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I hope y'all are happy....

Bully..It's not political? Think again boyo...It's ALL political.

If it saves an innocent woman's life who gives a fu@k!!

What's the judicial mantra..better to let ten guilty people go free than to imprison one innocent person.....

And what about the 50 plus Democrats that voted in favor of this??
musicman said:
That's unfair, Mr. P. In the first place, this ain't based on one person. It's a question of due process. Federal intervention is indicated here, and to shrink from this would be gutless.

Second, we've got enough MSM whores and DU crackpots advancing the insane notion that this is all "political". Let's not give it any more unmerited credibility here.

Due process? BULLSHIT!!! The case had due process 15 years of it..even turned down by the USSC what 3 times? IT WAS ALL POLITICAL. A big bow to the religous right to life anti-abortion folks...don't fool yourself.

BEFORE ME the undersigned authority personally appeared CARLA
SAUER IYER, R.N., who being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. My name is Carla Sauer Iyer. I am over the age of eighteen and make
this statement of my own personal knowledge.

2. I am a registered nurse in the State of Florida, having been licensed
continuously in Florida from 1997 to the present. Prior to that I was a
Licensed Practical Nurse for about four years.

3. I was employed at Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center in
Largo, Florida from April 1995 to July 1996, while Terri Schiavo
was a patient there.

4. It was clear to me at Palm Gardens that all decisions regarding Terri
Schiavo were made by Michael Schiavo, with no allowance made for
any discussion, debate or normal professional judgment. My initial
training there consisted solely of the instruction "Do what Michael
Schiavo tells you or you will be terminated." This struck me as
extremely odd.


5. I was very disturbed by the decision making protocol, as no allowance
whatsoever was made for professional responsibility. The atmosphere
throughout the facility was dominated by Mr. Schiavo's intimidation.
Everyone there, with the exception of several people who seemed to be
close to Michael, was intimidated by him. Michael Schiavo always
had an overbearing attitude, yelling numerous times such things as
"This is my order and you're going to follow it." He is very large and
uses menacing body language, such as standing too close to you,
getting right in your face and practically shouting.

6. To the best of my recollection, rehabilitation had been ordered for
Terri, but I never saw any being done or had any reason at all to
believe that there was ever any rehab of Terri done at Palm Gardens
while I was there. I became concerned because Michael wanted
nothing done for Terri at all, no antibiotics, no tests, no range of
motion therapy, no stimulation, no nothing. Michael said again and
again that Terri should NOT get any rehab, that there should be no
range of motion whatsoever, or anything else. I and a CNA named
Roxy would give Terri range of motion anyway. One time I put a
wash cloth in Terri's hand to keep her fingers from curling together,


and Michael saw it and made me take it out, saying that was therapy.

7. Terri's medical condition was systematically distorted and
misrepresented by Michael. When I worked with her, she was alert
and oriented. Terri spoke on a regular basis while in my presence,
saying such things as "mommy," and "help me." "Help me" was, in
fact, one of her most frequent utterances. I heard her say it hundreds
of times. Terri would try to say the word "pain" when she was in
discomfort, but it came out more like "pay." She didn't say the "n"
sound very well. During her menses she would indicate her discomfort
by saying "pay" and moving her arms toward her lower abdominal
area. Other ways that she would indicate that she was in pain included
pursing her lips, grimacing, thrashing in bed, curling her toes or
moving her legs around. She would let you know when she had a
bowel movement by flipping up the covers and pulling on her diaper
and scooted in bed on her bottom.

