I just converted to Mormonism....

So your definition of liberty is to silence people who you dont like? That's the weirdest definition I've ever heard of.

We would be more than happy if you left us alone. We would convert the world if you did. But you wont so we will just do it faster:)

Your sick ass cult will be gone in a hundred years... The world is growing less religious, not more.

I know you'd like that to be true. But thankfully it isn't. There is a spiritual awakening beginning now that will dwarf the Great Awakening movements that founded this nation.

Zion is going to be established soon. And you are more then welcome to join the movement.

and once in a while, the religious loons expose themselves, and it's always funny.

Tell you what, you let me throw you off the top of the Sears Tower, and if God catches you on the way down, I'll totally convert to your religion for real.
Your sick ass cult will be gone in a hundred years... The world is growing less religious, not more.

I know you'd like that to be true. But thankfully it isn't. There is a spiritual awakening beginning now that will dwarf the Great Awakening movements that founded this nation.

Zion is going to be established soon. And you are more then welcome to join the movement.

and once in a while, the religious loons expose themselves, and it's always funny.

Tell you what, you let me throw you off the top of the Sears Tower, and if God catches you on the way down, I'll totally convert to your religion for real.

Why would she do that? I doubt that's the crux of her religion and you know it. How do you say that with a straight face?
Marriage is not a license to have babies. Such a license will never exist. However, society does recognize that there is an optimal family environment for children and that is the result of heterosexual marriage.

In fact, when babies are made out of heterosexual wedlock, society generally literally pays for it.

I think it depends on the person. I know gay couples who raise kids who've done a fine job and I've known heterosexual couples who probably could have left their kids with feral wolves and they'd have done better.

The point is that Britanny Spears can make babies and get married, then so should a gay couple who are responsible professionals.

I don't care what beliefs a private institution teaches. I care about my tax dollars going towards legislating a sexual morality that I may not even agree with.

In short, you want to impose your beliefs onto others. Thanks for playing.

Really? So you're saying that we have clubs or restaurants or theaters or whatever discriminating based on sexuality? Your argument is extreme and unrealistic.

I'm saying its what we live with. I knew a gal who was fired from her job after 14 years because she brought her partner to the company Holiday Party.

I had a professor make the case for bestial marriage. I can say this with a straight face.

But I'll grant you that the example may be extreme. However, I don't think that changing the definition of marriage should be done lightly. Gays have all of the rights that I have as a single heterosexual person. What about their sexual lifestyle warrants more rights than I currently have? F'ING NOTHING. That's what.

Well, no, they don't. They can't get married to the person they want to, you can. This is not the same as "bestiality" because animals can't make informed decisions about their lives. The fact you try to conflate something bizarre with homosexuality just shows you know how weak your homophobic arguments are.

Given the fact Romney has flip-flopped on every issue from gay marriage to auto-bailouts, I don't think his word is worth the paper its written on.

Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything. Even Romneycare, he would not flip flop for the sake of appeasing conservatives.

Actually, he has flip flopped on RomneyCare. In 2009, he called it a model for the whole nation. Until ObamaCare did exactly that, and "conservatives" were all upset because a black dude did it, and suddenly he wasn't.

In 1994, he said he'd be better on gay rights than Ted kennedy. In 2012, he's denouncing gay marriage.

In 1994, he was all for abortion rights. in 2008 he was against them.

In 2008, he promised a bailout to the Auto Workers to get their votes. In 2009 he denounced the bailouts because the black dude did it.

Well, you can debate it, but the fact is, 30% (of blacks) did vote against it (Prop 8). So they weren't walking in droves like zombies...

70 percent of blacks voted for Prop 8. By your own definition, that makes blacks "evil." And are you insinuating that Mormons are zombies? I guarantee you that that is far from the truth.

Actually, I wouldn't insult Zombies like that. :lol:
I know you'd like that to be true. But thankfully it isn't. There is a spiritual awakening beginning now that will dwarf the Great Awakening movements that founded this nation.

Zion is going to be established soon. And you are more then welcome to join the movement.

and once in a while, the religious loons expose themselves, and it's always funny.

Tell you what, you let me throw you off the top of the Sears Tower, and if God catches you on the way down, I'll totally convert to your religion for real.

Why would she do that? I doubt that's the crux of her religion and you know it. How do you say that with a straight face?

That's my open challenge to all religions. They keep telling me how awesome and powerful their God is, but you ask them to demonstrate with even a little thing, and they never produce.

Religion is a scam.
and once in a while, the religious loons expose themselves, and it's always funny.

Tell you what, you let me throw you off the top of the Sears Tower, and if God catches you on the way down, I'll totally convert to your religion for real.

Why would she do that? I doubt that's the crux of her religion and you know it. How do you say that with a straight face?

That's my open challenge to all religions. They keep telling me how awesome and powerful their God is, but you ask them to demonstrate with even a little thing, and they never produce.

