I Just Filed a Complaint With Fox News About Chris Wallace

I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.
Wait till the next debate. The next mod was pretty connected with the Vegetable
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.
wallace is one of the best in the business... just because he stands up to Trump doesn’t mean he is bias. Trump acts like a child, he ignores the rules, and he lies constantly. He deserves every scolding he gets
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Chris 'Shitbag' Wallace was already interviewed today on Fox by Bill Hemmer.

Hemmer asked him if he had reviewed the debate tape yet. Wallace said no. A true pro would have by now. Wallace is a shitbag of excuses!
Wallace is one of the best Fox has
I once wrote a stern letter to a snack cake company, forget which one though. I know it was when postage stamps were 25 cents. Why, I had cream filled goodies for a solid month after that. All kinds of different ones, too.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!

You should be blaming China, not Trump, for all of those deaths, you despicable POS!

You truly live up to your name, Dragonlady.
She's nothing but a pest. We should call her "Dragonfly".
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.
LOL!!...So it's Wallace's fault Trump could not handle the debate like an adult..
The RWNJs always have someone else to blame for their GOP heroes' endless mistakes. This extension of their conservative denial of all facts keeps their fantasy world intact.


This coming from the side that spent 8 years hiding behind the race card when their dear leader was called out or questioned.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.
LOL!!...So it's Wallace's fault Trump could not handle the debate like an adult..
The RWNJs always have someone else to blame for their GOP heroes' endless mistakes. This extension of their conservative denial of all facts keeps their fantasy world intact.


This coming from the side that spent 8 years hiding behind the race card when their dear leader was called out or questioned.
My theory is that most of the people who voted for Obama did it just to prove they were not racists. His legislative record in Illinois and DC was practically nil.

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