I like ted cruz but i say he is NOT a natural born citizen

This is not like being a Jew because your mother is Jewish.
To be a Natural born Citizen, you must have either been born in the US or if you are born outside the US, BOTH your parents must be US Citizens.

According to who?
Obama's mother, born in Wichita Kansas, was whiter and more American than Cruz could ever hope to be. She had a son, our 44th president, who was born to her, an American citizen.

But if he was born in kenya, as his own literary agency admitted for 16 years, then he would be a citizen but not a natural born citizen. THINK

And if Cruz was born on Mars.....he would be a natural born Martian....
SS- Mark Levin, a constitutional lawyer explained this. Cruz is also an expert. He is for sure allowed to.
It may seem ok to call someone a natural born citizen if their american mother is VACATIONING in a foreign country when she births you. But ted's mom had been LIVING in canada for several years before he was born.. He's a citizen of american but not an NBC.

To be an NBC you most be born on american soil to an american mother..
No one gives a shit what you think.

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