I just got my Biden gas pump stickers

Are you sure about this, they find them all the time
Developing an oil field takes years. It's not only the wells but the means to get it to market and various other infrastructure. Sadly much of it is just sitting there waiting for a time when they can be sure prices will stay in excess of 90 dollars a barrel.
where can I get a sticker

like this?

Here are 10 for $10...


Here are 100 for $9...


Plenty available on Amazon too.

There's thousands of oil wells out there they could pull up to and be pumping right away. Problem is it has to be 90+ dollars a barrel to make it profitable. We already pumped all our easy oil long ago. What's left on public lands is a temporary solution at best. We are not going to find a Kuwait sized pool of cheap oil. There's not an untapped supply anywhere in the world big enough to break the power OPEC has to control oil prices.

The 9000 are less then 20% of the drill sites. And they dont have PROVEN oil or the PROVEN capacity is tiny. In an atmosphere where the Admin is threatening to KILL YOU --- that's not the time to be taking those risks.

You're talking about sites that are WAAAAAY down priorities because of high risk/low reward. And if you CANNOT GET A SINGLE NEW PERMIT for 2.5 years or more -- you go to bunker and hunker down.
Okay, but I'm not the one who brought up all the BLM stuff.

Your 1st post to me was a "whatabout" with the words "BLM" in it about BLM protests. You inserted yourself in here insinuating that stickers = SunniMan is a terrorist. THAT'S where it started. And you know DAMN WELL -- you were thinking ANTIFA/BLM riots at Post #77.

Just 2 steps ahead of your "roll-out"...
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Biden choking off the oil supply is a myth. The only thing limiting American oil production is the price of a barrel of oil. When gas prices are at an acceptable level for Americans much of our supply is too expensive to tap. Biden could hand out all the leases anyone could want but it's still the same thing. Americans don't want to pay for American oil.

You are so seriously ignorant you probably even believe yourself
Developing an oil field takes years. It's not only the wells but the means to get it to market and various other infrastructure. Sadly much of it is just sitting there waiting for a time when they can be sure prices will stay in excess of 90 dollars a barrel.
Oil is sensitive to any interference. Progs interfered. It is not difficult to comprehend. And I am not exactly thrilled with oil companies at times. A difference this time is that the price at the pump have gone down more quickly then in the past when the price of a barrel dropped. We all used to complain how fast it went up while the gas was past production stage and even in gas station tanks and never went down for a period of time with the lowering of oil per barrel. Yes...Progs interfered.
I got such a positive reaction from those two guys.
That I went and put Biden stickers on three other pumps. ... :laugh: :laugh:
Wouldn't it be a gas if the next place Biden goes instead of *Heaven
is some rinky-dink old southern town like in the 40's where he's a
gas station attendant.And wears one them Goober { Of Mayberry }
beenie caps.He's all smiles though,because he's in his element.
That is Until Corn Pop shows up in some Rolls Royce with
neon lights on the floorboards.Like Hollywoods first Black
Millionaire.Stepin' Fetchit.Who was friends with Will Rogers.
Famous quote { I never met a man a didn't like }.
Stepin' Fetchit { Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry } real name,
blew thru his Million.
At his zenith he owned 12 automobiles,and had 16 servants.
Such is Life.

* a new version of Limbo.For Catholics who shoulda known better.
Legislating and applauding the practice of Abortion.
The progressive and Biden were VERY CLEAR on this. They WILL dismantle and destroy the fossil fuel industry BEFORE they invent adequate replacements for it. Outrageous pricing IS their goal. I doubt their gonna admit they're wrong until the electric grid goes down from their EV mandates and the body bags start piling up.

Those stickers will only get more common for the next 2.5 years. Or at least until November.
You're an idiot. And a magamod. You must live for this shit. Retired much?
:lol: Yes, that's what I said. And if you re-read that post, you'll see I said nothing about BLM.

When you equate "defacing property" to terrorism -- I ALREADY KNOW where your going with that. You think I'm stupid? What other possible connection IS there between the 2 things other than the marginal political opinion that the summer 2021 riots were terrorism?

I dont know how anyone would fly from a "sticker" ( like a pre-teen would put in school bathroom) to "defacing property" to TERRORISM -- DO YOU?
You're an idiot. And a magamod. You must live for this shit. Retired much?

I take it your speechless and would rather harass me than correct ANYTHING wrong or inaccurate that I stated in the post you quoted.

CLEARLY -- you gotta assume people with power are GONNA DO what they say they WANNA DO..

Like when all those experts said Putin wouldn't invade. That's absurd. So is believing that Biden is a moderate or that he's NOT completely sold on disemboweling the gas/oil industry and RUNNING UP PRICES OF gasoline.
Yeah it's like I thought. You know why prices are so high but you're counting on the stupidity of others for the sake of partisan politics. Carry on hack.
Biden wants a black woman easy on pedophiles to be on the Supreme Court. That's what we are dealing with.
When you equate "defacing property" to terrorism -- I ALREADY KNOW where your going with that. You think I'm stupid? What other possible connection IS there between the 2 things other than the marginal political opinion that the summer 2021 riots were terrorism?

I dont know how anyone would fly from a "sticker" ( like a pre-teen would put in school bathroom) to "defacing property" to TERRORISM -- DO YOU?

:lol: Actually you didn't know where I was going with it. Don't get me wrong, you started on the right foot. But you landed in the wrong place.

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