I love California


Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.

Dumbass, California has been sucking off the government tit for more than 20 years to fund it's stupidity, has nothing to do with the GOP at all. California has been run predominantly by Democrats forever "Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer" and one RINO in swarzeneggar.
If ever there was a perfect example of the end result of progressive policy, California is it. What a shithole.

do you know how much cali brings into their country by way of tax revenue?

Why is it the right hates successs?
UNCLE I give up. This person has totally lost it.. Its no use to prove anything to her she will spin everything you say :cuckoo:
Mind your own fucking business.

Dont you get it?

How other people live their lives IS her business.


she has realised that she is now outed for the specail treatment child she is.

She will not longer give us her personal information because it shows just how unAmerican her perspective is.

She was raised as a wealthy child in northern Cali ( big money to own a business there).

Cali has never lived a regular American life.

She doesnt know what its like to not be privledged

I don't give personal information to babbling twits who can't tell the difference between London and England. We have had this conversation before, and you can't even remember that I've already told you where I live in England. You keep insisting I live in London. Why the fuck should I give you personal information when you keep lying about me?

Stop making announcements about where I was raised and how. You clearly don't know. Because your proclamations are wrong on several counts.






I hope that's clearer for you now.

Moronic lying hack.
Then fucking move

Unlike you, he probably worked his whole life there, bought and paid for a house, laid down roots with a family and earned his retirement and just cannot pick up and leave, he earned his right to talk shit on that state......we wouldn't expect you to understand any of that.
Does Chelsea Clinton advocate punishing the poor for being poor?

Neither doe CG..

But that is not the point.

Youmade the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...doi you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?
Dumbass, California has been sucking off the government tit for more than 20 years to fund it's stupidity, has nothing to do with the GOP at all. California has been run predominantly by Democrats forever "Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer" and one RINO in swarzeneggar.
If ever there was a perfect example of the end result of progressive policy, California is it. What a shithole.

do you know how much cali brings into their country by way of tax revenue?

Why is it the right hates successs?
UNCLE I give up. This person has totally lost it.. Its no use to prove anything to her she will spin everything you say :cuckoo:

I got to you didnt I?

I showed you how fox tells you lies and your reaction is to pretend it doesnt evern though you had to face the lies.

You are a very poor American if you continue to defend the lies spewed to you just because you started out right wing.

Facts dont lie.

Barney Franks said that quote in 2003, did Fox ever mention that to you?

No they made you think he said it right before the whole mess collapsed huh?

They did that on purpose hun
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

CA is fighting with New Jersey and New York for the state with the worst economy in the nation.

I love California too, but it's turned into a total mess to live in if you're anywhere near a city. San Diego has a traffic problem. LA is over-crowded. SF is so liberal normal people can't stand it. They watch the news and they want to bash their heads into a wall. The state is over-populated with people who don't speak English and liberals like Truthmatters.

If the population was as conservative as it was in the 60s and early 70s Democraps would never win a presidential election.
Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?
Then fucking move

Then who's gonna pay your debts off? It's our state as much as yours, bitch. You fucking move.

I just hope we can get some hard nose conservatives in the Senate and keep the congress and win the white house in 2012 that will tell California "Listen dumbasses, you're just gonna have to deal with your own stupidity, because we are no longer bailing you out of anything".
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?
why ignore the question?

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

I guess you are no longer a californian then huh?

How stupid are you? I love my state. I just 'hate' what people like you have done to it.... your fucking corrupt assholes and traitors bankrupted my home. I don't hate you, but I despise everything you adore.

This is generalizing a bit, I know, but I visited LA and SF. I was shocked at how filthy not only the people were, but just the streets in general. Trash everywhere. Homeless people all over. "Thugs" just roaming around with no cops anywhere. And far ruder people than in NY (although NY is filthy also). I think Cali, like much of the South, has been ruined by all the posers who moved there. But coming from the South, I expected LA and SF to be the movie-scene dream land. Not even close, I'd choose the South Carolina coast 365 days a year over California.

Like Reagan said, people vote with there feet. I'm sure there are still some really good people living in California, but most of what was left of California productive citizens rolled out when they got the chance, some are still stuck there though and it sucks for them.
California is a prime example of why the Obamacare law needs go away, you can escape a state, but you cannot escape the federal government.

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