8. When I came into her room and said "Hi, Terri", she would always
recognize my voice and her name, and would turn her head all the way
toward me, saying "Haaaiiiii" sort of, as she did. I recognized this as a
"hi", which is very close to what it sounded like, the whole sound


being only a second or two long. When I told her humrous stories
about my life or something I read in the paper, Terri would chuckle,
sometimes more a giggle or laugh. She would move her whole body,
upper and lower. Her legs would sometimes be off the bed, and need
to be repositioned. I made numerous entries into the nursing notes in
her chart, stating verbatim what she said and her various behaviors, but
by my next on-duty shift, the notes would be deleted from her chart.
Every time I made a positive entry about any responsiveness of Terri's,
someone would remove it after my shift ended. Michael always
demanded to see her chart as soon as he arrived, and would take it in
her room with him. I documented Terri's rehab potential well,
writing whole pages about Terri's responsiveness, but they would
always be deleted by the next time I saw her chart. The reason I wrote
so much was that everybody else seemed to be afraid to make positive
entries for fear of their jobs, but I felt very strongly that a nurses job
was to accurately record everything we see and hear that bears on a
patients condition and their family. I upheld the Nurses Practice Act,
and if it cost me my job, I was willing to accept that.

9. Throughout my time at Palm Gardens, Michael Schiavo was focused


on Terri's death. Michael would say "When is she going to die?,"
"Has she died yet?" and "When is that bitch gonna die?" These
statements were common knowledge at Palm Gardens, as he would
make them casually in passing, without regard even for who he was
talking to, as long as it was a staff member. Other statements which I
recall him making include "Can't anything be done to accelerate her
death - won't she ever die?" When she wouldn't die, Michael would
be furious. Michael was also adamant that the family should not be
given information. He made numerous statements such as "Make sure
the parents aren't contacted." I recorded Michael's statements word
for word in Terri's chart, but these entries were also deleted after the
end of my shift. Standing orders were that the family wasn't to be
contacted, in fact, there was a large sign in the front of her chart that
said under no circumstances was her family to be called, call Michael
immediately, but I would call them, anyway, because I thought they
should know about their daughter.

10. Any time Terri would be sick, like with a UTI or fluid buildup in her
lungs, colds, or pneumonia, Michael would be visibly excited, thrilled
even, hoping that she would die. He would say something like,


"Hallelujah! You've made my day!" He would call me, as I was the
nurse supervisor on the floor, and ask for every little detail about her
temperature, blood pressure, etc., and would call back frequently
asking if she was dead yet. He would blurt out "I'm going to be rich!"
and would talk about all the things he would buy when Terri died,
which included a new car, a new boat, and going to Europe, among
other things.

11. When Michael visited Terri, he always came alone and always had the
door closed and locked while he was with Terri. He would typically
be there about twenty minutes or so. When he left Terri would be
trembling, crying hysterically, and would be very pale and have cold
sweats. It looked to me like Terri was having a hypoglycemic reaction,
so I'd check her blood sugar. The glucometer reading would be so low
it was below the range where it would register an actual number
reading. I would put dextrose in Terri's mouth to counteract it. This
happened about five times on my shift, as I recall. Normally Terri's
blood sugar levels were very stable due to the uniformity of her diet
through tube feeding. It is medically possible that Michael injected
Terri with Regular insulin, which is very fast acting, but I don't have


any way of knowing for sure.

12. The longer I was employed at Palm Gardens the more concerned I
became about patient care, both relating to Terri Schiavo, for the
reasons I've said, and other patients, too. There was an LPN named
Carolyn Adams, known as "Andy" Adams who was a particular
concern. An unusual number of patients seemed to die on her shift,
but she was completely unconcerned, making statements such as
"They are old - let them die." I couldn't believe her attitude or the fact
that it didn't seem to attract any attention. She made many comments
about Terri being a waste of money, that she should die. She said it
was costing Michael a lot of money to keep her alive, and that he
complained about it constantly (I heard him complain about it all the
time, too.) Both Michael and Adams said that she would be worth
more to him if she were dead. I ultimately called the police relative to
this situation, and was terminated the next day. Other reasons were
cited, but I was convinced it was because of my "rocking the boat."
While most of it doesn't sound that far fetched, I really think this is:

10. Any time Terri would be sick, like with a UTI or fluid buildup in her
lungs, colds, or pneumonia, Michael would be visibly excited, thrilled
even, hoping that she would die. He would say something like,


"Hallelujah! You've made my day!" He would call me, as I was the
nurse supervisor on the floor, and ask for every little detail about her
temperature, blood pressure, etc., and would call back frequently
asking if she was dead yet. He would blurt out "I'm going to be rich!"
and would talk about all the things he would buy when Terri died,
which included a new car, a new boat, and going to Europe, among
other things.

