I just heard on NPR


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
That we're fixin' to see a slew of new advertising from, of all people, the Health Insurance Industry.

Say we're gonna see new cultural icons join the ranks of Mayhem, Flo and the Geico Gecko.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJxHqVbQEdY]Insurance Mascot Mayhem! Here Mayhem, Flo, the Gecko, Caveman, and the Aflac duck clash! PARODY - YouTube[/ame]
Say the Health Insurance industry is having to scramble to change their image from a "Fuck You - Denied!" bureaucracy protected by layers of government and a lack of competition to one of the choices young people can investigate on their li'l smart-phones.


It seems that it sometimes takes reams of government paperwork to inspire a little competition in a stuffy old industry.

Oh, yea...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJS8j9YYB9w]Born To Be Wild and Easy Rider (Slipshotfilms) - YouTube[/ame]
Happy Friday!!
Competition in the market place - the Rs hate that but its causing insurance premiums to go down and insurance companies to compete for business. That's partly why people are getting refund checks from their insurance companies.

The days are gone of insurance companies deciding who gets treatment and who does not.

Only problem is that, as we've seen, the GObP will fight to keep Americans from getting the same coverage we pay for them to have. If its so bad, why doesn't congress give up their own?

The GOP's Worst Very Likely Nightmare: Obamacare Succeeding - Occupy Democrats
We really didn't need a 2,000 page bill to promote competition.Just allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines.
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We really didn't need a 2,000 page bill to promote competition.

Unfortunately, in the interests of protecting interests, we apparently do.

Otherwise we wouldn't have one, eh? :dunno:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w7SEXOxQ34]Illegal Immigrants Film TV Commercial Lobbying To Be Covered By ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL-PyJfD26o]Taxpayer funded TV commercial touts Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
Then there's the thread about California training schoolchildren to go home and sell insurance to their families.
So? My health insurance just terminated, I am out on a ledge praying that something happens with the healthcare system to make it affordable, because the way it is now I might as well do like the Eskimos and sit on a ice flow and let it carry me away, don't bother the youngin's to help the older folks. And, it will all happen to you and your kids if we don't do something to stop this current train wreck of a healthcare system that charges 25 dollars for an aspirin or 5000 bucks for a cat scan and all that techno baloney. The cost of healthcare now is crazy as opposed to 50 years ago. It needs a fix.
Competition in the market place - the Rs hate that but its causing insurance premiums to go down and insurance companies to compete for business. That's partly why people are getting refund checks from their insurance companies.

The days are gone of insurance companies deciding who gets treatment and who does not.

Only problem is that, as we've seen, the GObP will fight to keep Americans from getting the same coverage we pay for them to have. If its so bad, why doesn't congress give up their own?

The GOP's Worst Very Likely Nightmare: Obamacare Succeeding - Occupy Democrats

I got one of those $20 refund checks a few months before my rate doubled. So now the family are uninsured for the first time in our lives.
well considering 16 million people will be forced to buy ins or get fined, er, taxed, uhm, fucked over by democrat tyrants, any smart company will be out there reeling in the low information buyer with cool looking mascots
Competition in the market place ..

The most important feature of a free market is the freedom. And PPACA takes away freedom, dictating how we finance our healthcare

There is no free market. Only idiots believe that B.S. Universal healthcare was started by the EMTALA signed by Reagan.

Republicans desire to run up massive debts in order to drown the government in the bath tub is why your healthcare cost more & you get paid less. Tax avoiding loopholes for the rich so you can pay more for everything.
The cure is simply make any non catastrophic health insurance policy illegal. Health care costs would fall like a rock.
$20? And double rates?
Yeah right.
That's against the law. So, it either didn't happen or you need to talk to the insurance commission.

In the areas where ObamaCare has been implemented, costs are plummeting. Unless the GObP is allowed to stop it, the insurance companies will no longer be able to price gouge.

Too bad the right refuses to fight back but that would be too much like labor unions and they prefer to lay down and be victims of the people they vote for. Fools.
The cure is simply make any non catastrophic health insurance policy illegal. Health care costs would fall like a rock.

Sounds like yet another rw who gets their health care via EMTALA at the emergency room.


You could count the number of times I've seen a doctor in the past 20 years on 4 fingers. None of them even hit my deductible.

Some people don't run to the doctor every time they get the sniffles.

I gave you the cure for high medical costs. Your simply afraid I'm right!
Competition in the market place ..

The most important feature of a free market is the freedom. And PPACA takes away freedom, dictating how we finance our healthcare

There is no free market. Only idiots believe that B.S.

Its getting less and less free. No doubt about that.
Universal healthcare was started by the EMTALA signed by Reagan.

Yep. Bad law leads to worse law, apparently.

Republicans desire to run up massive debts in order to drown the government in the bath tub is why your healthcare cost more & you get paid less. Tax avoiding loopholes for the rich so you can pay more for everything.

Exactly. Just like the Democrats.

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