I like Nikki Thread

Ooops. Wrong Nicky. I will leave this thread now.

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This is what happens when Americans demand their presidential candidates and campaigns be above all “entertaining.” Who cares if the candidate is a traitor?
The truth stings sometimes, but burying your head in the sand changes nothing. Haley is toast.
She's at 6 cents right now with the nomination.

Trump was at 4 against Hillary right before the election.
Xi's good friend?

Trump is Putin’s good friend, along with Xi and Kim Jungun of North Korea and the Islamic fanatics in Iran. They all support Putin in his war against freedom, Western democracy, Constitutionalism, rule of law, and the internationally-recognized sovereign independence of Ukraine.

Are you really on the side of such enemies? Will you really support treasonous MAGA Republicans like Trump?

Trump is Putin’s good friend, along with Xi and Kim Jungun of North Korea and the Islamic fanatics in Iran. They all support Putin in his war against freedom, Western democracy, Constitutionalism, rule of law, and the internationally-recognized sovereign independence of Ukraine.

Are you really on the side of such enemies? Will you really support treasonous MAGA Republicans like Trump?
Biden is and has been in bed with the Chinese, or should I say HB, as daddy's surrogate, with the Romanians, Ukes, who'd I miss? No chance Biden can be compromised by his 'Chinese friends'?

Trump wasn't the first to hold dialog with Putin and you know it. Obama sends Rodman to Kim, Trump opens a dialog and He's bad.........LOL


Talk about a traitor:

Biden is and has been in bed with the Chinese, or should I say HB, as daddy's surrogate, with the Romanians, Ukes, who'd I miss? No chance Biden can be compromised by his 'Chinese friends'?

Trump wasn't the first to hold dialog with Putin and you know it. Obama sends Rodman to Kim, Trump opens a dialog and He's bad.........LOL


Talk about a traitor:

What a petty ultra-partisan asshole you turn out to be. I expected better, but God only knows why.

First of all Putin hadn’t invaded internationally recognized and sovereign Ukraine in the heart of Europe at the time other prominent U.S. leaders were trying to keep him acting at least partly in a civilized manner.

He had the option and was warned not to invade Ukraine and he even promised not to do so again after taking Crimea (and a piece of Donbas) — but in the end Putin invaded Ukraine again, this time with the aim of marching into Kiev & Odessa and ending Ukraine’s genuine national and cultural existence altogether. Only Ukraine surprised the world and refused to die.

We were right and are right to help Ukraine defend itself, despite any earlier policy “errors” that may have been made, and we must continue to help Ukrainians oppose the Putin / Kim Jung-un / Iranian, China alliance of dictators.

Of course Trump is now all but inviting Putin to go further if he is elected, telling him he won’t defend the weakest and poorest of NATO members, just as Putin announces in his latest speech that he thinks Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939 igniting WWII was “forced” by those ugly Western countries — presumably Britain and France and the U.S.A.!

Man, you guys are imbeciles — short-sighted, demagogic, hallucinating imbeciles!
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What a petty ultra-partisan asshole you turn out to be.
Why thank you for the kind words.

First of all Putin hadn’t invaded internationally recognized and sovereign Ukraine in the heart of Europe at the time other prominent U.S. leaders were trying to keep him acting at least partly in a civilized manner.
Obama gets a free pass?
He had the option and was warned not to invade Ukraine and he even promised not to do so again after taking Crimea (and a piece of Donbas) — but in the end Putin invaded Ukraine again, this time with the aim of marching into Kiev & Odessa and ending Ukraine’s genuine national and cultural existence altogether.
You mean under Obama....but not Trump. He invaded under Biden if you fact check your spurious claims.
We were right and are right to help Ukraine defend itself, despite any earlier policy “errors” that may have been made, and we must continue to help Ukrainians oppose the Putin / Kim Jung-un / Iranian, China alliance of dictators.
Yet Biden can't stop those you mentioned from attacking us and supplying Russia from those mentioned adversaries.
Of course Trump is now all but inviting Putin to go further if he is elected, telling him he won’t defend the weakest and poorest of NATO members,
When did he do this?
Man, you guys are imbeciles — short-sighted, demagogic, hallucinating imbeciles
Dude......you appear to be more full of prune juice with your adaptation of modern history.

Stick with it, it's you.
Why thank you for the kind words.
Obama gets a free pass?
You mean under Obama....but not Trump. He invaded under Biden if you fact check your spurious claims.
Yet Biden can't stop those you mentioned from attacking us and supplying Russia from those mentioned adversaries.
When did he do this?
Dude......you appear to be more full of prune juice with your adaptation of modern history.
Stick with it, it's you.
Like I said, you are a petty, superficial imbecile, apparently interested above all in being of service to the imagined interests of “MAGA” and Donald Trump. You are here unable to do more than spit out irrelevant distractions and superficial ultra-partisan propaganda. You won’t even say if you are for or against ending military aid to Ukraine.
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Like I said, you are a petty, superficial imbecile, apparently interested above all in being of service to the imagined interests of “MAGA” and Donald Trump.
Again, I'd like to thank you for the well thought out words and praise. Your reputation has preceded you.

You won’t even say if you are for or against ending military aid to Ukraine.
I think I made that perfectly clear.
You are here unable to do more than spit out irrelevant distractions and superficial ultra-partisan propaganda.
Just as you are?
What a petty ultra-partisan asshole you turn out to be. I expected better, but God only knows why.

First of all Putin hadn’t invaded internationally recognized and sovereign Ukraine in the heart of Europe at the time other prominent U.S. leaders were trying to keep him acting at least partly in a civilized manner.

He had the option and was warned not to invade Ukraine and he even promised not to do so again after taking Crimea (and a piece of Donbas) — but in the end Putin invaded Ukraine again, this time with the aim of marching into Kiev & Odessa and ending Ukraine’s genuine national and cultural existence altogether. Only Ukraine surprised the world and refused to die.

We were right and are right to help Ukraine defend itself, despite any earlier policy “errors” that may have been made, and we must continue to help Ukrainians oppose the Putin / Kim Jung-un / Iranian, China alliance of dictators.

Of course Trump is now all but inviting Putin to go further if he is elected, telling him he won’t defend the weakest and poorest of NATO members, just as Putin announces in his latest speech that he thinks Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939 igniting WWII was “forced” by those ugly Western countries — presumably Britain and France and the U.S.A.!

Man, you guys are imbeciles — short-sighted, demagogic, hallucinating imbeciles!
And Putin did all that during the Obama years. 2020-now counts as that, too. :rolleyes-41:

Obama years, that is.
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I think I made that [Delldude’s position on continuing U.S. military aid to Ukraine] perfectly clear.
No you have not. Nor do you explain why it is important … or not important. You normally just attack the “corruption” and “theft” of U.S. military aid to Ukraine — which you claim is resold all over the world to make Zelensky and his favorites rich.

It’s hard for me to know if you are just waiting for clearer instructions from Trump, or if you aren’t much interested in anything happening in Europe and just want to attack the Ukraine government & military, and of course Democrats & the Biden Administration …. rather than the invading Russians and the bloody Putin regime.
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Why do you hate America so much that you don't want to Make it Great? If you lend a hand in Making America Great then it will no longer be guilty of causing you to hate it.
Well, imagine that! You actually know what the letters “MAGA” are supposed to stand for!


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