I just got my Biden gas pump stickers

I take it your speechless and would rather harass me than correct ANYTHING wrong or inaccurate that I stated in the post you quoted.
YOU: 'They WILL dismantle and destroy the fossil fuel industry BEFORE they invent adequate replacements for it. Outrageous pricing IS their goal.'

ME: Sources for your horseshit theories would be helpful.
When you equate "defacing property" to terrorism -- I ALREADY KNOW where your going with that. You think I'm stupid? What other possible connection IS there between the 2 things other than the marginal political opinion that the summer 2021 riots were terrorism?

I dont know how anyone would fly from a "sticker" ( like a pre-teen would put in school bathroom) to "defacing property" to TERRORISM -- DO YOU?
However the Summer of Love Riots were in 2020.And at the DNC Convention
not a word was said about all the Summer of Love Riots { Violence }.
Where at the RNC Convention { in Cleveland } it was a very active hot topic.
All the Riots during the summer.
In hindsight we now know the BLM Riots were used in conjunction with
leftist Dark Money sources and Zuckerberg Funds { more than $ 450 Million }
to steer Election propaganda.Time Magazine admitted it in
Febuary 2021 with ...
" Cabal of Powerful People " changed Election Laws,Steered
Media Coverage -
:lol: Actually you didn't know where I was going with it. Don't get me wrong, you started on the right foot. But you landed in the wrong place.

Well, I'm curious -- where were you going? I've already asked that question, but dont expect a response that doesn't try to equate the summer 2021 riots/looting/pillaging to terrorism. Is there some other precedence for equating a sticker on a gas pump to "terrorism" that my feeble mind missed? :rolleyes:
Well, I'm curious -- where were you going? I've already asked that question, but dont expect a response that doesn't try to equate the summer 2021 riots/looting/pillaging to terrorism. Is there some other precedence for equating a sticker on a gas pump to "terrorism" that my feeble mind missed? :rolleyes:

Well, as I mentioned earlier....

...to call these stickers 'terrorism' is petty, simplistic, and just plain ridiculous and would probably say more about the person making the accusation than the target thereof.

The reason I said what I said was to mirror my view of these stupid stickers, both their meaning and their usage. It's petty, simplistic, and just plain ridiculous, and says more about the person slapping them on private property they don't own than it says about the target of their message.
YOU: 'They WILL dismantle and destroy the fossil fuel industry BEFORE they invent adequate replacements for it. Outrageous pricing IS their goal.'

ME: Sources for your horseshit theories would be helpful.

So -- you're purposeful ignorance is trying to send me out to gather a tutorial on "Green Raw Deal" and all the PROMISES THAT Brandon made on campaign trail to KILL THE FOSSIL FUEL industry? No wonder you're so angry all the time. You let those 1000s of examples go directly the trash bin in your head.

THOUSANDS of statements from top Dems promising to PUNISH or KILL fossil fuels. Hard to find a Dem that's not 20 or 30 of these. As for the plan to REPLACE fossil fuels completely -- it DOES NOT EXIST. Wind and solar are not "alternatives" -- they are SUPPLEMENTS. And already this govt of morons have FORCED car companies to go "all electric" WAAAY too quickly. By 2026, we have at LEAST 5 major companies making ONLY electric vehicles. That will crash the "beggar" grids like California and severely tax others ASSUMING people want to buy or are forced to buy the more expensive EVs. And then you pilllage the Earth mining all those rare minerals that ARE NOW IN SHORTAGE. Go ask Elon Musk. He'll agree to that.

Nope. Not gonna help. But here's ONE clue that MIGHT prompt your memory,

Dont you just LOVE all those cheering idiots who are gonna wake up TOO late to prevent the body bag piles?
Well, as I mentioned earlier....

The reason I said what I said was to mirror my view of these stupid stickers, both their meaning and their usage. It's petty, simplistic, and just plain ridiculous, and says more about the person slapping them on private property they don't own than it says about the target of their message.

How does that lead to charges of terrorism?? What thought process took you there?
Well, as I mentioned earlier....

The reason I said what I said was to mirror my view of these stupid stickers, both their meaning and their usage. It's petty, simplistic, and just plain ridiculous, and says more about the person slapping them on private property they don't own than it says about the target of their message.
I'm from the deep south and we LOVE THEM.........We are simplistic..........and think your side is ridiculous...............and we even Enjoy it more when it hits a raw nerve ending.

Actions speak louder than words.........the actions of Biden speak for themselves.

My last-year investment in neoprene siphon tubing and plastic jugs was better than I expected but I'll hold out until late August to sell more than a few of each. Then they get advertised and sold off.

Just after then the market will tank as before Xiden subsidizes fuel - possibly by nationalization.
My last-year investment in neoprene siphon tubing and plastic jugs was better than I expected but I'll hold out until late August to sell more than a few of each. Then they get advertised and sold off.

Just after then the market will tank as before Xiden subsidizes fuel - possibly by nationalization.

You're doing it the HARD way. This what is "American Drilling" means today under evil, dyfunctional Fed govt and Brandon..

Hey, Stormy Daniels -- is THAT terrorism also?
So -- you're purposeful ignorance is trying to send me out to gather a tutorial on "Green Raw Deal" and all the PROMISES THAT Brandon made on campaign trail to KILL THE FOSSIL FUEL industry?
Yes. And your insufferable bitching is noted and dismissed.
THOUSANDS of statements from top Dems promising to PUNISH or KILL fossil fuels. Hard to find a Dem that's not 20 or 30 of these.
Anecdotal. And so what? Democrats are for alternative energy. They've made no secret of this agenda.
And already this govt of morons have FORCED car companies to go "all electric" WAAAY too quickly. By 2026, we have at LEAST 5 major companies making ONLY electric vehicles
Again, I need sources for your horseshit. I've read it's closer to 20% of electric vehicles produced by the big three by 2026. So, I think you simply make shit up and expect no one will call you on it.
That will crash the "beggar" grids like California and severely tax others ASSUMING people want to buy or are forced to buy the more expensive EVs. And then you pilllage the Earth mining all those rare minerals that ARE NOW IN SHORTAGE. Go ask Elon Musk. He'll agree to that.
Energy consumes natural resources, nitwit. Whether it's fossil fuels now, or precious metals needed to be mined for batteries/chips later. I don't understand why you parse your outrage around which resource is being consumed. I assume it must be because you must make everything about politics. I believe it's a senseless take on the issue. I think your whole argument is fearful, short sighted and patently stupid. And I personally have no use for hybrids/electric vehicles. I drive a gas guzzling HD diesel truck. And gas guzzling Jeeps. And another truck that averages 19 miles per gallon.
Nope. Not gonna help.
I already knew that. I never expect partisan trolls to help with anything.
But here's ONE clue that MIGHT prompt your memory
YouTube? Are we thirteen?

You suck at this, magamod.
I ordered a pack of these "I did that" Biden stickers off Ebay, and they arrived in the mail today.
Went to the place I usually get gas, and while filling up my car put a sticker on the pump. On the other side of my gas pump there was a couple of guys filling up their work truck. So I put a Biden sticker on the gas pump they were using. Both of them started laughing and gave me a big thumbs up. .... :thup:

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Stick em where the sun don't shine moron
For those who save on gas by drilling tanks:

Corded electric drills work best. They get the job done quicker if you use a 2-wire extension cord - the little 3 prong to 2 prong adapters are cheap and so small they are easily tucked into your pocket on your next shoplifting trip.

It's easier to get under the cars by first spraying a good amount of comfortably warm water on the ground where you'll be working.

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