NOBODY is that stupid... I'm not sure that interview is 100% real...maybe 75-80%, tho.
Shattered said:
While most of it doesn't sound that far fetched, I really think this is:

10. Any time Terri would be sick, like with a UTI or fluid buildup in her
lungs, colds, or pneumonia, Michael would be visibly excited, thrilled
even, hoping that she would die. He would say something like,


"Hallelujah! You've made my day!" He would call me, as I was the
nurse supervisor on the floor, and ask for every little detail about her
temperature, blood pressure, etc., and would call back frequently
asking if she was dead yet. He would blurt out "I'm going to be rich!"
and would talk about all the things he would buy when Terri died,
which included a new car, a new boat, and going to Europe, among
other things.

NOBODY is that stupid... I'm not sure that interview is 100% real...maybe 75-80%, tho.

Probably true, but just the idea that any of it is credible I still wonder why a judge would not seriously consider this and other things like this when evaluating Michael's credibility?? Im stumped
Bonnie said:
Probably true, but just the idea that any of it is credible I still wonder why a judge would not seriously consider this and other things like this when evaluating Michael's credibility?? Im stumped

That, I agree with 100%. If you're going to hear evidence, allow ALL of it to be presented.
Mr. P said:
Due process? BULLSHIT!!! The case had due process 15 years of it..

In the opinion of some southern states, black people trying to vote had due process, too - for considerably more than 15 years. Sometimes - where doubt exists - federal intervention is indicated. Doubt exists here.

Mr.P said:
even turned down by the USSC what 3 times?

Once - and the fact that the Supreme Cort kicked it back downstairs - for whatever reason - doesn't preclude the Schindlers from refiling on different grounds.

Mr. P said:
IT WAS ALL POLITICAL. A big bow to the religous right to life anti-abortion folks...don't fool yourself.

I'm certainly willing not to. May I offer you the same advice?
musicman said:
In the opinion of some southern states, black people trying to vote had due process, too - for considerably more than 15 years. Sometimes - where doubt exists - federal intervention is indicated. Doubt exists here.
Not doubt there or then...it was a clear violation of the US Constitution. And has no relavance in this case, no matter how ya twist it.
Once - and the fact that the Supreme Cort kicked it back downstairs - for whatever reason - doesn't preclude the Schindlers from refiling on different grounds.
I've heard 3. The reason it was rejected is, it's not a Federal issue.
I'm certainly willing not to. May I offer you the same advice?
Sure, offer away...but I watched it happen.

I'm pissed! This is not about Terri for me...It's about strangers interfering in my private life!
This makes sense to me:


March 22, 2005
After Schiavo
I have not written about the Terri Schiavo case because it is too complex, too multilayered, and too steeped in unknown or unknowable facts for me - indeed for most people - to have a fully informed opinion.

I don't know - and neither do you - if Michael Shiavo is trying to murder his wife or trying to fulfill her stated wishes for just such a scenario. I don't know what Terri Schiavo would want - and neither do you - because she didn't tell us via a living will. We have only the word of her husband who assures us that his wife once said she wouldn't want to be kept alive this way, and we have her parents, who love their daughter and desire only to care for her.

I do know that the Congress did the wrong thing, intervened where it had no Constitutional right, and solved nothing.

Here is what I would like to see happen in the aftermath of this sad, tragic, horrible case: I would like to see Congress pass, and the President sign, a law that says if any person who has no living will comes to be in a position where a living will would be helpful, any decision in a squabble or dispute over her care must err on the side of maintaining life, and hearsay evidence such as that offered by Michael Schiavo would not be admissable.

