I love California

So you claim that California caused this world wide economic mess?
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

Just think, here in a couple of years when ALL of the producers leave California, and California is left to it's own device and live under it's policies and regulations just how sweet it's going to be to live there then!!?!?
If California was left to live and fund themselves base on there own policies it would have turned into a 3rd world country all it's own about 20 years ago. You libs can have California, and after 2012 I hope the Federal government stops funding the insanity there.
Cali face the fact that you were raised as a wealthy child and know nothing about how real Americans live.

You dont know what its like to be a regular American

So Chelsea Clinton knows nothing about how real Americans live?
She doesnt know what it is like to be a regular American?

Just want to make sure I understand what you are saying.
CA used to be a business friendly state, which was the backbone of the state. With liberalism taking a strangle hold on CA, businesses are moving elsewhere and no new businesses are coming in or starting up to take it's place.

Conservative states are reaping the benefits of CA liberalism.

States court California companies - Jul. 12, 2011
Buffeted by high taxes, strict regulations and uncertain state budgets, a growing number of California companies are seeking friendlier business environments outside of the Golden State.

And governors around the country, smelling blood in the water, have stepped up their courtship of California companies. Officials in states like Florida, Texas, Arizona and Utah are telling California firms how business-friendly they are in comparison.

Print Companies are "disinvesting" in California at a rate five times greater than just two years ago, said Joseph Vranich, a business relocation expert based in Irvine. This includes leaving altogether, establishing divisions elsewhere or opting not to set up shop in California.

"There is a feeling that the state is not stable," Vranich said. "Sacramento can't get its act together...and that includes the governor, legislators and regulatory agencies that are running wild."

The state has been ranked by Chief Executive magazine as the worst place to do business for seven years.

"California, once a business friendly state, continues to conduct a war on its own economy," the magazine wrote.

"California has got to get its act together when it comes to economic development and job creation," he said.

While not all companies investing elsewhere are doing so for economic reasons, some are shopping around for lower costs, lighter regulations, stable leadership and government assistance and incentives.

The most popular places to go? Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Virginia and North Carolina, said Vranich. All rank in the Top 13 places to do business, according to Chief Executive.

No budget, no pay for California lawmakers
After 15 years in Monterey Country, Calif., Feel Golf relocated its headquarters to Florida earlier this year after it acquired Pro Line Sports, which was based in the Sunshine State.

"The whole state is a bureaucratic Santa Claus," said Lee Miller, chief executive of the golf equipment company, of his former home. "There's a very high cost of doing business."

In Florida, he found a better work pool, lower operating costs and no personal income taxes.

"Overall, it's just a better environment," he said.

PayPal opened a new customer services and operations center in Chandler, Ariz., in February, bringing 2,000 jobs to the area. The San Jose, Calif.-based tech firm, along with its parent eBay, also added 1,000 jobs in Austin, Texas, and expanded operations in Utah.

"They have business-friendly environments," said Kathy Chui, a spokeswoman for eBay

Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.

Dumbass, California has been sucking off the government tit for more than 20 years to fund it's stupidity, has nothing to do with the GOP at all. California has been run predominantly by Democrats forever "Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer" and one RINO in swarzeneggar.
If ever there was a perfect example of the end result of progressive policy, California is it. What a shithole.
Oh my mistake which english town do you live in?

Mind your own fucking business.

Dont you get it?

How other people live their lives IS her business.


she has realised that she is now outed for the specail treatment child she is.

She will not longer give us her personal information because it shows just how unAmerican her perspective is.

She was raised as a wealthy child in northern Cali ( big money to own a business there).

Cali has never lived a regular American life.

She doesnt know what its like to not be privledged
So you claim that California caused this world wide economic mess?

I need to ask...

Exactly how in the world did you come up with that conclusion based on Soggy's post?

It's TM... it doesn't do reality much.

And of course that wasn't at all what I was saying... CA's been a mess for quite a while.

Soggy...a three year old would have known what you were saying.
There was absolutely no possible way to spin what you said.

So I had to ask TM how she did it.

Of course, she wont answer.

Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.

Dumbass, California has been sucking off the government tit for more than 20 years to fund it's stupidity, has nothing to do with the GOP at all. California has been run predominantly by Democrats forever "Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer" and one RINO in swarzeneggar.
If ever there was a perfect example of the end result of progressive policy, California is it. What a shithole.

do you know how much cali brings into their country by way of tax revenue?

Why is it the right hates successs?
Mind your own fucking business.

Dont you get it?

How other people live their lives IS her business.


she has realised that she is now outed for the specail treatment child she is.

She will not longer give us her personal information because it shows just how unAmerican her perspective is.

She was raised as a wealthy child in northern Cali ( big money to own a business there).

Cali has never lived a regular American life.

She doesnt know what its like to not be privledged

And you have the same sentiments about Chelsea Clinton?
More bullshit republican rewriting of history


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