I like ted cruz but i say he is NOT a natural born citizen

The BEST person should be elected to be President.
The current law makes no more sense than saying that the person who aspires to be President must be a man, must be white, must be heterosexual, must be blonde, must be rich, must be bilingual and must have a sense of humor.

So no standards at all??? HAHAHA. That's stupid. Do we let hospitals hire the "best" doctor even if he's a HS dropout.
Very educational thread. And here all these years I thought the natural-born citizen clause had something to do with C-sections.
It's nice to see the low-information, low-income, non-college-educated, talk radio slaves finally understanding American citizenship as it is legally stipulated and constitutionally protected.

Cruz was born to an American mother, albeit one who seemed to have more allegiance to Canada. But he is eligible.

Obama's mother, born in Wichita Kansas, was whiter and more American than Cruz could ever hope to be. She had a son, our 44th president, who was born to her, an American citizen.

Finally, Talk Radio - because of this Cruz issue - is teaching the morons about American citizenship.

Maybe Talk Radio will start educating the lemmings about the Middle East, so the posters here are not such easy marks for demagogues.

(Please turn off talk radio and go to library. We're begging you to supplement your rightwing education with a wider network of sources. We're not saying you have to leave the warm bosom of Dear Leader; we're only saying you need a factually deeper, more comprehensive relationship to the talking points you are given. We can no longer afford your ignorance.)
It's nice to see the low-information, low-income, non-college-educated, talk radio slaves finally understanding American citizenship as it is legally stipulated and constitutionally protected.

Cruz was born to an American mother, albeit one who seemed to have more allegiance to Canada. But he is eligible.

Obama's mother, born in Wichita Kansas, was whiter and more American than Cruz could ever hope to be. She had a son, our 44th president, who was born to her, an American citizen.

Finally, Talk Radio - because of this Cruz issue - is teaching the morons about American citizenship.

Maybe Talk Radio will start educating the lemmings about the Middle East, so the posters here are not such easy marks for demagogues.

(Please turn off talk radio and go to library. We're begging you to supplement your rightwing education with a wider network of sources. We're not saying you have to leave the warm bosom of Dear Leader; we're only saying you need a factually deeper, more comprehensive relationship to the talking points you are given. We can no longer afford your ignorance.)

See the far left drone just hop on their religious narratives without question or hesitation..
It's nice to see the low-information, low-income, non-college-educated, talk radio slaves finally understanding American citizenship as it is legally stipulated and constitutionally protected.

Cruz was born to an American mother, albeit one who seemed to have more allegiance to Canada. But he is eligible.

Obama's mother, born in Wichita Kansas, was whiter and more American than Cruz could ever hope to be. She had a son, our 44th president, who was born to her, an American citizen.

Finally, Talk Radio - because of this Cruz issue - is teaching the morons about American citizenship.

Maybe Talk Radio will start educating the lemmings about the Middle East, so the posters here are not such easy marks for demagogues.

(Please turn off talk radio and go to library. We're begging you to supplement your rightwing education with a wider network of sources. We're not saying you have to leave the warm bosom of Dear Leader; we're only saying you need a factually deeper, more comprehensive relationship to the talking points you are given. We can no longer afford your ignorance.)

Do you find it hard to resist punching yourself in the face all day long for being such a pretentious douchebag?

Stop resisting.
If someone is born in Canada they most likely have an incurable disease... Socialism
Obama's mother, born in Wichita Kansas, was whiter and more American than Cruz could ever hope to be. She had a son, our 44th president, who was born to her, an American citizen.

But if he was born in kenya, as his own literary agency admitted for 16 years, then he would be a citizen but not a natural born citizen. THINK
This is not like being a Jew because your mother is Jewish.
To be a Natural born Citizen, you must have either been born in the US or if you are born outside the US, BOTH your parents must be US Citizens.
This is not like being a Jew because your mother is Jewish.
To be a Natural born Citizen, you must have either been born in the US or if you are born outside the US, BOTH your parents must be US Citizens.

He's a natural born citizen eligible to run for POTUS.

There is no controversy.

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