I know it won't make a difference to the radicalized people....

The president of the United States makes approximately $400,000 a year plus many other perks and benefits. A surgeon averages $250,000 a year saving lives and relieving pain and suffering. The president of the United States causes and allows social and economic pain and suffering. A stripper can make $500.00 a night or more showing her ass and swinging on a pole. A lawyer can make $Millions a year helping the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, and celebrities beat criminal charges. A preacher can make $Millions selling religion. A used car salesman can make $80,000 a year selling junk cars.

So, your point is? If everything fair? Are wages fair across the board? Are some worth more than they're paid? Are some paid way more than they're worth? Is a U.S. Congressperson worth what taxpayers are paying them? Considering the perks and benefits that a member of Congress gets, are they worth it? Are some people in this country over-paid? Are some people in this country under-paid? Is life fair? Is there an absolute value for everything and everyone? Is a meal really worth $80.00 just because it's served in an elite neighborhood, and in a fancy building? Is a cup of coffee at Starbucks really worth $8.00?

Think about it.

The point is, you are not "owed" by anyone. flipping burgers DESERVES less money - I don't care if the industry demands it or not. If the business determines they WANT to pay more to a fast food employee, fine, but the Gov't should not mandate a minimum wage of $15 per hour. That is the Government making decisions for businesses and is a very leftwing/liberal agenda.


You are subsidizing the businesses that underpay their workers through your taxes.

Why should any business be entitled to taxpayer subsidized workers?

And before you decide that you want to eliminate subsidies for underpaid workers you will have to deal with rampant crime if you go down that path.

Paying anyone who works 8 hours a day a living wage means lower taxes for everyone else.

Think about it.

I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".
Does that include luxuries such as cable TV? You can live well pretty cheap.
The problem is, our standard of living is so high things that are luxuries people view as necessities.
A "living wage" is defined as one that allows a worker to be self-supporting, without the need for assistance. It varies depending on where a worker lives. It cost more to live in New York City than it does to live in Jackson Mississippi. And, it does NOT include luxuries, nor a lifestyle of luxury. It includes food, water, shelter, clothing, and health care. And, in some cases, transportation.

Still people can have varying opinions on this. To have a "real" discussion about this, I would need to see WHO came up with this and HOW they come up with this....
It's self explanatory. There's no other way to say it. What difference would it make who came up with it? They came to the conclusion based on common sense and simple logic. It's not rocket science, and it doesn't take years of study to determine what a "living wage" is. In other words, just ask the simple question, "what does it take for a worker to be self-supporting"? The answer is as I have already stated. A "living wage" allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance ( food stamps, SSI, etc. ). It includes the basics for survival. Food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, and in some cases, transportation. Just plain ol' common sense and simple logic, NOT rocket science.
The point is, you are not "owed" by anyone. flipping burgers DESERVES less money - I don't care if the industry demands it or not. If the business determines they WANT to pay more to a fast food employee, fine, but the Gov't should not mandate a minimum wage of $15 per hour. That is the Government making decisions for businesses and is a very leftwing/liberal agenda.


You are subsidizing the businesses that underpay their workers through your taxes.

Why should any business be entitled to taxpayer subsidized workers?

And before you decide that you want to eliminate subsidies for underpaid workers you will have to deal with rampant crime if you go down that path.

Paying anyone who works 8 hours a day a living wage means lower taxes for everyone else.

Think about it.

I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".
Does that include luxuries such as cable TV? You can live well pretty cheap.
The problem is, our standard of living is so high things that are luxuries people view as necessities.
A "living wage" is defined as one that allows a worker to be self-supporting, without the need for assistance. It varies depending on where a worker lives. It cost more to live in New York City than it does to live in Jackson Mississippi. And, it does NOT include luxuries, nor a lifestyle of luxury. It includes food, water, shelter, clothing, and health care. And, in some cases, transportation.

Still people can have varying opinions on this. To have a "real" discussion about this, I would need to see WHO came up with this and HOW they come up with this....
It's self explanatory. There's no other way to say it. What difference would it make who came up with it? They came to the conclusion based on common sense and simple logic. It's not rocket science, and it doesn't take years of study to determine what a "living wage" is. In other words, just ask the simple question, "what does it take for a worker to be self-supporting"? The answer is as I have already stated. A "living wage" allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance ( food stamps, SSI, etc. ). It includes the basics for survival. Food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, and in some cases, transportation. Just plain ol' common sense and simple logic, NOT rocket science.

