I like walker because...

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
I am not going to post about Trump or his tupee or that anti semite Bush. Only be positive.

Walker is an effective leader. He managed to get the deficit down for the state. It threatened to eat the state budget and destroy the state with horrible tax increases.

He does seem to have a jones for unions, but the unions had a jones for him too. He is a bit over confrotational, but given the unions in his state, that was nessessary
i have property in Wisconsin... so I have been watching Walker.

The problem with his union bashing is that he has found someone woh didn't give up their middle class lifestyles and that shit won't stand.

That said, he might be an effective nominee.
Walker sucks as he is 100% for the super rich and for the late 19th century! Cutting the shit out of infrastructure, science, r&d and education isn't the way to grow shit.

Walker is a jack ass.
Walker has what it takes to be president. I think he'll do great in the Republican debates and even better if he debates Kankles.
I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Again, elections are not decided by partisans. Yes, we all know the union thugs and Democrats just hate Walker, maybe for good reason, maybe not.

But at the end of the day, this election is going to be decided by that 10% in the middle who don't live and breathe this stuff like we do here. They vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

So you've got Walker, who has solid, midwestern roots, vs. Hillary who just comes off as shrill much of the time.

I wouldn't vote for Bush, Cruz, Trump or most of the rest of the GOP Clown car.

I'd give serious consideration to voting for Walker or Rubio.

The GOP will probably blow it and nominate Bush, but Walker shouldn't be dismissed.
The debates should be very interesting.

I like Walker and would have no problem voting for him as POTUS if he gets the nomination.

Kankles, on the other hand, will have all she can do to get the nomination. She has way to much baggage.
The debates should be very interesting.

I like Walker and would have no problem voting for him as POTUS if he gets the nomination.

Kankles, on the other hand, will have all she can do to get the nomination. She has way to much baggage.

Yeah, she's only leading Bernie by 40% points!

I think you are mistaking Pundit Wisdom for what voters are inclined to do. The Pundits will claim there's a conflict all the way up until she blows Bernie's doors off in the primaries.
Well I don't think Bernie has a chance at all.

Hibat has loads of baggage and the debates will kill her because she's going to have to answer questions.

Should be interesting as hell.
I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Again, elections are not decided by partisans. Yes, we all know the union thugs and Democrats just hate Walker, maybe for good reason, maybe not.

But at the end of the day, this election is going to be decided by that 10% in the middle who don't live and breathe this stuff like we do here. They vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

So you've got Walker, who has solid, midwestern roots, vs. Hillary who just comes off as shrill much of the time.

I wouldn't vote for Bush, Cruz, Trump or most of the rest of the GOP Clown car.

I'd give serious consideration to voting for Walker or Rubio.

The GOP will probably blow it and nominate Bush, but Walker shouldn't be dismissed.

In the end, it will be a 3-5% win by whomever wins. We're just that divided.
As for your consideration of Walker or Rubio, his lack of a college degree in this complex world doesn't give you a moment's pause?
The debates should be very interesting.

I like Walker and would have no problem voting for him as POTUS if he gets the nomination.

Kankles, on the other hand, will have all she can do to get the nomination. She has way to much baggage.

Yeah, she's only leading Bernie by 40% points!

I think you are mistaking Pundit Wisdom for what voters are inclined to do. The Pundits will claim there's a conflict all the way up until she blows Bernie's doors off in the primaries.
Like she blew away that boy who should have been serving coffee to Bill and Teddy?
I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Again, elections are not decided by partisans. Yes, we all know the union thugs and Democrats just hate Walker, maybe for good reason, maybe not.

But at the end of the day, this election is going to be decided by that 10% in the middle who don't live and breathe this stuff like we do here. They vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

So you've got Walker, who has solid, midwestern roots, vs. Hillary who just comes off as shrill much of the time.

I wouldn't vote for Bush, Cruz, Trump or most of the rest of the GOP Clown car.

I'd give serious consideration to voting for Walker or Rubio.

The GOP will probably blow it and nominate Bush, but Walker shouldn't be dismissed.

In the end, it will be a 3-5% win by whomever wins. We're just that divided.
As for your consideration of Walker or Rubio, his lack of a college degree in this complex world doesn't give you a moment's pause?
Harvard educated elitist assholes have done enough damage.

Most of America does not see fit to graduate from college, why should they expect a President to?
I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Again, elections are not decided by partisans. Yes, we all know the union thugs and Democrats just hate Walker, maybe for good reason, maybe not.

But at the end of the day, this election is going to be decided by that 10% in the middle who don't live and breathe this stuff like we do here. They vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

So you've got Walker, who has solid, midwestern roots, vs. Hillary who just comes off as shrill much of the time.

I wouldn't vote for Bush, Cruz, Trump or most of the rest of the GOP Clown car.

I'd give serious consideration to voting for Walker or Rubio.

The GOP will probably blow it and nominate Bush, but Walker shouldn't be dismissed.

