I just watched Zelensky help take the wheels off of the democrats wagon.

Sometimes talking to oneself is the best way to make a point to a partisan whore. Such as yourself. Call it the Socratic Method. Of course, you have to be educated to understand what that means.

Clearly you are not an educated person.

Sort of cute you of all people calling anyone a partisan whore...you whose nose is so far up Trump's ass you know what he had to drink this morning.
Partisan Whore!

Thanks once again for moving us all closer to a Severe Ass Beating for The DimTard Blue Dribble in 2020
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
clinton had the cigar.
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
clinton had the cigar.
That's right I forgot or did Monica have it last.
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
clinton had the cigar.
That's right I forgot or did Monica have it last.
anyone see her walking silly lately?
Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?

I suggest you look at who is calling Shokin corrupt. The very companies and people he was investigating. It is a very common tactic to accuse those of what it is that you are doing.

None of that is compelling.
Shokin was investigating World Bank and the countries of the EU? Those are the people who were concerned that corruption wasn't being prosecuted and wanted an AG in there who would prosecute it. I think I recall you being a believer in the Evil Deep State, though, so you probably think all those people are crooks, too, and poor hapless oligarchs like the previous President of Ukraine and the owner of Burisma were just innocent victims of the global press to stamp out independence.

The President's conversation can be read at the literal level as a nothing burger, or at the deep conspiracy level as damning evidence of crime. Trump has been a businessman a long time; he's too wiley to get caught actually saying something that would get him arrested. Doesn't mean he doesn't do that stuff, though. I can't prove it. I can't prove Hillary Clinton was up to her eyeballs in stuff that was a hairbreadth's shy of being illegal. But like Trump, she's too good to get caught.

We're never gonna know, Westwall, but your boy ain't no Boy Scout.
Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Are you really that cluless and out of touch. BITCH. If you can't keep up, shut up.
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.

The second trump became POTUS, His family stopped doing international business deals. Within weeks of biden becoming VP his family STARTED doing international business deals.

That is as simple as I can make it for you.

Had trump's kids done anything like this you would be screaming "emoluments" for weeks.

You know it, and I know it.
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.


1. Since when a POTUS asking a foreign leader to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

2. Since when a POTUS using his own personal attorney and AG to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

3. Calling foreign leader will stop corruption of foreign countries. How?

4. I read the transcript. Nothing mentioned....... YOU Zelensky your government is corrupt do something.

IMO ..... Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.


1. Since when a POTUS asking a foreign leader to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

2. Since when a POTUS using his own personal attorney and AG to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

3. Calling foreign leader will stop corruption of foreign countries. How?

4. I read the transcript. Nothing mentioned....... YOU Zelensky your government is corrupt do something.

IMO ..... Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

I don't see any of what you claim in the transcript.

Show me where you think he did any of that and then explain hunter being paid 50k a week with no knowledge or experience in the field.
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
You mean Biden's coke snorting son?
Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

Only a brainless idiot would think that.

Correction: Only a completely brain dead moron would expect the head of a country fighting for its very existence, and heavily dependent on U.S. aid, publicly, before international news networks, to embarrass the president of the U.S.

Dumber than dirt.
Last edited:
Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.


1. Since when a POTUS asking a foreign leader to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

2. Since when a POTUS using his own personal attorney and AG to dig dirt of his political enemies acceptable?

3. Calling foreign leader will stop corruption of foreign countries. How?

4. I read the transcript. Nothing mentioned....... YOU Zelensky your government is corrupt do something.

IMO ..... Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

I don't see any of what you claim in the transcript.

Show me where you think he did any of that and then explain hunter being paid 50k a week with no knowledge or experience in the field.

Do board members always have knowledge or experience in the field, or even normally?

The president of Poland is on their board, does he have knowledge or experience in the field?
And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Well he is a "dick"
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.
Just a rundown of the facts, with no spin. Obama supported investigations into corruption; he didn't want to be throwing good money after bad, either. The owner of Burisma fled to Russia with Veshenko before the Bidens arrived on the scene. The EU and the World Bank, as well as Obama, wanted Shokin out because he was AG and was not prosecuting corruption in his country. Anyone planning to be a creditor or give aid had a good reason to want the corruption stopped.

This article pretty much lays out the basic facts. I'm confused why Biden needs any underlying motive to get rid of Shokin--he had Obama and most of the developed world telling him to. It wasn't some big secret at the time.

What Were The Bidens Doing In Ukraine? 5 Questions Answered

The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?
Spin it bitch. Now let's talks about how Biden's kid figures into all of this. You seem to have left that out. I'm sure it just slipped your mind.

BTW not even close and NO cigar.
What are you saying Biden's son did? Be specific, please.
Are you really that cluless and out of touch. BITCH. If you can't keep up, shut up.
Man you got blessed with a double dose of asshole.
Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.

Because Ukraine suffers from systemic, and long running corruption. Trump doesn't want US Taxpayer money going to corruptocrats so it makes perfect sense to check up on what Ukraine is doing investigation wise to a KNOWN incredibly corrupt company.

Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:

How does recognizing Trump for what he is make me not a libertarian? We libertarians had Trump figured out a long time ago.

you try too hard.

The questionable part is why he used his own private attorney to conduct what he is claiming was official government business.

Zilensky was on a live interview on TV just now and he denied any hanky panky with Trump regarding sleepy Joe. So yet again the democrats have shit the bed. Stick a fork in em, they're done.
This friggin fiasco didn't even take 48 hours and it was done before it got started. I guess the shitheads didn't remember that both parties were handy at the UN and handy for live TV coverage. DUH!

Did he have any choice? Had he said otherwise Trump would have cut all their aide.

And you claim to be a libertarian! HAH! There is nothing in the conversation even remotely questionable....unless you are a died in the wool partisan whore.

Hello partisan whore!:bye1:
Westwall, answer me this: What is the logical reason that Trump would care about or try to resurrect an investigation into a prosecutor who was removed....how many years ago now? Other than to smear Biden, I mean.
Because as part of the Spygate investigation and because of FISA abuses that are being investigated....Trump saw the comments when Biden was talking about bribing Ukraine into laying off his kid.

Ukraine was deeply involved in the Russian Collusion hoax.
It's pretty much part of the same conspiracy.


1. How long did the Lefties harp on Russia?

2. How about the Don Jr?

3. Shiff has evidence and will release it?

4. Good old Bob has the goods on Trump?

Will ANYONE with 1/2 a brain, EVER believe the Lefties again, lolololol. They are not only phony baloneys, they are INCOMPETENT phony baloneys-) Put a fork in the Lefties, they embarrassed themselves, embarrassed their supporters who I guess they felt they had to lie to, and EMBARRASSED THE WHOLE COUNTRY!

And they want to lead?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

They are nothing more than the Keystone Cops on steroids, who when they shoot, end up shooting themselves and all of us in the foot! LAUGH at them, even if they are nothing more than PATHETIC SOCIALISTS, lolololol!

FOOTNOTE------------> Now you ANTIFA sissies put on your mask, and go cause some trouble like always. You are the new HITLER YOUTH! Come try it down my way. We will kick your ass all over the place, and you will beg for arrest for protection...…...you bunch of PUSS***!
The only alarm bells I hear right now are why the new president of Ukraine is calling Shokin a good prosecutor. Have they hired someone in the Moscow old boys club again?

I think you might have misunderstood Zelensky. He sure wouldn't call Shokin a "a good prosecutor."

Otherwise, your posting was spot-on. Oh, Dick is just a particularly vulgar troll. He's also a moron, but don't tell him.

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