...I just realized Lincoln was the Hitler of the 19th century.

The Palestinian cowardly criminal "jihadists" use children as shields.

The Israeli army is the shield in front of its children.
No thread would be complete without some goy golem reiterating Zionist propaganda points. :lol:

Kalam, you are wrong before Allah, who despises you and those like you.
You know nothing of me and even less of Him (SWT).

They seek to deceive Allah and those who believe and they deceive only themselves and they perceive not. In their hearts is a disease, so Allah increased their disease, and for them is a painful chastisement because they lie. And when it is said to them, Make not mischief in the land, they say: We are but peacemakers. Now surely they are the mischief-makers, but they perceive not. And when it is said to them, Believe as the people believe, they say: Shall we believe as the fools believe? Now surely they are the fools, but they know not. - 2:9-13​

You are worse than a non-believer before Allah.

The jihadists are cowards, pure and simple, and terrorist propaganda is just that, jihadist propaganda. Your 'martyrs' are merely dead cowards.
They were morally wrong?

Was Sherman morally right when he marched through the south, ordering his men to commit war crimes that he had previously had men hung for? Moral agents do not commit immoral acts in defense of morality. Perhaps you should check the morality of the people you now claim were the moral ones.

yes. they were morally wrong. there is no justification for owning another person... not ever.

was sherman right?

yes.... and he didn't commit war crimes. I really don't think it appropriate to measure warfare then against warfare now... and even then, I'm not certain that given the same limitations as to firepower, that the same type of warmaking wouldn't be appropriate.

He ordered his men to commit acts that he had hung them for just the year before. As a graduate of West Point he knew about the laws and customs of war, and had probably heard about Peter von Hagenbach, who was convicted of war crimes in 1474. Why are you assuming that war crimes is a modern convention? The Hague Convention was based on treaties and conventions that date back to the 7th century.

I am not holding him to modern standards, i am trying to hold him to his.

Windbag, stop the huffing and puffing. Give some evidence of Sherman's war crimes.
Champ Ferguson
might tell you a thing or two about murdering civilians.

"...At the start of the war, Ferguson organized a unit and started attacking civilians believed to support the Union. Occasionally, his guerrilla band cooperated with Confederate military units led by Brig. Gen. John Hunt Morgan and Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler. Some evidence indicates Ferguson was actually made a captain of partisan rangers by Morgan. However, Ferguson's men were seldom subject to military discipline and frequently violated the normal rules of warfare.
There are legends of Ferguson's alleged sadism, including stories that he decapitated prisoners and rolled their heads down hillsides and was willing to kill elderly and bedridden men."​
How about Jefferson Davis' Partisan Ranger Act

How about the other guerrilla forces the Confederates used?

When you acknowledge those, you have to then acknowledge the Confederate Government and the civilian South shared some of the blame for the Union's hard war policy.
You Southern folks really need to get over this Civil War fixation of yours.

You fought, you lost. Move on it's 2010.


'You black people really need to get over this slavery fixtation of yours.'

'You jewish people really need to get over this holocaust fixation of yours.'

'You female people really need to get over this non-voting fixation of yours.'

'You anti-Bush people really need to get over this 'stolen-election' fixation of yours.'

'You fought, you lost. Move on its 2010.'

The Southern way of live was an evil in American life, while blacks, jews, women, etc., fought the good fight. The South fought the bad fight, and it was right, proper, and justified that it was destroyed. Get over it, for true pride in Southern heritage does not include defending its role in the Civil War.
JBs practiced it.


You've evidence of shit assertion?
How does that excuse our ancestors from doing it, and how does that excuse us from realizing that whites in this country after 1900 had very specific entitlements that peoples of color did not?

Those of us who came out of lower working white class environments benefited because we were white

O rly? Your 'White Privilege' was being poor and having to work just like the Negroes have the opportunity to do?
, thus our descendants benefited from our advantages


Are you retarded?

Anyone here Irish whose ancestors built the railroads next to the Chinese?

Your argument is pathetic. The descendents of whites, including the Irish, had advantages because they were white that the peoples of colors did not.

If you deny that, you are either incredibly ignorant or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated.

Are you white supremacist, JB?
Were those Southern civilians ACTIVELY aiding and abetting the Confederate cause?

I am beginning to realize that some here whose argumentation I admire in other threads are merely racist and support white supremacy here, although they are not brave enough to own up to it.
The descendents of whites, including the Irish, had advantages because they were white that the peoples of colors did not.


What are the negroes denied today? They're even given preferential treatment and have since 'Affirmative Action' began.

The Negroe's continued failure is the fault of only the Negroe.

Are you white supremacist, JB?

Sure, why not, it's always amusing to watch you make a bigger fool of yourself than usual.
The Confederates were not fighting for government
of the people,
by the people,
for the people -- The only people they fought for were white Southerners.

And the Union had slaves, too. And Lincoln made it clear he had no intention of freeing them.

Nobody in that war was fighting a just war.
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Because I refuse to blame the Evil White Man for all the world's ills?
No, because of your words here.
That, and your use of a vile racist slur to describe black people.

Did you not receive your latest census form?

Wait, I get it now- Obama's a white supremacist!
You used much worse than the term "Negro" - that word means black. It is not racist.

You know the slur you've used here - and it is despicable.
JB is a specious arguer, he is clearly racist, and I believe he is a white supremacist.

I can honor KevinKennedy for his argument, as wrong as it is, because it is grounded in the Constitution.

JB, on the other hand, is grounded in the dynamics of race, which is vile.
JB is a specious arguer, he is clearly racist, and I believe he is a white supremacist.

I can honor KevinKennedy for his argument, as wrong as it is, because it is grounded in the Constitution.

JB, on the other hand, is grounded in the dynamics of race, which is vile.
I agree with everything you wrote here.
I have run out of rep, paper view, but I will catch you up with it when I can. JB is fun to read in other threads, but his racisim, like Proletarian's, when it pops out makes me feel ill. I wonder why he hates.
I have run out of rep, paper view, but I will catch you up with it when I can. JB is fun to read in other threads, but his racisim, like Proletarian's, when it pops out makes me feel ill. I wonder why he hates.
Thanks JS.

Like most racists, it is to award themselves a sense of superiority and compensate for their own insecurities and lack of self-esteem.

Simple, really.
You Southern folks really need to get over this Civil War fixation of yours.

You fought, you lost. Move on it's 2010.


'You black people really need to get over this slavery fixtation of yours.'

'You jewish people really need to get over this holocaust fixation of yours.'

'You female people really need to get over this non-voting fixation of yours.'


'You fought, you lost. Move on its 2010.'

What you appear to be saying is blacks, Jews and women are justified in holding a long grudge for their oppression.

I don't think you really meant to do that, did you?

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