Muslims living in America have been arrested so far for supporting ISIS or attempting to fight in Syria and Iraq. Some of them were living in Minnesota. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3322649/The-enemy-Nearly-SEVENTY-arrested-America-ISIS-plots-include-refugees-given-safe-haven-turned-terror.html#ixzz3rrBlLSfz
Yeah I'd add those 12-17 year olds to the 22%. You know, like the kids who just stabbed the French teacher...so that makes 29% jihad capable males. But didn't a jihad Jane just pull her own plug last night in Paris...? So for the sake of equality, let's add to that jihad capable percentage the females between 18 - 59 years of age. That makes 53% of the refugees possible jihadists...and Obama wants us to flip a coin...

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As far as I'm concerned, you could be a possible jihadist.

We better deport you, just to be safe. Right?
Why would I be deported? I am neither Muslim nor am I Syrian refugee. If you can't address the proof you and other libs in this thread asked for, just admit it! Or learn to deflect better...

I could see how you'd mistaken me for a jihadist, seeing how I blew your argument away with facts...
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Right up until next November.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
I hope the right stays so distracted by its compulsion to bash the left that it misses things like this:

Gov. Kate Brown Says Oregon Will Accept Syrian Refugees In Wake of Paris Terrorist Attacks

Of course she will, Oregon is a blue state, and they'll be welcomed by most of the creeps who live here.

So where will you be seeking asylum? I hear Canada's genuinely liberal. Maybe Idaho will take you in.

Like they say, work in the north, retire to the south. I have never been planning to stay here anyway.

However, having just said that, I made a decision two years ago that I'm finishing my life away from the U.S., America just ain't worth it to me anymore.
One of my daughters and her family live in Australia, and that's where I'm headed in several more years.

I'll continue fighting you fuckers in the meantime.
So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?
Right up until next November.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days
"I hope the left keeps on bashing the right about the concern of refugee terrorism"

Wrong again, as usual.

It's not 'concern' on the part of most on the right, it's fear, cowardice, and bigotry – it's partisan politics, the most recent manifestation of the rightwing gloom and doom misery offensive; last year it was 'ebola,' this year it's 'refugees.'
Right up until next November.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days

Fuck you.
I'm saying I hope you assholes keep up your fucking name calling towards anyone who does not want these people here. The majority of Americans are tired of being the third-worlds dumping grounds, and the majority do not want these people here. Keep up the childish "shitting our pants" kind of remarks, moderates and conservatives will remember come next November.
I'm not afraid of anyone asswipe, but why would I want people here that only water down western culture further, as well as upping the odds that at least some of the people we let in will likely either be radicalized, or they will be contact points for terrorists abroad ?
You're the fucking knuckle dragger for wanting these people here. They will be of no asset to America, and in fact they will only use up government services that if anything should be reserved for Americans.
So keep the namecalling dumbshit, please do, hopefully America will remember and punish your party further come next November.
"I hope the left keeps on bashing the right about the concern of refugee terrorism"

Wrong again, as usual.

It's not 'concern' on the part of most on the right, it's fear, cowardice, and bigotry – it's partisan politics, the most recent manifestation of the rightwing gloom and doom misery offensive; last year it was 'ebola,' this year it's 'refugees.'

Blow it out your ass Clayton.
Well well well, lookee here ! Now isn't this interesting !
Someone else get's it, and I'll be damned it's Mother Jones !

Liberals Should Knock Off the Mockery Over Calls to Limit Syrian Refugees

Chris Cillizza on the post-Paris push among Republicans to keep Syrian refugeesout of the country:

Over the past 24 hours, almost half of the nation's governors — all but one of them Republicans — have said they plan to refuse to allow Syrian immigrants into their states in the wake of the Paris attacks carried out by the Islamic State....That stance has been greeted with widespread ridicule and disgust by Democrats who insist that keeping people out of the U.S. is anathema to the founding principles of the country.

....Think what you will, but one thing is clear: The political upside for Republican politicians pushing an immigration ban on Syrians and/or Muslims as a broader response to the threat posed by the Islamic State sure looks like a political winner.

Cillizza has some poll numbers to back this up, but he's right in more ways than just that. Here's the thing: to the average person, it seems perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of admitting Syrian refugees to the country. We know that ISIS would like to attack the US. We know that ISIS probably has the wherewithal to infiltrate a few of its people into the flood of refugees. And most voters have no idea how easy it is to get past US screening. They probably figure it's pretty easy.