So you are saying $15 an hour doesn't include (as part of shelter) TV, cable, etc. Just rent and/or mortgage?
All these things you list vary, and there is the definition of BASIC and it DOES matter who comes up with them and how they do instead of just "ASSUMING" people know what they are doing.............. smart ass.....
You are subsidizing the businesses that underpay their workers through your taxes.

Why should any business be entitled to taxpayer subsidized workers?

And before you decide that you want to eliminate subsidies for underpaid workers you will have to deal with rampant crime if you go down that path.

Paying anyone who works 8 hours a day a living wage means lower taxes for everyone else.

Think about it.

I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".
Does that include luxuries such as cable TV? You can live well pretty cheap.
The problem is, our standard of living is so high things that are luxuries people view as necessities.
A "living wage" is defined as one that allows a worker to be self-supporting, without the need for assistance. It varies depending on where a worker lives. It cost more to live in New York City than it does to live in Jackson Mississippi. And, it does NOT include luxuries, nor a lifestyle of luxury. It includes food, water, shelter, clothing, and health care. And, in some cases, transportation.

Still people can have varying opinions on this. To have a "real" discussion about this, I would need to see WHO came up with this and HOW they come up with this....
It's self explanatory. There's no other way to say it. What difference would it make who came up with it? They came to the conclusion based on common sense and simple logic. It's not rocket science, and it doesn't take years of study to determine what a "living wage" is. In other words, just ask the simple question, "what does it take for a worker to be self-supporting"? The answer is as I have already stated. A "living wage" allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance ( food stamps, SSI, etc. ). It includes the basics for survival. Food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, and in some cases, transportation. Just plain ol' common sense and simple logic, NOT rocket science.

So you are saying $15 an hour doesn't include (as part of shelter) TV, cable, etc. Just rent and/or mortgage?
All these things you list vary, and there is the definition of BASIC and it DOES matter who comes up with them and how they do instead of just "ASSUMING" people know what they are doing.............. smart ass.....
Just THINK !!!!! .... Geez ... this isn't rocket science. And, I said absolutely NOTHING about $15.00 an hour. I said that a living wage would depend on where a worker lives. I have already explained it. But, for your benefit, I'll say it one more time. It cost more for a worker to live in New York City than it does for a worker living in Jackson Mississippi. Read it several times so that you understand it this time around ........ Geez ........ are you awake yet this morning?

Basic living includes food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, and in some cases, transportation. NOT luxuries, and NOT a lifestyle of luxury. Please try hard to comprehend this. It's very simple and easy to understand.
some people know how to stretch a dollar better than others.
we are not all entitled to cable TV and cell phones.
There are quite a few jobs that literally do require a cell phone just to know when to come into work or keep in touch with bosses or clients...
Is that supposed to be a meaningful contribution here?

Irony alert!!
So your answer is "No, it was not supposed to be a meaningful contribution". Thanks for admitting your irrelevance.
I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".
Does that include luxuries such as cable TV? You can live well pretty cheap.
The problem is, our standard of living is so high things that are luxuries people view as necessities.
A "living wage" is defined as one that allows a worker to be self-supporting, without the need for assistance. It varies depending on where a worker lives. It cost more to live in New York City than it does to live in Jackson Mississippi. And, it does NOT include luxuries, nor a lifestyle of luxury. It includes food, water, shelter, clothing, and health care. And, in some cases, transportation.

Still people can have varying opinions on this. To have a "real" discussion about this, I would need to see WHO came up with this and HOW they come up with this....
It's self explanatory. There's no other way to say it. What difference would it make who came up with it? They came to the conclusion based on common sense and simple logic. It's not rocket science, and it doesn't take years of study to determine what a "living wage" is. In other words, just ask the simple question, "what does it take for a worker to be self-supporting"? The answer is as I have already stated. A "living wage" allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance ( food stamps, SSI, etc. ). It includes the basics for survival. Food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, and in some cases, transportation. Just plain ol' common sense and simple logic, NOT rocket science.

So you are saying $15 an hour doesn't include (as part of shelter) TV, cable, etc. Just rent and/or mortgage?
All these things you list vary, and there is the definition of BASIC and it DOES matter who comes up with them and how they do instead of just "ASSUMING" people know what they are doing.............. smart ass.....
Just THINK !!!!! .... Geez ... this isn't rocket science. And, I said absolutely NOTHING about $15.00 an hour. I said that a living wage would depend on where a worker lives. I have already explained it. But, for your benefit, I'll say it one more time. It cost more for a worker to live in New York City than it does for a worker living in Jackson Mississippi. Read it several times so that you understand it this time around ........ Geez ........ are you awake yet this morning?

