I loathe black history month....hate it

In todays black world, MLK would be a Uncle Tom
Sadly, I agree. Because tooo many nigga's are caught up in the white man's world. And you are still a ass ho.
If niggas were "caught up in the white mans world", they would be much more civilized
They may not be as civilized as you would like Tank, but somebody's out here taming the beast...or should I say Barbie's and it aint' white men!!:abgg2q.jpg:
Did you ever stop to ask yourself why they designated the shortest month of the year Black History Month? I think Black people got hosed...

That week was chosen specifically because it covered the birthdays of Frederick Douglass (February 14) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12).
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This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!
I disagree. There are many good, successful black models for our young ones to emulate. WE need good models for our youngsters in every section of the population.
I agree, however we have a long long long way to go. The key to our success are black men owning up...and that shit ain't never gonna happen..too many cowards in the mix.
Did you ever stop to ask yourself why they designated the shortest month of the year Black History Month? I think Black people got hosed...
Here you go scumbag....

That week was chosen specifically because it covered the birthdays of Frederick Douglass (February 14) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12).
Anything coming from your racist ass, lets all pass!!
Did you ever stop to ask yourself why they designated the shortest month of the year Black History Month? I think Black people got hosed...
Here you go scumbag....

That week was chosen specifically because it covered the birthdays of Frederick Douglass (February 14) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12).
Anything coming from your racist ass, lets all pass!!
Staying ignorant of facts - it's a black thang, right idjit? Feb was chosen for that reason I gave dumbass skank.
This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!
I disagree. There are many good, successful black models for our young ones to emulate. WE need good models for our youngsters in every section of the population.
I agree, however we have a long long long way to go. The key to our success are black men owning up...and that shit ain't never gonna happen..too many cowards in the mix.
But we still must try.
This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!

A little information for your own edification: The idea of a Black History Month wasn't thought up by you black folks. It was entirely thought up by white liberals, as a pat on the head for you and an excuse for them there white liberals to feel like they're doing something constructive.

In other words, Black History Month is an imaginary celebration of "blackness" cooked up by white leftists, so that they wouldn't feel so bad about their own whiteness.

True story, yo.
And I get it. But that doesn't diminish the facts of its purpose.....unification and celebration. We have nothing to celebrate, save for electing our first black president...other than that, there's nothing in the black community from where I stand, that warrants a celebration of any sorts.

You have much to celebrate: Being taken captive by Islamic marauders and sold to be shipped over here in chains, to be used as slaves in the building of this nation. As a white person, even I will admit that you people have had a hard row to hoe. But what was done in the past remains in the past. And those who remain stuck in the past, will never progress into the future: They will wither and die on the vine, as will their ideologies which are stuck in the past.

We've already had one devastating Civil War in this country to rectify the injustice that was done to black Americans. It is time now that all Americans black, white, red, yellow, come together as one people, one people who are "Americans", and to put whatever differences we've had in the past aside for the good of this great nation.

In other words, it's not about "black people. It's not about "white people". That is the message President Donald trump is trying so hard to get across, even though the Democrat Party is fighting him tooth and nail, attempting so hard to remain in the past. President Trump doesn't represent any one segment of American society: He is the leader of all American people, regardless of race, religion, nationality, or economic status. President Trump is truly restoring this damaged country to the position it so well deserves, as the greatest country in the entire world.
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It's a good month to buy chicken


I was wondering why Chicken was cheap this time of year!
American Students Aren’t Learning The Full Truth About Slavery
Students often get only a superficial view of the atrocity that built the country, a new study finds.
In todays black world, MLK would be a Uncle Tom
If investigative media sources like the gigantic tax exempt Media Matters propaganda machine treated MLK the same way as they treated high profile republicans like George Bush, Sara Palin and Donald Trump, King may have been unmasked as a philandering hypocrite and a tool of the socialist agenda rather than an "Uncle Tom". There are certain left wing heroes created by the media who are immune from criticism at the risk of assault or political or real assassination and King is one of them.
This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!

This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!

A little information for your own edification: The idea of a Black History Month wasn't thought up by you black folks. It was entirely thought up by white liberals, as a pat on the head for you and an excuse for them there white liberals to feel like they're doing something constructive.

In other words, Black History Month is an imaginary celebration of "blackness" cooked up by white leftists, so that they wouldn't feel so bad about their own whiteness.

True story, yo.
And I get it. But that doesn't diminish the facts of its purpose.....unification and celebration. We have nothing to celebrate, save for electing our first black president...other than that, there's nothing in the black community from where I stand, that warrants a celebration of any sorts.

You have much to celebrate: Being taken captive by Islamic marauders and sold to be shipped over here in chains, to be used as slaves in the building of this nation. As a white person, even I will admit that you people have had a hard row to hoe. But what was done in the past remains in the past. And those who remain stuck in the past, will never progress into the future: They will wither and die on the vine, as will their ideologies which are stuck in the past.

We've already had one devastating Civil War in this country to rectify the injustice that was done to black Americans. It is time now that all Americans black, white, red, yellow, come together as one people, one people who are "Americans", and to put whatever differences we've had in the past aside for the good of this great nation.

In other words, it's not about "black people. It's not about "white people". That is the message President Donald trump is trying so hard to get across, even though the Democrat Party is fighting him tooth and nail, attempting so hard to remain in the past. President Trump doesn't represent any one segment of American society: He is the leader of all American people, regardless of race, religion, nationality, or economic status. President Trump is truly restoring this damaged country to the position it so well deserves, as the greatest country in the entire world.
:clap::clap: Well said!
This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!

You don't even know what you are talking about.
I wonder how MLK would have worked out in the history books if he was a republican. Progressives have this compulsion to separate and label people by the color of their skins. It's all about politics.
He was. At least leaned Republican. Most blacks were until the Demonrat Party cast their spell on them.
They may not be as civilized as you would like Tank, but somebody's out here taming the beast...or should I say Barbie's and it aint' white men
Race mixing isn't as common as black women who can't satisfy a man, want to believe. Most white women have a thing against being pimped out by a lazy ass black boy
This is perhaps the most wasted holiday ever derived for people of color. The black community is about as divided as a race, than any group on the planet. We stand for nothing, fall for everything and could care less about each other, especially within our male population. Today's generation is about as clueless as a light switch about its history, is more inclined to embrace any other culture but their own and our men, our foot soldiers.....all dead on arrival....the biggest sellouts in history

And to see the celebrations is a joke....I wish BH month would just end, until black people can get their shit together, which is never ever ever ever gonna happen. February, the most wasted month for black history!!
Who are your ‘foot soldiers’ selling out to?

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