I love California

and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

Could it be that nobody even knows the names of the little towns in other states that are even safer then the ones you want to crow about? California is a big state. I'm sure that somewhere in that state it's safe....maybe because most of the southern part of the state is desert and mostly farmers live there. El Centro for example. Nobody else would live there. Turn off the irrigation water and that place becomes a ghost town over night.

When I played football in junior college my team and I traveled there to play against their team. We felt like we were in Eastern Kentucky. Most of my team was black and their eyes started bucking out because they could sense the prejudice. We stopped to ask for directions and the guy just looked at us like we were bringing a busload of convicts into town. They had a bunch of Red-necks on that team too. One of my white teammates overheard one of the opposing players say "******-lover" to him. Seemed everyone knew everyone in that town. Criminals would have a rough time in El Centro California. If they had trees I'm sure they'd get used every Saturday afternoon.

Mud even when i see the stats for the small towns....Cal,does pretty good....and EL Centro is VERY predominantly Mexican......

It is now. I played there in the early 80s.
While you are welcome to your opinion, it's bullshit. Just sayin'.
Not an opinion...there is a residency requirement needed to register to vote.

I have never claimed that I don't have a residence there. Stupid girl.... get facts, then form opinion. Assuming makes an ASS out of U, not ME. Mmmmk?

Federal Voting Assistance Program - Frequently Asked Questions

I know all about overseas voting. I've done it. Several times.

i don't 'claim' to be anything. I am a californian. I was born there, raised there.... And, we maintain a residence there. It is my home state. Your whining doesn't change facts. But do carry on.... You're making yourself look stupid... Which is really funny. Thanks.
:lol: We?

So your family benefits from the higher taxes in california while refusing to pay them.


i said my dad moved his business to az. I said nothing about the rest of my family. And, i didn't say they sold their ca residence. You're ass u ming again, ravi. You really need to stop doing that... For your own sake.

And, no, my family don't 'benefit' from anything about the mess that is california.

and this
Cali girl infers she has a california house and that her Dad has a cali house yet he moved his business to Arizona.

She claims to vote in Cali and have a house in cali yet she lives in london and has for years.

Then she even claims Cali gives her nothing in return.

She is so emotionally mixed up that she loves what she hates.
Im so glad Im back in Cali

I think we REALLY need to give CALF to Mexico now. Truth Doesnt matter is there .. :clap2:

You dont think you just repete what fox tells you

Whatever bitch Go over to Current TV and watch Oberdoodle or MSNBC at least FOX gives you two sides to a story unlike these places :cuckoo: I would trust them over any news station. And apparently so many do since they are number 1 news station :eusa_whistle:
Cali girl infers she has a california house and that her Dad has a cali house yet he moved his business to Arizona.

She claims to vote in Cali and have a house in cali yet she lives in london and has for years.

Then she even claims Cali gives her nothing in return.

She is so emotionally mixed up that she loves what she hates.

I live in London? Really? For years? Seriously? Shit! I did not know that!

I don't 'live in London', my little halfwitted buddy. Never have. Never will. I assume you can provide evidence that I have ever claimed to live in London. Go ahead. I'll wait.

You're such a liar.
I think we REALLY need to give CALF to Mexico now. Truth Doesnt matter is there .. :clap2:

You dont think you just repete what fox tells you

Whatever bitch Go over to Current TV and watch Oberdoodle or MSNBC at least FOX gives you two sides to a story unlike these places :cuckoo: I would trust them over any news station. And apparently so many do since they are number 1 news station :eusa_whistle:

Fox gives you propaganda.

If you really think they give you both sides then you are sicker than I thought
California is trying to avoid bankruptcy. It used to be the 5th largest economy in the world.
Cali face the fact that you were raised as a wealthy child and know nothing about how real Americans live.

You dont know what its like to be a regular American
California is trying to avoid bankruptcy. It used to be the 5th largest economy in the world.

Yeap the right crashed the world economy and everyone in the world is feeling their fuckups right now
Cali face the fact that you were raised as a wealthy child and know nothing about how real Americans live.

You dont know what its like to be a regular American

The more successful in America are not real Americans?
What are they?
Cali face the fact that you were raised as a wealthy child and know nothing about how real Americans live.

You dont know what its like to be a regular American

I was?

Damn, this is news to me! You clearly know far more about my life than I do. Cool.

Your posts about me demonstrate why you are a fucking idiot. You get part of a story, and create facts to fit into whatever opinion you want to form.

Fucking idiot.

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