i keep hearing from the Democrats, that Joe Biden did a great job while president. If so, why do you want him not running?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015

Joe Biden is being hailed as a president who could get things done. But then why are the Democrats happy that Joe stepped aside for a colored woman that didnt do anything for the country let alone Joe? I wish the reporters would ask the question to those who talk about how great Joe did, "If Joe did such a great job, why did you want him to step down?"
i keep hearing from the Democrats, that Joe Biden did a great job while president. If so, why do you want him not running?

Joe did a swell job, too good for most Americans. We just don't deserve Joe, he did so swell in fact that he needs to save himself and coast for a while letting someone else take over while Joe saves himself for his next great mission--- maybe ambassador to China or president of the UN? :smoke:
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Joe Biden is being hailed as a president who could get things done. But then why are the Democrats happy that Joe stepped aside for a colored woman that didnt do anything for the country let alone Joe? I wish the reporters would ask the question to those who talk about how great Joe did, "If Joe did such a great job, why did you want him to step down?"
Because he can't beat Trump this year.

As literally everyone has said, as the reason.

JFC, clean out your earballs.
View attachment 981322

Joe Biden is being hailed as a president who could get things done. But then why are the Democrats happy that Joe stepped aside for a colored woman that didnt do anything for the country let alone Joe? I wish the reporters would ask the question to those who talk about how great Joe did, "If Joe did such a great job, why did you want him to step down?"
Because we can admit when the end has been reached. And anyone who supported Biden who saw that debate...knew the end had been reached, despite the fact that Trump that night...was a pathological liar and couldn't actually relay ANY policy that he would undertake to make the lives of voting Americans better.

And Fox's list here. #1...I wish. It would go a long way to helping get our deficit and debt under control. #2 and #3...well...Republicans.
Let's see #4 is going to happen via technology advance whether you want it to or not.
For fuck sake, stop whining about Keystone XL. It was going to be 2032 before ONE DROP of oil went through that pipeline. :)
#6....well, that didn't happen, and #7, why do you give a fuck if it doesn't affect you?
Because we can admit when the end has been reached.
Thing is that the Ds have claimed Trump was finished and done a DOZEN times over yet he is MORE POPULAR now than he was in 2020 or 2016! Even an assassin's bullet couldn't stop Trump; he still has a full tank of gas.

And anyone who supported Biden who saw that debate...knew the end had been reached, despite the fact that Trump that night...was a pathological liar
Funny you say that as fact-checking shows that Biden told MORE lies and BIGGER ones! Whereas Trump exaggerates or stretches the truth, Joe tells BOLD FACED completely untrue lies.
Thing is that the Ds have claimed Trump was finished and done a DOZEN times over yet he is MORE POPULAR now than he was in 2020 or 2016! Even an assassin's bullet couldn't stop Trump; he still has a full tank of gas.

Funny you say that as fact-checking shows that Biden told MORE lies and BIGGER ones! Whereas Trump exaggerates or stretches the truth, Joe tells BOLD FACED completely untrue lies.
Trump would only be finished if Republicans and conservative sent him to the showers. That has to begin with the voters.

For the record, I expect a career politician like Biden to stretch the truth or tell the occasional lie to stretch the campaign point.

But Trump's lies???..are on another plane of existence. :)

I keep hearing from the Democrats, that Joe Biden did a great job while president.​

It was a SWELL job, if you wanted:
  1. The most horrible military pullout disaster in history.
  2. 20 million crazed illegals storming your country looking for freebies.
  3. 40% inflation.
  4. Food shortages.
  5. Rampant crime in every city.
  6. Twice as many Covid deaths as under Trump (WITH the vaccination).
  7. Watching us DRAGGED into TWO wars costing us hundreds of billions of dollars.
  8. The legalization of 52 genders, men competing in woman's sports and the sexualization/perversion of children.
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Trump would only be finished if Republicans and conservative sent him to the showers. That has to begin with the voters.

For the record, I expect a career politician like Biden to stretch the truth or tell the occasional lie to stretch the campaign point.

But Trump's lies???..are on another plane of existence. :)
And you know most republican officials and politicians despise Trump.
Yes, possibly.

The career, squeaky clean prosecutor who made a career out of debating professional debaters into the dirt...? yes, definitely has a chance.
Yes, she's a great role model for young women. Got her career starting sucking the dick of a married man. Oh, and she put casual pot users in prison for very long sentences so she could profit off their slave labor, and now, her job seems to be giggling.

You'll believe anything you're told to believe, won't you? Moron.

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