I look at the threads here, and every single discussion...


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
is about Whites or Blacks. It's as if there are no Jews, Hispanics, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Indians, or Asians in the United States.

Whites are something like 65% of America, depending on definition. Some count Jews and mixed Hispanics as white, even Middle Easterners, but some don't. But let's use that as a starting figure. Blacks are about 15% of America, let's use that as a starting figure. That leaves 20%, or 1 in every 5 Americans who is neither white nor black.

While I agree that it is important to discuss whites and blacks, you people are living in the past. You are not living in the America of 2018. America is now composed of every single race under the sun.
really?.....i was just in one were the topic was California,and Hispanics were mentioned quite often.....maybe you were in another forum....
really?.....i was just in one were the topic was California,and Hispanics were mentioned quite often.....maybe you were in another forum....

That is because of this:

It's always about something or other, isn't it? If it isn't one thing it's another, Yaks, nobody talks about them. Illegal aliens stealing our country from under our feet...SHH, what about yaks? But Still, nobody talks about yaks. Yaks, the silent issue nobody wants to talk about. Mexicans that wont acclimate, won't immigrate legally, dispossess American poor, take away jobs from those same poor, but what about YAKS? Poor little YAKS, let's worry about poor little yaks instead.
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defens wrote: ...you people are living in the past.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... now dat's sumpin' ya can understand...

... instead o' what dis world's comin' to."

MaryL wrote: It's always about something or other, isn't it?

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... just like Roseann Roseannadanna always said...

... 'It's always somethin'.'

Mindwars wrote (in another thread):
General Flynn endorses Republican Omar Navarro

Uncle Ferd wonderin'...

... kinda sounds like he's one o' dem...

... Middle Eastern Native Americans.
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is about Whites or Blacks. It's as if there are no Jews, Hispanics, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Indians, or Asians in the United States.

Whites are something like 65% of America, depending on definition. Some count Jews and mixed Hispanics as white, even Middle Easterners, but some don't. But let's use that as a starting figure. Blacks are about 15% of America, let's use that as a starting figure. That leaves 20%, or 1 in every 5 Americans who is neither white nor black.

While I agree that it is important to discuss whites and blacks, you people are living in the past. You are not living in the America of 2018. America is now composed of every single race under the sun.
Whites are 90% of the GOP and with the Aryan Nation, the Alt White, the KKK and the American Nazi party finding a home with the GOP, it's not going to change anytime soon.
Like Steve Bannon says, wear racism with honor, a badge of honor.
Well a lot of that is due to the two token black supremacists down here derailing every thread.

There are no black supremacists here. But you are a white supremacist and that is what's wrong with his place. You white supremacists derail every thread.
Immigration threads are about Hispanics – conservatives’ unwarranted fear and bigotry directed toward those Hispanic.
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As a very old man, I think that I can explain the situation to the OP.

1. Yes, traditionally in our unique country, the focus has always been on the relationship between African Americans and Caucasian Americans.

a. Until comparatively recently, African Americans have been the largest minority group in the United States.
b. They have figured prominently throughout our history.

i . Slavery
ii. The Civil War
iii. Segregation
iv. The movement of African Americans northward after World War 1
v, The culmination of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s


c. Traditionally, Hispanic people lived mostly in the Southwest, and their numbers were comparatively low.

i .Starting in the 1970s, there were severe economic problems in Mexico and violent political problems in Central America.
ii. Hundreds of thousands of people in those areas started to enter the States.
iii. Depending on what survey you choose to accept, the number of Hispanic people now ties with or surpasses the number of African Americans.
iv. The decline of Caucasian births and the growth of Hispanic births have led some impartial observers to suggest that there is the possibility that Hispanic Americans may eventually become the majority of the American population.


d. Traditionally, the Asian population has been small. It has increased only since the end of World War II, when small quotas were abolished.


In my opinion (repeat: "opinion"), in the coming decades, the focus will shift from the African American - Caucasian American relationship to the African American - Hispanic American relationship.
is about Whites or Blacks. It's as if there are no Jews, Hispanics, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Indians, or Asians in the United States.

Whites are something like 65% of America, depending on definition. Some count Jews and mixed Hispanics as white, even Middle Easterners, but some don't. But let's use that as a starting figure. Blacks are about 15% of America, let's use that as a starting figure. That leaves 20%, or 1 in every 5 Americans who is neither white nor black.

While I agree that it is important to discuss whites and blacks, you people are living in the past. You are not living in the America of 2018. America is now composed of every single race under the sun.
Can't post the truth, can't not lie, can't stop talking about worthless racist blacks.
Well a lot of that is due to the two token black supremacists down here derailing every thread.

There are no black supremacists here. But you are a white supremacist and that is what's wrong with his place. You white supremacists derail every thread.
She's right, there are no black supremacists here, the blacks here are pacified and know their place. :biggrin:
is about Whites or Blacks. It's as if there are no Jews, Hispanics, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Indians, or Asians in the United States.

Whites are something like 65% of America, depending on definition. Some count Jews and mixed Hispanics as white, even Middle Easterners, but some don't. But let's use that as a starting figure. Blacks are about 15% of America, let's use that as a starting figure. That leaves 20%, or 1 in every 5 Americans who is neither white nor black.

