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I hope y'all are happy....

Bonnie said:
I think after a fifteen year battle they are prepared to and desperate to take care of her. She is their flesh and blood.

If she had known it would come to this she may have enjoyed allowing loving parents to care for her simply because they want to.
OCA said:
Yes it is, but we seem to be implying that Mr. Schiavo might be doing this for the money. I just wonder how much he has had to shell out over the past 15 years.

He filed a malpractice suit when this first happened, he won 1.2 million dollars specifically for her rehabilitation and care which he said he would provide for her. He spent a mere pittence on that and then after 7 years suddenly remembered Terri would not want to live that way, as she said so while they were watching T.V incontovertible proof right there!!

He threw her in a hospice giving her the bare minimum in care while he spent that money on attorneys to fight to allow him to kill her essentially, all the while fighting the parents for guardianship. He refused medication when she got infections, so the nurses gave her antibiotics anyway. Her parents had little access to her, and no videos were allowed of her to be taken or shown to the public.
Bonnie said:
He filed a malpractice suit when this first happened, he won 1.2 million dollars specifically for her rehabilitation and care which he said he would provide for her. He spent a mere pittence on that and then after 7 years suddenly remembered Terri would not want to live that way, as she said so while they were watching T.V incontovertible proof right there!!

He threw her in a hospice giving her the bare minimum in care while he spent that money on attorneys to fight to allow him to kill her essentially, all the while fighting the parents for guardianship. He refused medication when she got infections, so the nurses gave her antibiotics anyway. Her parents had little access to her, and no videos were allowed of her to be taken or shown to the public.

Ok agreed he's a piece of shit. The question is though do we want the feds deciding this? Like it or not he's the husband, its his decision in the end. My view is I don't want a fedral judge deciding what decisions this guy can and can't make concerning his wife. As long as there is no foul play involved we just have to bite the bullet.
I wonder if these parents truely understand that their daughter is a vegetable, she will never be a productive member in society again. Do they truely want to see their daughter this incapacitated for many years to come?

And before anyone asks yes I think there are many non producing members out there who are a drain on society and ought to be offed, yes i'm talking scumbags. I'm not implying in any sort of way that she is a scumbag.

I just wonder about the parents perception of reality.
OCA said:
Ok agreed he's a piece of shit. The question is though do we want the feds deciding this? Like it or not he's the husband, its his decision in the end. My view is I don't want a fedral judge deciding what decisions this guy can and can't make concerning his wife. As long as there is no foul play involved we just have to bite the bullet.

yuppers---bite the bullet and hope the feds bow to states right

the issue of guardianship may be brought up later---this phase of the dilema is almost over.
It isn't murder you moron. Its about letting a womans wish to NOT live a tortured meaningless existence. Get this straight, its about what TERRI wanted, not her selfish ass parents and siblings.

I don't even need to read the rest of the thread beyond this, smarter. YOU are being the moron. You're so obssessed with this man's right to make a decision that you're willing to believe anythign he says while tossing all objectivity out the window.

Food is not medical support. Since she is istill alive WITHOUT the tube, you cannot honestly call it "life support." It very much IS murder to starve her to death.

There's a BIG difference here than with someone whose involuntary life functions are being sustained by a machine.

What it boils down to is you are willing to let this woman starve to death because she is incapable of swallowing.

Who's next on your list of unworthiness?
OCA said:
No matter which way this goes, this isn't gonna turn out good for conservatives. I'm just afraid we've overstepped our bounds here.

When I end up beating Bully 90% dead and he's a veggie and his wife wants to clip him can y'all promise me you won't get the feds involved and keep him alive? :laugh:

You are one sick piece of work.

I'm sure you feel safe anonymously threatening someone from the safety of your own home. But, hey, that's just the kind of guy you are.
I could not be more passionate in my zeal to defend the principle of states' rights. The devolution of power from centralized federal government to the states, the community, and - ultimately - the individual, was so clearly the intent of our founding fathers that I would call the principle of states' rights the beating heart of this nation.

Moreover, a deliberately flawed and agenda-driven interpretation of the XIVth Amendment to the Constitution has been the weapon of choice for tyrants, trying to impose their will on the people, for over sixty years. Judicial activism is, simply, a dagger aimed at America's heart.

That said, though, I must now say that I think the Republicans got it right this time. We are witnesses to history. This may be the first time the federal government has intervened in a state matter - under PROPER circumstances - in forty years!