Basic living includes food, water, shelter, clothing, health care, and in some cases, transportation. NOT luxuries, and NOT a lifestyle of luxury. Please try hard to comprehend this. It's very simple and easy to understand.

alright I'll let it go cause I'm too lazy to continue.... you are starting to sound like my husband!!! :biggrin:
But sometimes it has to simplified for some people to understand the argument.

View attachment 45796

Tell us who exactly the man is on the left. His job, his employer.
I guess you're blind....His employer matters not one whit. He is an EMT worker.....

But we all know that anyone can walk off the street and just start doing EMS work, right?
No, but for 1600 you can take a fourteen week course and be employable. Depending on the state you live in you can earn from 14 to 35 per hour.
What? You mean like....getting more education and making yourself more valuable to an employer!

Why hasn't anyone on these forums ever said to do just that............

I pulled myself and all four of my kids up out of poverty. Barely. And I work with, and have worked with, the population you're crippling for decades.

If you expect me to believe you worked multiple jobs with four kids, paid all your bills yourself without a dime of assistance then you have really underestimated my level of intelligence.

I know what it takes to start from the very bottom and you didn't do it alone, not with four kids in tow.
I only had two kids at a time. Like in separate litters.

Yes indeed I started at the bottom, and never received child support. You can believe it or not, there are people who have known me for years on here who know it's true.

Yes, you can do it alone and I did.
You admitted on this board that you got earned income tax credits. You are part of the working poor being subsidized by tax payers because your employers don't pay a living wage.

Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.
I pulled myself and all four of my kids up out of poverty. Barely. And I work with, and have worked with, the population you're crippling for decades.

If you expect me to believe you worked multiple jobs with four kids, paid all your bills yourself without a dime of assistance then you have really underestimated my level of intelligence.

I know what it takes to start from the very bottom and you didn't do it alone, not with four kids in tow.
I only had two kids at a time. Like in separate litters.

Yes indeed I started at the bottom, and never received child support. You can believe it or not, there are people who have known me for years on here who know it's true.

Yes, you can do it alone and I did.
You admitted on this board that you got earned income tax credits. You are part of the working poor being subsidized by tax payers because your employers don't pay a living wage.

Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.

But if she had received Child Support (as she should have) she would not have been in this position....
If you expect me to believe you worked multiple jobs with four kids, paid all your bills yourself without a dime of assistance then you have really underestimated my level of intelligence.

I know what it takes to start from the very bottom and you didn't do it alone, not with four kids in tow.
I only had two kids at a time. Like in separate litters.

Yes indeed I started at the bottom, and never received child support. You can believe it or not, there are people who have known me for years on here who know it's true.

Yes, you can do it alone and I did.
You admitted on this board that you got earned income tax credits. You are part of the working poor being subsidized by tax payers because your employers don't pay a living wage.

Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.

But if she had received Child Support (as she should have) she would not have been in this position....
If she hadn't reproduced she wouldn't either. Talk about a non sequitur.
I only had two kids at a time. Like in separate litters.

Yes indeed I started at the bottom, and never received child support. You can believe it or not, there are people who have known me for years on here who know it's true.

Yes, you can do it alone and I did.
You admitted on this board that you got earned income tax credits. You are part of the working poor being subsidized by tax payers because your employers don't pay a living wage.

Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.

But if she had received Child Support (as she should have) she would not have been in this position....
If she hadn't reproduced she wouldn't either. Talk about a non sequitur.

Yes, but purposefully NOT going after child support puts the burden on the Government.
So, instead of the FATHER making up the difference, the Government is, all because (making an assumption here) the mother is too lazy (or proud) to go after the Father for child support.
I pulled myself and all four of my kids up out of poverty. Barely. And I work with, and have worked with, the population you're crippling for decades.

If you expect me to believe you worked multiple jobs with four kids, paid all your bills yourself without a dime of assistance then you have really underestimated my level of intelligence.

I know what it takes to start from the very bottom and you didn't do it alone, not with four kids in tow.
I only had two kids at a time. Like in separate litters.