Only a signed, notarized, multiple-witnessed living will giving clear and incontrovertible wishes of the patient could move the decision in a different direction.

And I would like to see Congress pass and the President sign a second law - call it the Terri Schiavo Living Will Act of 2005 - that would require all Americans age 18 and up have a signed, notarized, legal living will, and update it every five years. The law also would require courts, doctors and families to follow the directives of a patient's living will without deviation.

If Terri Schiavo had a living will, there would have been no court case, no years of debate over what Terri wanted, no intra-family battle over her care. There would have been no question what Terri Schiavo wanted - and it wouldn't matter what her husband or her family or the courts or the politicians wanted.

Such a law would prevent the occurence of future Schiavo cases - and
prevent the politicization of what should be a private, personal

That would be a good use of Congress' time - and a fitting memorial to Terri Schindler Schiavo.
Mr. P said:
Not doubt there or then...it was a clear violation of the US Constitution.

So is depriving someone of his life without due process.

Mr. P said:
And has no relavance in this case,
How in the world not? It's a jurisdictional matter, and where state law comes into conflict with the Bill of Rights, the Bill of Rights must prevail. The particulars of the respective cases differ, but the issue is the same.

Mr. P said:
no matter how ya twist it.

I'm not twisting anything. I'm treating like jurisdictional questions alike.

Mr. P said:
I've heard 3.

3 federal courts. The Supreme Court once. It's a process - the wheels of justice grind slowly.

Mr. P said:
The reason it was rejected is, it's not a Federal issue.

That remains to be seen, I guess.

Mr. P said:
Sure, offer away...but I watched it happen.

You and me both.
musicman said:
So is depriving someone of his life without due process.

Mr. P said:
And has no relavance in this case,
How in the world not? It's a jurisdictional matter, and where state law comes into conflict with the Bill of Rights, the Bill of Rights must prevail. The particulars of the respective cases differ, but the issue is the same.

I'm not twisting anything. I'm treating like jurisdictional questions alike.

3 federal courts. The Supreme Court once. It's a process - the wheels of justice grind slowly.

That remains to be seen, I guess.

You and me both.

Actually it was 2 times that the SCOTUS was attempted:

CNN.com - Supreme Court refuses to hear Schiavo appeal - Jan 24, 2005
... CNN.com. Supreme Court refuses to hear Schiavo appeal ... WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the husband of a brain-damaged woman on Monday ...

CNN.com - Supreme Court rejects Schiavo appeal - Mar 17, 2005 Less than 18 hours before Terri Schiavo was scheduled to have her life-sustaining feeding tube removed, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an emergency appeal by her parents to stop the procedure.

And here's a little red meat for all, with a lot more at link:



I encourage anyone interested in this case to read the judicial decisions that have been entered. Most informative, from a factual point of view, are Judge Greer's orders and the Second District's decisions. The December 2003 guardian ad litem report to Governor Bush provides perhaps the most detailed factual chronology available.