Whatever you think about Terri Schiavo's condition, her parents, her husband, or the Florida courts, you'd surely concede this: A perhaps not perfect, but PLAUSIBLE case can be made that Terri is about to be deprived of her life without due process. If this case doesn't justify the enfocement of the XIVth Amendment, no case does - and the XIVth Amendment is worthless.
When state law comes into conflict with the Bill of Rights, the Bill of Rights MUST prevail. I don't think any honest, reasonable states' rights advocate would say that federal intervention is wrong IN AND OF ITSELF, or that it NECESSARILY violates states' rights. Both things, of course, have been true numerous times during all of our lives. But, federal intervention is not contra-indicated out of hand(except where specifically forbidden by the Constitution), and I don't believe any thinking person would say it is. There are times when the federal government should intervene; indeed, is constitutionally OBLIGED to intervene. This is one of those times.
SmarterThanYou said:
It isn't murder you moron. Its about letting a womans wish to NOT live a tortured meaningless existence. Get this straight, its about what TERRI wanted, not her selfish ass parents and siblings.

Yeah those greedy jerks! Wanting not to see your daughter/sister starve to death...pfft! You tell 'em!

Now that Micheal, only getting $1 million in insurance and getting to marry his other woman, there's a selfless man for ya!
there is no proof as to what teri wanted....ther is no written proof....only hearsay....as for all the ducats that michael has....burned up in legal fees....letting her live does no one harm...so let her live...why does everyone always want to kill the innocent but let the guilty live?
manu1959 said:
there is no proof as to what teri wanted....ther is no written proof....only hearsay....as for all the ducats that michael has....burned up in legal fees....letting her live does no one harm...so let her live...why does everyone always want to kill the innocent but let the guilty live?

And there is nothing more than the verbal assent between a husband and wife in so many such cases across the US. Had my father lived he would have been in a state similar to Mrs. Schiavo's. My mother stated that he had told her he would not want to live in such a state. We all agreed it was time to pull the plug.

It is the unrealistic hopes and expectations of Terri Schiavo's family that have kept her alive when she should have long since passed. This tragedy has gone on long enough. It's time to let nature take its course.
Bullypulpit said:
And there is nothing more than the verbal assent between a husband and wife in so many such cases across the US. Had my father lived he would have been in a state similar to Mrs. Schiavo's. My mother stated that he had told her he would not want to live in such a state. We all agreed it was time to pull the plug.

It is the unrealistic hopes and expectations of Terri Schiavo's family that have kept her alive when she should have long since passed. This tragedy has gone on long enough. It's time to let nature take its course.

Thats the difference----everyone agreed in your family! My father left written instructions which helped us all agree. The laws say she should be left to die----her husband is just an ass for not letting her parents spend whatever quility of time left with their child---all that is is SPITE--not love.
If the momos in Washington get involved, don't be surprised to find out they make living wills illegal and raise our taxes to pay to maintain all these living corpses indefinitely.
MissileMan said:
If the momos in Washington get involved, don't be surprised to find out they make living wills illegal and raise our taxes to pay to maintain all these living corpses indefinitely.

LOL man you're really stretching on this one. Never happen !
Bullypulpit said:
You are one sick piece of work.

I'm sure you feel safe anonymously threatening someone from the safety of your own home. But, hey, that's just the kind of guy you are.

Lets man up and meet, LETS GET ER DONE!
None of these arguments matter, the only thing that matters legally is that Mr. Schiavo is the spouse and he is the one whom the decision rests in this case. No way any federal court including SCOTUS is going to overturn anything the Florida courts have looked at every way from Sunday.

Now more importantly, and I say this respectfully as I respect everyone in this discussion except Bully who is lower than AIDS, Republicans, congressional Republicans have fucked us, interferring in this state matter and bringing the federal judicial system in is exactly the opposite we've been preaching for decades......completely hypocritical. We will pay down the road, nobody here seems to think of that now but we will rue the day we did this. Goes against every conservative political principle I know of.

Where have all the conservatives gone? Was Reagan the last?
OCA said:
None of these arguments matter, the only thing that matters legally is that Mr. Schiavo is the spouse and he is the one whom the decision rests in this case. No way any federal court including SCOTUS is going to overturn anything the Florida courts have looked at every way from Sunday.

Now more importantly, and I say this respectfully as I respect everyone in this discussion except Bully who is lower than AIDS, Republicans, congressional Republicans have fucked us, interferring in this state matter and bringing the federal judicial system in is exactly the opposite we've been preaching for decades......completely hypocritical. We will pay down the road, nobody here seems to think of that now but we will rue the day we did this. Goes against every conservative political principle I know of.

Where have all the conservatives gone? Was Reagan the last?

No damage done dude-----just a gesture----don't blow it outta proportion or someone will run with it
dilloduck said:
No damage done dude-----just a gesture----don't blow it outta proportion or someone will run with it

Believe me the Demos aren't as stupid as we think(well most anyway), they will remember this down the road and use it against us.
OCA said:
Believe me the Demos aren't as stupid as we think(well most anyway), they will remember this down the road and use it against us.
if we can stand up for life we look pretty weak too-----this is a gesture that shows we mean it-----if nothing was done ,THAT would get rubbed in our face too! NO WIN!

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