So to them it doesn't seem xenophobic or crazy to call for an end to accepting Syrian refugees. It seems like simple common sense. After all, things changed after Paris.

Mocking Republicans over this—as liberals spent much of yesterday doing on my Twitter stream—seems absurdly out of touch to a lot of people. Not just wingnut tea partiers, either, but plenty of ordinary centrists too. It makes them wonder if Democrats seriously see no problem here. Do they care at all about national security? Are they really that detached from reality?

The liberal response to this should be far more measured. We should support tight screening. Never mind that screening is already pretty tight. We should highlight the fact that we're accepting a pretty modest number of refugees. In general, we should act like this is a legitimate thing to be concerned about and then work from there.

Mocking it is the worst thing we could do. It validates all the worst stereotypes about liberals that we put political correctness ahead of national security. It doesn't matter if that's right or wrong. Ordinary people see the refugees as a common sense thing to be concerned about. We shouldn't respond by essentially calling them idiots. That way lies electoral disaster.

Liberals should knock off the mockery over calls to limit Syrian refugees
So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.
Yeah I'd add those 12-17 year olds to the 22%. You know, like the kids who just stabbed the French teacher...so that makes 29% jihad capable males. But didn't a jihad Jane just pull her own plug last night in Paris...? So for the sake of equality, let's add to that jihad capable percentage the females between 18 - 59 years of age. That makes 53% of the refugees possible jihadists...and Obama wants us to flip a coin...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

As far as I'm concerned, you could be a possible jihadist.

We better deport you, just to be safe. Right?
The jihadists are more likely libtards since you idiots slobber all over yourselves in support of them.
Hey. Romney had a great idea, let's let the immigrants and their kids - born here or not - self deport. The Governor of Louisiana and Senator from Florida can start by returning to their native homeland.
Right up until next November.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days
Idiot libtard, obuthole and dildory already look bad. It is the left that are the spineless pussies wanting something to happen here.
Hey. Romney had a great idea, let's let the immigrants and their kids - born here or not - self deport. The Governor of Louisiana and Senator from Florida can start by returning to their native homeland.
Only if Obama goes home as well

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
You guys are so convinced that the rest of America is shitting their pants in fear just like you guys.

It's adorable.

No one is shitting their pants, but please do keep making fun of anyone concerned that a terrorist attack could come here.
The majority doesn't want the refugees coming here, keep it up and the majority will only increase.
Since 9/11, when Bush was president and Republicans controlled both houses, who have killed more Americans in the US. Right winger Republican terrorists or ME terrorists?
So all of you Liberals would be happy to see a resettlement camp pop up within a mile of your house, am I right? Or do you change your tune when they show up in your hood?

I'd be happy to see these new arrivals settled the way previous waves of refugees have settled - in jobs, in homes, paying taxes, sending their kids to school. That's the historic reality.

If you want to discuss history, the vast majority were from a western background.
These people are not, they won't assimilate, they'll hate you for being a westerner, they won't be good Americans.
In short these people belong in Islamic countries where their religion and culture is welcome. These people should be going to Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, etc.
You're a fool.
Right up until next November.
You're hoping we have terrorism.....you sick bastard.

Answer me this...why does Fox News cover so little, if any, the alliances Obama is putting together with Europeans to fight ISIS. All I see all day is John Bolton and the same foreign policy GOP damage control folks yaking

Oh the fuck if I am you asshole !!!!!!!
I want to do everything we can to prevent it, and that's exactly one of the reasons why I don't want these people allowed in here !!
I don't want to see thousands of potentially new contact points for terrorists abroad, let alone the ones that will come in that can easily be radicalized since their culture and religion demands it anyway !
You're a pussy.

Learn something from the French, they're saying fuck you ISIS, we're not scared of you....and ISIS can jump in cars and drive their asses to France. We're oceans away from them, and you want Americans to be afraid, or maybe you're afraid yourself. You are self terrorizing now. Al Quada ruined your security.

You're hoping something will happen to make Obama, or Hillary, look bad, before November 2016. And only failures in security resulting in victories for ISIS would do that.

Grow a brain knuckledragger. Or just give in to yourself and buy a Mullet wig to bring you back to your glory days
Idiot libtard, obuthole and dildory already look bad. It is the left that are the spineless pussies wanting something to happen here.

Only cowards call others spineless pussies while hiding behind their keyboard.

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