I just dont get it Democrats

You have BLM and Antfia raging about justice and systemic racism. You have Democrats and Hollywood and Television doing everything they can to denigrate white males and build up black males. You have AOC and the Squad of ghastly disgusting women RAGING ABOUT RICH OLD WHITE MEN....the Democrat party the party of Diversity

So what does the Democrat Party do ?

They nominate a RICH OLD RACIST BRAINDEAD WHITEGUY to be their standard bearer...ROFL cant make this shit up.

Democratic Party is the full of shit party
You are usually correct.

You don't get it at all.

Crepitus why dont you actually try and state a factual thought instead of making the same empty statement over and over for every thread...

If you have the ability to present facts that dispute what ive said, please do..
How am I suppose to refute your imaginary crap? Nobody's "tearing down white men and building up black males" and your sexist, misogynistic comments about our representatives who happen to be female is itself "ghastly and disgusting". Now biden wasn't nominated because he was rich, old, and white. He was nominated because of his policies, his views, his history, and his presidential demeanor.
Yeah youve thrown that petty statement out here before.
I will answer your question with another question,
Are you alright with an adult male inserting his penis into the body cavity of another male, where he defecates

How is that any worse than an adult male inserting his penis into the body cavity of a female where SHE defecates?

37% of straight people have tried anal sex with an opposite sex partner. Not my cup of tea, but to each his own.

Meanwhile, 50% of gay people (Lesbians) don't do anal. So there are probably more straights than gays doing the butt sex.

Well, what you do is your business and it should remain that way.
Stop forcing it on our children. Why do you think we now have children that are confused about their gender ? What did you expect in a society that is trying to except "gay" as being normal ?

Actually, we have no more LGBTQ people now than we had 50 years ago. My aunt was gay. She lived a lie her whole life... She'd have been a much happier person if she could live openly.

Until then, I hope this might help you.

Why do you have this obsession with this homophobic website? Do you visit it often. It's been scientifically established that homophobic men are often latent homosexuals.

I'm fine with my sexuality. I'm a straight male who thinks gay people should be treated decently.

I'm a white guy who thinks people of color should be treated decently.

I'm a dude who thinks women should be treated decently, but not in a condescending way.

It's called "Being a decent human being", something that is apparently lost on half of America right now.
Another one of these threads. This really isn't that complicated. Biden is sure as hell not a good candidate, but he's running against a profoundly damaged, childlike buffoon who represents a clear and present danger to this country. And, the two candidates are far apart on the issues. That does matter, y'know.

Elections are about contrasts. Trumpsters are so emotionally invested in their hero that they don't see his myriad ugly flaws. So of COURSE you "don't get it", and no amount of facts or examples will matter to you. We've long since given up trying.

There have been so many threads like this. You guys really, truly don't and won't see a thing. You don't understand why everyone else doesn't adore him like you do. You want to be led, and you literally worship your leader. He's your Jim Jones.

Trump has done more for this country and the middle class working class than any other potus in my lifetime
And there ya go.
And he’s 100% right and there’s nothing you can say about it. I’m a recovering never-trumper. I’m all aboard if you want to criticize him for his faults, but to do so and not even recognize a single thing he’s doing well is straight up dishonest. You might as well be lying. Go home.

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