While I agree that it is important to discuss whites and blacks, you people are living in the past. You are not living in the America of 2018. America is now composed of every single race under the sun.
And this coming from someone who starts topics about "I'm not gonna be silent on the issue of black crime" or "Black people are a threat" "I want a race war" "The truth about avoiding blacks" and someone who writes
I find blacks very disagreeable and impossible to talk to or work with
You guys are just as violent as the blacks
But then you'll say
I look at the threads here, and every single discussion is about whites and blacks
I mean, if you can’t see the contradiction in this, for you to complain that there is too much talk about whites and blacks in here even though all your posts have been about whites or blacks, is the epitome of self-contradiction, then you’re probably not prepared to enter a dialogue about much of anything.

You and abu afak is why I say there is no such thing as people of color solidarity. I don't support that POC solidarity. My people come first period.

Non whites are fine with us black people doing the heavy lifting. They're fine with blk people kicking down doors which they walk through. But some non-whites subscribing to white supremacists thoughts shouldn't be a surprise. You're so ready for your white card you can taste it. Right ?

You have observed the way things work here and feel like "Well as long as I'm not black" But now Trump is in the big house, you're dealing with the real deal white supremacist. So the white racist gaze is shifted to them and now they are quick to cry to Blacks about it on some "we are all in this together" shit.
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Well a lot of that is due to the two token black supremacists down here derailing every thread.

There are no black supremacists here. But you are a white supremacist and that is what's wrong with his place. You white supremacists derail every thread.
She's right, there are no black supremacists here, the blacks here are pacified and know their place. :biggrin:

Yep I sure do, My place is above yours. You are a substandard human being. You should be recalled.
That's exactly what we want you to think. :biggrin:

Yeah that's why your defective ass has spent so much time telling us how our IQs are low.
Your IQ scores may be lower, but if they had better schools in Africa, I don't see why blacks couldn't catch up. Here too, blacks need to take school more seriously...
is about Whites or Blacks. It's as if there are no Jews, Hispanics, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Indians, or Asians in the United States.

Whites are something like 65% of America, depending on definition. Some count Jews and mixed Hispanics as white, even Middle Easterners, but some don't. But let's use that as a starting figure. Blacks are about 15% of America, let's use that as a starting figure. That leaves 20%, or 1 in every 5 Americans who is neither white nor black.

While I agree that it is important to discuss whites and blacks, you people are living in the past. You are not living in the America of 2018. America is now composed of every single race under the sun.

This forum is a "free market" of ideas and if the black white issue is what is being discussed then that is what the free market of thought demands. I for one do not feel qualified to talk about issues with other groups, in depth, like I do the black white issue.

While it might be true that America's demographics have changed, its still true that over 90% of time blacks have spent in this land has been under some form of legalized racial oppression at the hands of a white run society.
Well a lot of that is due to the two token black supremacists down here derailing every thread.

There are no black supremacists here. But you are a white supremacist and that is what's wrong with his place. You white supremacists derail every thread.
She's right, there are no black supremacists here, the blacks here are pacified and know their place. :biggrin:

Yep I sure do, My place is above yours. You are a substandard human being. You should be recalled.

Nature is slowly recalling them.....look at their fertility rates and low sperm counts. You can turn this around though....by trying to live more in harmony with nature and not thinking you're superior over it.
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There are no black supremacists here. But you are a white supremacist and that is what's wrong with his place. You white supremacists derail every thread.
She's right, there are no black supremacists here, the blacks here are pacified and know their place. :biggrin:

Yep I sure do, My place is above yours. You are a substandard human being. You should be recalled.
That's exactly what we want you to think. :biggrin:

Yeah that's why your defective ass has spent so much time telling us how our IQs are low.
Your IQ scores may be lower, but if they had better schools in Africa, I don't see why blacks couldn't catch up. Here too, blacks need to take school more seriously...

From where I see things you are an example that whites need to really stop worrying about how others get educated and educate yourselves.
She's right, there are no black supremacists here, the blacks here are pacified and know their place. :biggrin:

Yep I sure do, My place is above yours. You are a substandard human being. You should be recalled.
That's exactly what we want you to think. :biggrin:

Yeah that's why your defective ass has spent so much time telling us how our IQs are low.
Your IQ scores may be lower, but if they had better schools in Africa, I don't see why blacks couldn't catch up. Here too, blacks need to take school more seriously...

From where I see things you are an example that whites need to really stop worrying about how others get educated and educate yourselves.
I'm worried about blacks not having enough education compared to other races. What is so bad about that? :dunno:
That's exactly what we want you to think. :biggrin:

Yeah that's why your defective ass has spent so much time telling us how our IQs are low.
Your IQ scores may be lower, but if they had better schools in Africa, I don't see why blacks couldn't catch up. Here too, blacks need to take school more seriously...

From where I see things you are an example that whites need to really stop worrying about how others get educated and educate yourselves.
I'm worried about blacks not having enough education compared to other races. What is so bad about that? :dunno:

You aren't worried about a damn thing. You're a defective human being who wants to believe you are superior because you lack melanin.
I'm more worried about the lack of black schooling than you are. The melanin thing you stole off of Asc.

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