Yes indeed I started at the bottom, and never received child support. You can believe it or not, there are people who have known me for years on here who know it's true.

Yes, you can do it alone and I did.
You admitted on this board that you got earned income tax credits. You are part of the working poor being subsidized by tax payers because your employers don't pay a living wage.

Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.

Now, back to the OP, which is about minimum wage. Why do Republicans hate the working man?

We don't, we hate Democrats because they love to kill babies and sell their parts, want the Jews to die in ovens again, and hate America, and because they are so moronically hyperbolic......
You admitted on this board that you got earned income tax credits. You are part of the working poor being subsidized by tax payers because your employers don't pay a living wage.

Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.

But if she had received Child Support (as she should have) she would not have been in this position....
If she hadn't reproduced she wouldn't either. Talk about a non sequitur.

Yes, but purposefully NOT going after child support puts the burden on the Government.
So, instead of the FATHER making up the difference, the Government is, all because (making an assumption here) the mother is too lazy (or proud) to go after the Father for child support.
Not too lazy or proud to take a government handout.
Who's to blame and how do we fix it?
It's easy to criticize and finger point. How about solutions or suggestions?

First we need FACTS...

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage of the total hourly workers of 51,582,090

In 1989 3,162,000 or 50% LESS working at minimum wage of the 62,000,000 people working at hourly wage

In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

Finally in 2013 there were 3,300,000 working at minimum or 4.3% of 76,744,186 that work at hourly.

AND of the 3.3 million working at minimum wage:
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 21 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared
with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and the remaining at age 16 to 24 years,1,797,000 at or below minimum wage.
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

Facts are that raising the wages will cost these kids jobs.
The effect is going to be on the employees," said Muriel Sterling, the owner of a small Oakland-based child care business, on a conference call to discuss the study. "People are [letting] employees go and increasing the duties of the employees present." She added, "It's a bad situation."

To be sure, 70 percent of businesses that responded were small employers with fewer than 15 employees, and those smaller businesses may be less capable of absorbing higher labor costs than larger corporations.
Feeling the pain of a 12.25 minimum wage - CBS News
Really, is that true?

Yes it is true.

But if she had received Child Support (as she should have) she would not have been in this position....
If she hadn't reproduced she wouldn't either. Talk about a non sequitur.

Yes, but purposefully NOT going after child support puts the burden on the Government.
So, instead of the FATHER making up the difference, the Government is, all because (making an assumption here) the mother is too lazy (or proud) to go after the Father for child support.
Not too lazy or proud to take a government handout.

Who's to blame and how do we fix it?
It's easy to criticize and finger point. How about solutions or suggestions?

First we need FACTS...

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage of the total hourly workers of 51,582,090

In 1989 3,162,000 or 50% LESS working at minimum wage of the 62,000,000 people working at hourly wage

In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

Finally in 2013 there were 3,300,000 working at minimum or 4.3% of 76,744,186 that work at hourly.

AND of the 3.3 million working at minimum wage:
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 21 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared
with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and the remaining at age 16 to 24 years,1,797,000 at or below minimum wage.
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

Facts are that raising the wages will cost these kids jobs.
The effect is going to be on the employees," said Muriel Sterling, the owner of a small Oakland-based child care business, on a conference call to discuss the study. "People are [letting] employees go and increasing the duties of the employees present." She added, "It's a bad situation."

To be sure, 70 percent of businesses that responded were small employers with fewer than 15 employees, and those smaller businesses may be less capable of absorbing higher labor costs than larger corporations.
Feeling the pain of a 12.25 minimum wage - CBS News

(.. whew.. I feel better now...)
I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".

No, we have a difference of opinion on treating hard working people with the respect they deserve by paying them a living wage.

You don't respect them, period.
I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".

No, we have a difference of opinion on treating hard working people with the respect they deserve by paying them a living wage.

You don't respect them, period.

I'm not making a judgment on you, but you are on me without even digging deeper.
I'm saying we are having a difference of opinion and perhaps a communication issue.
You are saying I don't respect (?) who? Workers? Which ones?
I guess we have a difference in opinion about a "living wage".

No, we have a difference of opinion on treating hard working people with the respect they deserve by paying them a living wage.

You don't respect them, period.

I'm not making a judgment on you, but you are on me without even digging deeper.
I'm saying we are having a difference of opinion and perhaps a communication issue.
You are saying I don't respect (?) who? Workers? Which ones?

You don't respect those who are working full time for minimum wage.

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