I Just Filed a Complaint With Fox News About Chris Wallace

I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Viktor, you might want to wait for and read my in-depth thread about the debate tomorrow, but to jump ahead and let a little cat out of the bag, you are right, most of the debate fell apart due to Wallace's inept mishandling of it, starting about 20 minutes in, then compounded each of three times Wallace overtly sided with Biden teaming up against Trump to protect Biden, finally, literally fighting with the president, the real distraction, to try to artificially impose his will to control the direction of the debate even when they were discussing important matters to the nation and he repeatedly passed on multiple opportunities to steer the discussion toward greater depth.

In effect, the debate was actially quite good and only left the viewer with a feeling of a shitfest because of the moderator's constant interference in interrupting Trump, usually WHEN IT WAS HIS TURN TO SPEAK, just because Trump was unraveling sensitive topics about Biden that he had omitted from his program, usually to force the discussion around back to allowing Biden to continue his unchallenged attacks on Trump! WTF!
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

You should have made that a petition.

I would sign it.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!
Trump is responsible for 200,000 deaths????Holy shit! How did he kill them?(pick one)

Pea shooter
Rubber band and paper clip

Read the Constitution, ignoramus. The President is the leader of the Executive Branch and it's function is to enforce the laws that Congress passes. It says nothing in Article II about curing disease.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

You should have made that a petition.

I would sign it.
I posted it to the Fox News Facebook page. Anyone can do the same.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Chris 'Shitbag' Wallace was already interviewed today on Fox by Bill Hemmer.

Hemmer asked him if he had reviewed the debate tape yet. Wallace said no. A true pro would have by now. Wallace is a shitbag of excuses!

Wallace doesn't want to be reminded of what a total car wreck his first and last moderation job was!
I'll be the first to say Trump had a horrible debate, but holy cow, Wallace was a disaster. There weren't any winners in that S show. I knew Wallace was a dem, but I didn't know he was a squad radical. People pointed out the odd question about the proud boys and white supremacists, but nobody seemed to mention Wallace asking what was wrong with critical race theory. My jaw dropped. He tagged a group as white supremacists who weren't, pumped up the hype that the Klan is around every corner, and then asked why calling All white people racist was wrong. It was his CNN moment. It was also irksome that Wallace treated climate change like it was set science when it hasn't had an accurate model since its creation. Trump should have re-framed the questions, debate 101, but Wallace was a CNN douche.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!
Trump is responsible for 200,000 deaths????Holy shit! How did he kill them?

Don't worry, Viktor, by her standard of reasoning then, Gov. Newsom of California is then responsible for all the deaths and billions in damages and losses due to the wildfires in California! Why do you think they keep pushing Climate Change! It relieves the Left of responsibility.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.
LOL!!...So it's Wallace's fault Trump could not handle the debate like an adult..

Haven't you learned by now they need a scapegoat?
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!
Trump is responsible for 200,000 deaths????Holy shit! How did he kill them?

Don't worry, Viktor, by her standard of reasoning then, Gov. Newsom of California is then responsible for all the deaths and billions in damages and losses due to the wildfires in California! Why do you think they keep pushing Climate Change! It relieves the Left of responsibility.
The President's duties are defined by the Constitution, Article II. It says nothing there about curing disease. It says the Pres job is to enforce the laws passed by Congress.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!
If you are just a normal person who has opinions on politics then that is different then being a shill. The reelection of Trump will not hurt us. It gives the United States 4 more years to decide if we really want to complete the movement to socialism. From my perspective we already are in a soft tyranny with our Prog politicians more strict then the ones who are not. Both of our parties have moved the United States towards a totalitarian state. Losing unalienable rights becomes very noticeable when calamity, economic collapse or some catastrophe happens. The governors by their actions have killed people. Not so much Trump. And there is a forgiveness for some of it because we all have to know the parameters of the virus. It became political from near the beginning and the the first month or two we were still impeaching Trump also. Schiff and Nadler are smarter then many other Prog congress people. That is not saying much. But the wasted their time on the impeachment. Politics is to the party first with Progs and then the people.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
When I want your advice, I'll ask for it. Until then, you can bend over and stick it where the sun don't shine.

In her case
Not a deterent.
It's not wallace's fault both candidates arent capable of following simple rules. They embarrassed the nation both of em.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!
Trump is responsible for 200,000 deaths????Holy shit! How did he kill them?

Don't worry, Viktor, by her standard of reasoning then, Gov. Newsom of California is then responsible for all the deaths and billions in damages and losses due to the wildfires in California! Why do you think they keep pushing Climate Change! It relieves the Left of responsibility.
The President's duties are defined by the Constitution, Article II. It says nothing there about curing disease. It says the Pres job is to enforce the laws passed by Congress.

TRUE. Unless they can show that Trump literally personally impeded the entire CDC and all other branches, departments, agencies and companies of disease response and medical research and defense, then if there was something that should have been done for Covid that wasn't, then IT WAS THEIR FAULT.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.

Well, that's your opinion. With that and $10, you can buy a Coke.
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.

Well, that's your opinion. With that and $10, you can buy a Coke.
I've had snappier comebacks from a bowl of Rice Krispies...
besides, I was ROFLMFAO at her bullshit post...thank you very much
Wallace asking TRUMP about the Charlottesville Hoax when 99% of the violence is coming from ANTIFA and BLM is sickening. When asked about ANTIFA, Biden said it was an idea not a group. Right an "idea" that Biden's supporter, George Soros, gave money to.

WASHINGTON, DC: George Soros has given Black Lives Matter and the Antifa related revolutionary movement more than $100 million dollars. The Soros run Open Society Foundations is on record with giving Black Lives Matter $33 million dollars this year alone. This is in concert with an array of funding for a variety of Democrat and DNC related left-wing groups across the country.

Fake news. Open Source has always donated to BLM, and it's not a secret. Your conspiracy theory website source added in the anti-fa notation to gin up the outrage machine.

Its funny that when Obama and the G-7 met in
I told them the debate chaos was his fault. The man is weak and unable to control anything. He showed obvious bias toward Biden and that's why Donald Trump got frustrated and angry. If I were DJT, it would piss me off, too.

Boo fucking hoo. Donald Trump behaved like an idiot in front of the whole world. Trump did it to himself. Chris Wallace is not to blame for Donald Trump's lies, his rages, his lack of plans, ideas, or strategies for dealing with the nation's problems, or his insistence on pushing debunked conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's children.

Complain all you want but it only makes you look like a fool.
Did you see and hear the sardonic laughter and comments of the one you called a pro that was the other candidate?

Yeah, I have. I would have some sympathy for Dumb Donald, if he wasn't a total piece of shit and responsible for the deaths of over 210,000 people, and untold misery on the American people. If he cared even the tiniest bit for all of these people, and wasn't trying to pack the court and take away their health insurance coverage, I would take no joy in the suffering headed his way.

I might even think ill of Joe Biden for his words and insults if over 2000 refugee children weren't living in foster care after Trump stole them from their parents, and lost track of them, or deported him. Or if Trump wasn't planning on holding another ICE roundup next month in the middle of pandemic, so he can kill more brown people.

I personally think that Trump should be given a "bark collar" for the next debate. During his opponents two minute time slots, if Trump utters a sound, he will be tazed to the point where he cannot speak. No harm will come to Dumb Donald if he simply respects the rules, so he really controls what will happen here. And the rest of us will watch him sizzle if he doesn't. Good times!!

You should be blaming China, not Trump, for all of those deaths, you despicable POS!

You truly live up to your name, Dragonlady.
Yes, it is the China plague, sent here possible to wreck the US economy and to weaken President TRUMP.

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