Religion is a scam.

It's a wicked generation that seeks signs - Jesus

Perhaps you should know what a religion is about before you presume to mock it.
Did you get the secret underwear before you announced it was a joke?

I think Christians need to know the differences between them and Mormons before they vote for Romney. Mormons are only Christians because they say they are christians. But they aren't following Jesus from 2000 years ago. They say he visited Joseph Smith in 1800 and they follow those teachings. Not the bible.

They say that when Jesus' apostles died, so did his authority. It wasn't passed down from generation to generation to where it exists in, for example, the Catholic Church. They say other Christians are following a man made corrupt religion. A cult. They are just too nice to say it. But why else did Joseph Smith start his own religion? Because God told him the existing ones were corrupt! And I actually agree with him.

So if I started a new religion and wrote a new bible with stuff Jesus told me, would any of you buy it? Would you consider me a Christian or a cult?

In the Mormon Church the authority has been passed down. They have apostles that are alive today that have that authority from God. Does the Catholic Church have this? No they do not. Does Jerry Falwell? No. Jesus' apostles around 100 a.d. did not pass it on and the Catholic Church was corrupt for over 1000 years and even today is evil and lets priests molest children.

This from wiki: Jesus leads the church through revelation and has chosen a single man, called "the Prophet" or President of the Church, as his spokesman on the earth. The current president is Thomas S. Monson. He and two counselors (who usually are ordained apostles) form the First Presidency, the presiding body of the church; twelve other apostles form the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When a president dies, his successor is invariably the most senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

A Mormon saying he is a Christian isn't any different than a Catholic saying he or she is a Christian.

If you believe Jesus was the son of God and he died for your sins.....you're a Christian.

For that matter, if you're a Jew and believe this, you're a Christian.

Every Disciple was a Jew btw.
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Why would she do that? I doubt that's the crux of her religion and you know it. How do you say that with a straight face?

That's my open challenge to all religions. They keep telling me how awesome and powerful their God is, but you ask them to demonstrate with even a little thing, and they never produce.

Religion is a scam.

It's a wicked generation that seeks signs - Jesus

Perhaps you should know what a religion is about before you presume to mock it.

12 years of Catholic education, bitter old homosexuals taking out their frustrations on kids.

FUck all the phonies.
April Fools!

This is similar to your lie that you were a Republican.

No, that April Fools joke was the GOP tellign us they are really still conservative or anything other than tools of big corporations...

but keep jumping through the hoops for them, whining about having to fill out paperwork...

Whatever you say.

Go around hating for the rest of your life and see where it gets you.
This is similar to your lie that you were a Republican.

No, that April Fools joke was the GOP tellign us they are really still conservative or anything other than tools of big corporations...

but keep jumping through the hoops for them, whining about having to fill out paperwork...

Whatever you say.

Go around hating for the rest of your life and see where it gets you.

I only hate people who are despicable...

Other than that, I'm fine.

Doesn't take away from my point, though. The GOP lost its way a long time ago. Which is what happens when human beings go to sleep next to a bag full of money.
Well, no, they don't. They can't get married to the person they want to, you can. This is not the same as "bestiality" because animals can't make informed decisions about their lives. The fact you try to conflate something bizarre with homosexuality just shows you know how weak your homophobic arguments are.

I erased all my responses when I got to this quote b/c I'm not going to have this debate with you if you're just going to be a giant deuche and call me a homophobe when I've been very respectful of homosexuals.

In fact, it's really annoying that idiots like yourself can't make it through an issue like this without playing the homophobe card. If you knew anything about me, you'd know that was far from the truth.

And it's real annoying that I had already granted you that the beastiality argument may be extreme and you decided to still be a deuche and rail on me about it rather than get the f over it.
Well, no, they don't. They can't get married to the person they want to, you can. This is not the same as "bestiality" because animals can't make informed decisions about their lives. The fact you try to conflate something bizarre with homosexuality just shows you know how weak your homophobic arguments are.

I erased all my responses when I got to this quote b/c I'm not going to have this debate with you if you're just going to be a giant deuche and call me a homophobe when I've been very respectful of homosexuals.

In fact, it's really annoying that idiots like yourself can't make it through an issue like this without playing the homophobe card. If you knew anything about me, you'd know that was far from the truth.

And it's real annoying that I had already granted you that the beastiality argument may be extreme and you decided to still be a deuche and rail on me about it rather than get the f over it.

What's annoying, guy, is that you brought it up at all.

Honestly, all your answers have been a little homophobic.... sorry you just can't see it.
Well, no, they don't. They can't get married to the person they want to, you can. This is not the same as "bestiality" because animals can't make informed decisions about their lives. The fact you try to conflate something bizarre with homosexuality just shows you know how weak your homophobic arguments are.