December 1963… Terri's birth date
November 1984… Terri & Michael marry
February 1990… Terri suffers cardiac arrest and a severe loss of oxygen to her brain
May 1990… Terri leaves hospital and is brought to a rehabiliation center for aggressive therapy
July 1990… Terri is brought to the home where her husband and parents live; after a few weeks, she is brought back to the rehabilitation center
November 1990… Terri is taken to California for experimental therapies
January 1991… Terri is returned to Florida and placed at a rehabilitation center in Brandon
July 1991… Terri is transfered to a skilled nursing facility where she receives aggressive physical therapy and speech therapy
May 1992… Michael and the Schindlers stop living together
January 1993… Michael recovers $1 million settlement for medical malpractice claim involving Terri's care; jury had ruled in Michael's favor on allegations Terri's doctors failed to diagnose her bulimia, which led to her heart failure; case settled while on appeal
March 1994… Terri is transferred to a Largo nursing home
May 1998… Michael files petition for court to determine whether Terri's feeding tube should be removed; Michael takes position that Terri would chose to remove the tube; Terri's parents take position that Terri would chose not to remove the tube
February 2000… Following trial, Judge Greer rules that clear and convincing evidence shows Terri would chose not to receive life-prolonging medical care under her current circumstances (i.e., that she would chose to have the tube removed) [READ]
March 2000… Judge Greer denies petition for more swallowing tests, finds it uncontested Terri cannot swallow sufficiently to live [READ]
April 2000… Terri is transferred to a Hospice facility
January 2001… Second District Court of Appeal affirms the trial court's decision regarding Terri's wishes [READ]
April 23, 2001… Florida Supreme Court denies review of the Second District's decision [READ]
April 23 or 24, 2001… Trial court orders feeding tube removed
April 24, 2001… Terri's feeding tube is removed for the first time
April 26, 2001… Terri's parents file motion asserting they have new evidence regarding Terri's wishes
April 26, 2001… Trial court denies Terri's parents' motion as untimely
April 26, 2001… Terri's parents file new legal action against Michael Schiavo and request that the removal of Terri's feeding tube be enjoined; the case is randomly assigned to Judge Quesada
April 26, 2001… Judge Quesada grants the temporary injunction, orders Terri's feeding tube restored
July 2001… Second District rules that Judge Greer erred in denying the motion alleging new evidence and, in essence, orders the trial court to consider whether new circumstances make enforcement of the original order inequitable; Second District also reverses the temporary injunction and orders dismissal of much of the new action filed before Judge Quesada [READ]
(uncertain)… Terri's parents detail their reasons why enforcement is inequitable: (1) new witnesses have new information regarding Terri's wishes, and (2) new medical treatment could sufficiently restore Terri's cognitive functioning such that Terri would decide that, under those circumstances, she would continue life-prolonging measures; Terri's parents also move to disqualify Judge Greer
(uncertain)… Trial court denies both motions as insufficient
October 2001… Second District affirms the denial of the motion to disqualify and the motion regarding the new witnesses; the appellate court reverses the order with regard to potential new medical treatments and orders a trial on that question with doctors testifying for both sides and a court-appointed independent doctor [READ]
March 2002… Florida Supreme Court denies review of the Second District's decision [READ]
October 2002… Judge Greer holds a trial on the new medical treatment issue, hearing from doctors for both sides and a court-appointed independent doctor; Terri's parents also assert that Terri is not in a persistent vegetative state
Schindlers file emergency motion for relief from judgment based on a 1991 bone scan report indicating Terri's body had previously been subjected to trauma
November 22, 2002… Following trial, Judge Greer denies Schindlers' motion for relief (new medical evidence motion), rules that no new treatment offers sufficient promise of improving Terri's cognitive functioning and that Terri is, in fact, in a persistent vegetative state [READ]
November 22, 2002… On this same day, Judge Greer denies Schindlers' emergency motion related to the 1991 bone scan [READ]
June 2003… Second District affirms the trial court's decision denying Schindlers' motion for relief from judgment [READ]
August 22, 2003… Florida Supreme Court denies review of the Second District's decision [READ]
August 30, 2003… Terri's parents file federal action challenging Florida's laws on life-prolonging procedures as unconstitutional
September 17, 2003… Judge Greer denies Schindlers' motion to provide additional therapy, finding it an effort to retry the issues that were previously tried [READ]
October 10, 2003… Federal court dismisses Schindlers' case
October 15, 2003… Terri's feeding tube is removed for the second time
October 20, 2003… Florida House passes a bill to permit the Governor to issue a stay in cases like Terri's and restore her feeding tube
October 21, 2003… Federal court rejects injunction request
October 21, 2003… Florida House and Senate pass a bill known informally as "Terri's Law" to permit the Governor to issue a stay in cases like Terri's and restore her feeding tube [READ]; Governor signs the bill into law and immediately orders a stay; Terri is briefly hospitalized while her feeding tube is restored
October 21, 2003… Michael brings suit against the Governor, asking to enjoin the Governor's stay on grounds "Terri's Law" is unconstitutional; Judge Baird rejects Michael's request for an immediate injunction, allowing the tube to be restored, and requests briefs on the constitutional arguments involving the new law
November 7, 2003… Judge Baird rejects Governor's motion to dismiss Michael's suit and have case litigated in Tallahassee
November 20, 2003… Judge Baird rejects Governor's request for the judge to recuse himself
December 1, 2003… Guardian ad litem appointed under "Terri's Law" to advise Governor submits report to Governor [READ]
December 10, 2003… Second District rejects Governor's effort to have Judge Baird disqualified
April 2004… Second District affirms Judge Baird's decision denying Governor's motion to dismiss and have case litigated in Tallahassee [READ]
May 2004… Judge Baird declares "Terri's Law" unconstitutional on numerous grounds [READ]
June 2004… Second District certifies "Terri's Law" case directly to the Florida Supreme Court
July 2004… Schindlers file new motion for relief from judgment based on Pope John Paul II speech
September 2004… Florida Supreme Court affirms Judge Baird's ruling that "Terri's Law" is unconstitutional [READ]
October 2004… Judge Greer denies Schindlers' most recent motion for relief from judgment (motion based on Pope John Paul II speech) [READ]
December 1, 2004… Governor asks U.S. Supreme Court to review Florida Supreme Court's decision declaring "Terri's Law" unconstitutional
December 29, 2004… Second District affirms (without written opinion) Judge Greer's ruling denying Schindlers' most recent motion for relief from judgment
January 6, 2005… Schindlers file new motion for relief from judgment, alleging Terri never had her own attorney, that the trial court impermissibly applied the law retroactively, and that the original trial on Terri's wishes violated separation of powers principles
January 24, 2005… U.S. Supreme Court declines review in "Terri's Law" case

