I Lived Through the Real ObamaCare


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

I Lived Through the Real ObamaCare

March 26, 2013
By Borek Volarik

In the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic all health care was free for everybody! Oh, what a paradise….well, until you actually experienced the “worker’s paradise,” as the communists proudly called it, in real life.


Well, you get what you pay for, right? Right!

What do you expect from a dentist on a salary set by the state’s pay scales? How about a really ugly crown and no anesthetics (Novocain was in short supply, distributed by the state to dentists by a system of rations on monthly a basis); well, a small envelope with big money…casually left at the receptionist’s desk, would make miracles.

What do you expect from a doctor on a state’s salary? Don’t you worry, you always got your aspirin!


It still was not as bad as in, say, Cuba, where patients have to bring their own sheets to the hospital. However, if you had to stay in the hospital for a prolonged period of time, it was customary to drop every once in a while an envelope with some money into the large pocket on the nurse’s apron. That way you would make sure that your sheets were changed on a regular basis, the cup of tea would be on your night stand without a long waiting period.

There were actually two health care systems. One for the ordinary mortals, one for the elites like well positioned communists and top athletes.


Oh, by the way: After my arrival in America, the American dentists re-did virtually all the dental work that we brought with us inside our mouths. Some dentist just could not believe what they found in my and my wife’s and mouths. They threw it all in the garbage.

I Lived Through the Real ObamaCare

That is as absurd as comparing the Jamaican national health care system with ours.

When the average person is making 1/20th what they would make in the US, the country is borderline 3rd world. Of course the health care sucks. It isn't the fact that it's nationalized that is the problem, it's that the country has no money.

I've experienced this first hand in Jamaica.

But I've also spent enough time in Canada to know Canadians love their system. And while their standard of living slightly lags behind the US, it is a hell of a lot more reasonable a comparison.
It's very clear that the author of this article doesn't know jackshit about ACA.

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