I just watched Zelensky help take the wheels off of the democrats wagon.

Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Well he is a "dick"

And you're a shit for brains with no imagination or creativity. Lack of originality is a sure sign of a limited IQ.
Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Are you really that cluless and out of touch. BITCH. If you can't keep up, shut up.
Man you got blessed with a double dose of asshole.
Better an asshole than a dumbass like you.
Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Well he is a "dick"

And you're a shit for brains with no imagination or creativity. Lack of originality is a sure sign of a limited IQ.

Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Are you really that cluless and out of touch. BITCH. If you can't keep up, shut up.
Man you got blessed with a double dose of asshole.
Better an asshole than a dumbass like you.

that will teach him! well done!!!!!! :290968001256257790-final::21::21::21::21:
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.


1. Since when a POTUS asking a foreign leader to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

2. Since when a POTUS using his own personal attorney and AG to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

3. Calling foreign leader will stop corruption of foreign countries. How?

4. I read the transcript. Nothing mentioned....... YOU Zelensky your government is corrupt do something.

IMO ..... Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

I don't see any of what you claim in the transcript.

Show me where you think he did any of that and then explain hunter being paid 50k a week with no knowledge or experience in the field.

Read Trump's phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

The President: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy.

We've all seen it already. It was posted earlier this morning.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Are you really that cluless and out of touch. BITCH. If you can't keep up, shut up.
Man you got blessed with a double dose of asshole.
Better an asshole than a dumbass like you.
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
I think he was calling Biden Ukraine and China's Bitch, and Obama & Clinton, Russia's Bitch.

What did Biden do? He abused his authority and blackmailed The Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor that was investigating Biden's son's corruption and taking bribes and kickbacks.
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe.

Umm yea dumbass, Zilensky will double talk all day long to stay on Trump's good side (and Democrats good side too btw). If he fails to keep American aid and support his fragile government will get swallowed whole by Russians.

To questions if Trump pressured his govenrment he will say things like "I didn't feel pressured", which is of course not an actual denial that Trump admin pressured them. No one can fact check feelings.
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:

How does recognizing Trump for what he is make me not a libertarian? We libertarians had Trump figured out a long time ago.

you try too hard.

The questionable part is why he used his own private attorney to conduct what he is claiming was official government business.

You parrot the progressive talking points every single time mr fraud. You're no libertarian. Libertarians think. You don't.

Exactly !!
How does recognizing Trump for what he is make me not a libertarian? We libertarians had Trump figured out a long time ago.

you try too hard.

The questionable part is why he used his own private attorney to conduct what he is claiming was official government business.

You parrot the progressive talking points every single time mr fraud. You're no libertarian. Libertarians think. You don't.

And lo and behold, like progressive parrot/village idiots everywhere, when cornered you respond with a laughing emoji.

The jokes on you....clownboi.

why did you reply to yourself?

do you often call yourself a clownboi?

Because you didn't respond, clownboi.

So, since I did not respond, you choose to talk to yourself.

That says a lot about you.

You not going after the crooked democrats says a lot about you !!
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Just too funny. You run the facts by him and the wrain bashed Trumpnik calls you names and then turns to typical Trumponian deflection.
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!
Trump asked the Ukrainian President for assistance in an investigation into the truth.....he didn't ask him to find dirt or manufacture dirt on Biden the way Biden, Obama, and Hillary did on Trump.

Trump’s pursuit of personal hobby horses like Crowdstrike and the Bidens are discordant notes and worthy of criticism, but there’s no hint of a threat or quid pro quo, and Zelensky brought up the Biden issue first in his mention of Rudy Giuliani.
Source: Zelensky: Did I feel pressured by Trump? Naah; Update: "Nobody pushed me"
It's not what the phone transcripts show that is important.....it's how badly we can talk about what was in the call and what false conclusions we can come to.

You omitted on what lies can be created by the Left. As of today no foreign leader will speak to a president in the future when they know it can be used by Democrats to expose any conversation that should be kept secret...
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!
Trump asked the Ukrainian President for assistance in an investigation into the truth.....he didn't ask him to find dirt or manufacture dirt on Biden the way Biden, Obama, and Hillary did on Trump.

Trump’s pursuit of personal hobby horses like Crowdstrike and the Bidens are discordant notes and worthy of criticism, but there’s no hint of a threat or quid pro quo, and Zelensky brought up the Biden issue first in his mention of Rudy Giuliani.
Source: Zelensky: Did I feel pressured by Trump? Naah; Update: "Nobody pushed me"
Thus the dishonesty of the whistleblower or mudwhistle is evident by the above.
Did anyone expect the Ukrainian President to slam trump and lose more military aid? USE YOUR BRAIN!

Of course the Ukrainian President is going to say "No Pressure...."

trump is evil....corrupt. trump think he can do whatever comes to his mind....HE IS NOT A KING!
Did anyone expect the Ukrainian President to slam trump and lose more military aid? USE YOUR BRAIN!

Of course the Ukrainian President is going to say "No Pressure...."

trump is evil....corrupt. trump think he can do whatever comes to his mind....HE IS NOT A KING!

The men has judged trump as the hero and his rallies prove he has the real power
Well this ass backwards thread really fell on its face.

In reality, the wagon is picking up speed, while Zelensky pulled the rug out from under the right wing biden fantasies.

Maybe we should let this thread die. Out of mercy.
Last edited:
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Sorry, but he's lying. Just like Pompeo, McCarthy, Barr, et al.
And besides, the proof is in black and white. You seem to know how to read and write, so start with the transcript that Trump SO FOOLISHLY released. What a fucking idiot.

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