February 11, 2005… Judge Greer denies Schindlers' latest motion for relief from judgment (motion raising various due process challenges) [READ]
February 23, 2005… Florida's Department of Children and Families asks to intervene and for 60-day stay to permit investigation of alleged abuse [READ]
February 23, 2005… Schindlers file motion requesting new tests to determine Terri's status [READ]
February 25, 2005… Judge Greer rules motions appear endless, he will grant no further stays; sets March 18 date for removal of feeding tube [READ]
February 28, 2005… Schindlers file motion requesting that Terri be fed orally [READ]
March 2, 2005… Schindlers file new motion for relief from judgment, arguing factual error in original judgment [READ]
March 8, 2005… Judge Greer denies Schindlers' motion to feed Terri orally [READ]
March 9, 2005… Judge Greer denies Schindlers' motion requesting new tests [READ]
March 9, 2005… Judge Greer denies Schindlers' most recent motion for relief from judgment (motion based on factual error) [READ]
March 10, 2005… Judge Greer denies Department of Children and Families request to intervene and for stay, finds agency is free to investigate [READ]
March 16, 2005… Second District affirms Judge Greer's denial of Schindlers' motion raising various due process challenges, emphasizes law has been followed in this case [READ]
March 18, 2005… Schindlers file new federal action arguing due process violations in original trial; case assigned to Judge Moody [READ]
March 18, 2005… Judge Moody denies new federal claim, citing lack of jurisdiction [READ]
March 18, 2005… Congressional committee issues subpoenas for Michael, Terri, and Terri's caregivers to appear at hearing to be held at the hospice where Terri has stayed [READ]
March 18, 2005… Congressional committee files motion to intervene and modify order requiring the removal of Terri's feeding tube
March 18, 2005… Judge Greer denies congressional committee motion, ruling no grounds exist for intervention
March 18, 2005… Congressional committee requests Florida Supreme Court and Second District stay the feeding tube's removal [READ]
March 18, 2005… Terri's feeding tube removed for the third time
March 18, 2005… Florida Supreme Court denies congressional committee request, citing lack of jurisdiction [READ]
March 18, 2005… Second District denies congressional committee request as without merit
March 21, 2005… Congress enacts Terri's Law II, authorizing Terri's parents to seek federal court review of whether Terri's federal rights have been protected [READ]
Mr. P said:
Not doubt there or then...it was a clear violation of the US Constitution. And has no relavance in this case, no matter how ya twist it.
I've heard 3. The reason it was rejected is, it's not a Federal issue.
Sure, offer away...but I watched it happen.

