I Just Don't See How Democrats Wouldn't Stand For Communism

Okay so? This is not WW2. It's not WW1 either. It is what it is. Let Europe deal with it, FOR ONCE.
As you point out, we tried that twice. It did not work, either time and we ended up going anyway.
As you point out, we tried that twice. It did not work, either time and we ended up going anyway.

And then we thought, okay, now we have to get involved early and often in everybody's business. From the 1950s on.

How did THAT work out?
As you point out, we tried that twice. It did not work, either time and we ended up going anyway.
The then globalists infected our nation as we were becoming the world power but were dragging our feet as Britain was in decline as the globalists tapped them out and a void was appearing. A globalist stooge Woodrow Wilson was put into power and with the help of his spouse set us on the course we live with now.
Probably you have hung out with too many trumpist that support Putin, so communism doesn't seem so bad to you, afterall it has a strong man at it's head, and many trumpists seek a strongman leader, as they have given up on democracy.
Real communism is run by the party and has a figurehead that suits the party's needs. Due to the constant infighting and inherent hate and intolerance required to be a commie, often a strong figurehead will emerge. North Korea is probably more of a Marxist monarchy than a communist country. The strongest leaders are usually the first few generations, after that the figureheads get weaker, unless a show of strength is needed. Gorby was certainly no Lenin or Stalin, Hu was certainly no Mao, I doubt most can even name the figureheads in Vietnam or Loas without Google. Putin is not a communist.
Even though they claim they don't since obviously they want and believing in the government having control over every little thing.
Sadly many Democrats would happily sit and watch freedom given away to a communist government. But all of them.
Sadly, republicans supported that idea, just like their dear leader.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Probably you have hung out with too many trumpist that support Putin, so communism doesn't seem so bad to you, afterall it has a strong man at it's head, and many trumpists seek a strongman leader, as they have given up on democracy.

Where are you going with this? Are you suggesting that communism is good and that Putin should therefore be praised?

How are you people so fucked up in the head (no offense because one of you I actually like personally) that you read my OP as I believe that communism is a good thing?
How are you people so fucked up in the head (no offense because one of you I actually like personally) that you read my OP as I believe that communism is a good thing?
Just trying to make sure you give only qualified support at most, because they are using it for political propaganda advantage regardless of their loyalty or lack there of to our country. Your country. Too many have crossed to the dark side and can take you with them.
Just trying to make sure you give only qualified support at most, because they are using it for political propaganda advantage regardless of their loyalty or lack there of to our country. Your country. Too many have crossed to the dark side and can take you with them.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but you were the one I was speaking of. As I actually like you, I just don't like twisting my words around is all.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but you were the one I was speaking of. As I actually like you, I just don't like twisting my words around is all.
Sometimes domestic political interest are not compatible with national or free world interests. Be independent. Then you owe no support to politics when not in best interests of the free world and our place in it. Some forget this. Make sure not to be one that forgets.
Sometimes domestic political interest are not compatible with national or free world interests. Be independent. Then you owe no support to politics when not in best interests of the free world and our place in it. Some forget this. Make sure not to be one that forgets.

Well what I never forget is who I am and where I come from and that America was founded as a free country and many people gave their lives for it so it deserves to stay that way.

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