In the end, it will be a 3-5% win by whomever wins. We're just that divided.
As for your consideration of Walker or Rubio, his lack of a college degree in this complex world doesn't give you a moment's pause?
Harvard educated elitist assholes have done enough damage.

Most of America does not see fit to graduate from college, why should they expect a President to?

Yup and here is a list of those Presidents who didn't attend college.

Other presidents who never attended college were Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), Martin Van Buren (1837-1841), Zachary Taylor (1849-1850), Millard Fillmore (1850-1853), Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) and Grover Cleveland (1885-1889 and 1893-1897, the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms).

You can add George Washington and Abe Lincoln to that list.

Lincoln never went to college and IMHO he was the gold standard for any President. Just goes to show that a college degree doesn't mean jack shit. And it shouldn't. If the man or woman is able there is no reason they couldn't be POTUS without a college degree.

Walker is more than qualified to be POTUS.
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I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Again, elections are not decided by partisans. Yes, we all know the union thugs and Democrats just hate Walker, maybe for good reason, maybe not.

But at the end of the day, this election is going to be decided by that 10% in the middle who don't live and breathe this stuff like we do here. They vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

So you've got Walker, who has solid, midwestern roots, vs. Hillary who just comes off as shrill much of the time.

I wouldn't vote for Bush, Cruz, Trump or most of the rest of the GOP Clown car.

I'd give serious consideration to voting for Walker or Rubio.

The GOP will probably blow it and nominate Bush, but Walker shouldn't be dismissed.

In the end, it will be a 3-5% win by whomever wins. We're just that divided.
As for your consideration of Walker or Rubio, his lack of a college degree in this complex world doesn't give you a moment's pause?
Harvard educated elitist assholes have done enough damage.

Most of America does not see fit to graduate from college, why should they expect a President to?

Yup and here is a list of those Presidents who didn't attend college.

Other presidents who never attended college were Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), Martin Van Buren (1837-1841), Zachary Taylor (1849-1850), Millard Fillmore (1850-1853), Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) and Grover Cleveland (1885-1889 and 1893-1897, the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms).

You can add George Washington and Abe Lincoln to that list.

When you consider Lincoln was the gold standard for any President. The list is quite impressive.

Shit Ingot, as usual, is full of shit.

Notice which two centuries are completely missing from that list?

Now, take a minute and think about that before you catterwall.

I like Walker because he would lose by more than 10 points to Hillary. Yes, I like him.

Make it twenty:

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Again, elections are not decided by partisans. Yes, we all know the union thugs and Democrats just hate Walker, maybe for good reason, maybe not.

But at the end of the day, this election is going to be decided by that 10% in the middle who don't live and breathe this stuff like we do here. They vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

So you've got Walker, who has solid, midwestern roots, vs. Hillary who just comes off as shrill much of the time.

I wouldn't vote for Bush, Cruz, Trump or most of the rest of the GOP Clown car.

I'd give serious consideration to voting for Walker or Rubio.

The GOP will probably blow it and nominate Bush, but Walker shouldn't be dismissed.

In the end, it will be a 3-5% win by whomever wins. We're just that divided.
As for your consideration of Walker or Rubio, his lack of a college degree in this complex world doesn't give you a moment's pause?
Harvard educated elitist assholes have done enough damage.

Most of America does not see fit to graduate from college, why should they expect a President to?

Yup and here is a list of those Presidents who didn't attend college.

Other presidents who never attended college were Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), Martin Van Buren (1837-1841), Zachary Taylor (1849-1850), Millard Fillmore (1850-1853), Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) and Grover Cleveland (1885-1889 and 1893-1897, the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms).

You can add George Washington and Abe Lincoln to that list.

When you consider Lincoln was the gold standard for any President. The list is quite impressive.

Shit Ingot, as usual, is full of shit.

I love the idea that the world hasn't changed since the days of Abraham Lincoln. This is part of the dogma of conservatism...if it was good enough for the 1700's, it's workable today.

Things are much more complex now and the basis of anyone you view when hiring for a position is a mind at work. I'm not sure you have that with Walker. I'm sure we don't have that with you. So take your indignation and shove it up your ass. Don't worry, with an ass of your size, there'll still be room for your cranium.
Walker really hasn't done that great of a job for Wisconsin's economy.
The state had to defer payment of short-term debt payments to erase a budget short fall. Wisconsin rates 40th in private sector job growth.
Bottom-line is that Wisconsin is lagging behind the nation economically.
LOL Is that the best you can do once again? Since you've never met me I'll be you have no idea how big my ass is. I'm a size 6. How bout you fatty?

I would venture to say your ass is the size of your head which enables you to stick it up your ass. Tight fit but I'll be it does fit.

A college degree doesn't mean you will be a great POTUS. Lincoln didn't have one and he was a great POTUS.

Loads of those with college degrees were not very good at the job. Obama. Case in point.

Walker has more smarts than that asshole. Will just have to wait and see if he gets the nomination.
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I want someone in the beltway press to ask Walker "If collective bargaining is sooooo bad....why did you leave it alone for the cops and firefighters?"

But they won't. Fuckers.

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