I'm pissed! This is not about Terri for me...It's about strangers interfering in my private life!

Mr. P, I think I have seen your post saying that it is in clear violation of the Constitution, as you have said here. Well, it's not so clear. Can you tell me what part of the Constitution it violates please? My interpretation of the Constitution says that Congress has the right to make laws and the Courts has to up hold them.
Merlin said:
Mr. P, I think I have seen your post saying that it is in clear violation of the Constitution, as you have said here. Well, it's not so clear. Can you tell me what part of the Constitution it violates please? My interpretation of the Constitution says that Congress has the right to make laws and the Courts has to up hold them.

Actually, Merlin, you may have wanted to address that question to me.

The constitutional question that I believe applies here is the XIVth Amendment. The gist of the amendment is that no state may pass a law which contradicts the Bill of Rights. To put it another way, when state law comes into conflict with the Bill of Rights, the Bill of Rights must prevail.

Although it is a good amendment, flawed - and, I believe - agenda-driven interpretation of it has enabled the federal government to insinuate itself into matters - such as abortion and religion - that are clearly, by constitutional decree, none of its business. Those who would inflict their own brand of social engineering upon - and over the wishes of - society, have found the misinterpretation of this amendment to be a most useful tool.

That's why I find it more than a bit ironic that someone such as myself would be in the position of defending federal intervention in a state matter via the XIVth Amendment. But, damn - here I am! I think a quite plausible case can be made that Terri Schiavo is about to be deprived of her life without due process of law. If that possible situation doesn't violate the Bill of Rights, I don't know what does.

As to why the Federal Legislative branch, rather than the Judicial - I honestly don't know. The fact that time is of the essence, maybe?
Musicman..That's why I find it more than a bit ironic that someone such as myself would be in the position of defending federal intervention in a state matter via the XIVth Amendment. But, damn - here I am! I think a quite plausible case can be made that Terri Schiavo is about to be deprived of her life without due process of law. If that possible situation doesn't violate the Bill of Rights, I don't know what does.

This is exactly how I see it word for word!!!
<center><h1><a href=http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&u=/ap/20050323/ap_on_re_us/brain_damaged_woman_42>Case lacks merit</a></h1><center>

<blockquote> In a 2-1 ruling early Wednesday, a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta said the parents "failed to demonstrate a substantial case on the merits of any of their claims" that Terri's feeding tube should be reinserted immediately.</blockquote>

The next stop is SCOTUS, and they've kicked it back twice already.
Bullypulpit said:
<center><h1><a href=http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&u=/ap/20050323/ap_on_re_us/brain_damaged_woman_42>Case lacks merit</a></h1><center>

<blockquote> In a 2-1 ruling early Wednesday, a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta said the parents "failed to demonstrate a substantial case on the merits of any of their claims" that Terri's feeding tube should be reinserted immediately.</blockquote>

The next stop is SCOTUS, and they've kicked it back twice already.

Due process will have been assured (at least by the courts) and then she will eventuallly die. Are you condemning the parents for using the courts to do what they think is best for their daughter?
I've just read all the posts on due process, you forget the fact, and this is all that matters, when you get married...if this type of mentally incapacitated situation arises your spouse is the primary decision maker....not the parents, not the courts not anybody else. This is the way it is.

Now since Terry isn't cognizant of jack she has had her due process through lawyers and courts several times over. The case has been examined every which way, its over.

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