I erased all my responses when I got to this quote b/c I'm not going to have this debate with you if you're just going to be a giant deuche and call me a homophobe when I've been very respectful of homosexuals.

In fact, it's really annoying that idiots like yourself can't make it through an issue like this without playing the homophobe card. If you knew anything about me, you'd know that was far from the truth.

And it's real annoying that I had already granted you that the beastiality argument may be extreme and you decided to still be a deuche and rail on me about it rather than get the f over it.

What's annoying, guy, is that you brought it up at all.

Honestly, all your answers have been a little homophobic.... sorry you just can't see it.

No. I know about your side's bs strategy to call anyone that disagrees with gay marriage, homophobes. It's f'ing bs and it just makes people want to be a hard ass when you can't bring something to the table and you have to fall back on that nonsense.
I erased all my responses when I got to this quote b/c I'm not going to have this debate with you if you're just going to be a giant deuche and call me a homophobe when I've been very respectful of homosexuals.

In fact, it's really annoying that idiots like yourself can't make it through an issue like this without playing the homophobe card. If you knew anything about me, you'd know that was far from the truth.

And it's real annoying that I had already granted you that the beastiality argument may be extreme and you decided to still be a deuche and rail on me about it rather than get the f over it.

What's annoying, guy, is that you brought it up at all.

Honestly, all your answers have been a little homophobic.... sorry you just can't see it.

No. I know about your side's bs strategy to call anyone that disagrees with gay marriage, homophobes. It's f'ing bs and it just makes people want to be a hard ass when you can't bring something to the table and you have to fall back on that nonsense.

Of course it's about your fear. It isn't about anything that has any effect on your life.

If gay marriage was legal, it wouldn't have any effect on your life,whatsoever. It's really about your irrational fear.
No, that April Fools joke was the GOP tellign us they are really still conservative or anything other than tools of big corporations...

but keep jumping through the hoops for them, whining about having to fill out paperwork...

Whatever you say.

Go around hating for the rest of your life and see where it gets you.

I only hate people who are despicable...

Other than that, I'm fine.

Doesn't take away from my point, though. The GOP lost its way a long time ago. Which is what happens when human beings go to sleep next to a bag full of money.

Yes, only hate the despicable ones......that's the ticket. :D
It is for me.

Evil cults started by a pedophile that oppresses people they don't like.

Yup, totally worthy of my contempt.

You see, this election isn't about idealogy for me at this point. I don't think either party has an answer, and they are both too invested with the monied interests.

But stopping the Mormon Cult from gaining power. Completely worth putting up with 4 more years of that idiot Obama.
Of course it's about your fear. It isn't about anything that has any effect on your life.

If gay marriage was legal, it wouldn't have any effect on your life,whatsoever. It's really about your irrational fear.

The f it wouldn't. Public schools would be required morally sanction gay behavior. And gays would get the same tax breaks as hetero couples who need them more for children they are raising.

I have no fears about the gay lifestyles. Again you're relying on your ignorant insults instead of engaging in practical rhetoric.
Of course it's about your fear. It isn't about anything that has any effect on your life.

If gay marriage was legal, it wouldn't have any effect on your life,whatsoever. It's really about your irrational fear.

The f it wouldn't. Public schools would be required morally sanction gay behavior. And gays would get the same tax breaks as hetero couples who need them more for children they are raising.

I have no fears about the gay lifestyles. Again you're relying on your ignorant insults instead of engaging in practical rhetoric.

Wait, Guy, I thought the whining of the crazy right is that there's a marriage penalty! That we are making married couples pay more! So you are saying gays volunteering to pay more in taxes is a bad thing? Really?

I'm wondering exactly how the schools would be morally sanctioning gay behavior. This should be laughable.
Of course it's about your fear. It isn't about anything that has any effect on your life.

If gay marriage was legal, it wouldn't have any effect on your life,whatsoever. It's really about your irrational fear.

The f it wouldn't. Public schools would be required morally sanction gay behavior. And gays would get the same tax breaks as hetero couples who need them more for children they are raising.

I have no fears about the gay lifestyles. Again you're relying on your ignorant insults instead of engaging in practical rhetoric.

Wait, Guy, I thought the whining of the crazy right is that there's a marriage penalty! That we are making married couples pay more! So you are saying gays volunteering to pay more in taxes is a bad thing? Really?

I'm wondering exactly how the schools would be morally sanctioning gay behavior. This should be laughable.

I'm not a tax expert, in fact I don't really follow it much at all. But I know enough to know that a married couple with kids gets better tax breaks than say two people living together. I know that the tax ramifications of changing the marriage definition will definitely come into effect.

And gay indoctrination in California is/was a reality. I don't have time to go searching through articles; but here's something recent guy that shows the California gay politics GUY.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | California Gov. signs law mandating pro-gay curriculum

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