I love California

10 Reasons Companies Are DUMPING the Cal Dream

Relo Expert: Top 10 Reasons Businesses Flee California
Corporate relocation specialist Joe Vranich tracks businesses moving into and out of California. Given the current climate, he's only seeing the latter. In the first five weeks of 2011 alone, he's watched 30 corporations move to greener pastures.

The newest trend Vranich is reporting: employees asking management to move out of state. Some business owners tell Vranich they were unconvinced about moving until they were persuaded by employees to leave.

Vranich lists a variety of reasons owners have had enough with California, from which I created a "top 10".

10 - California’s high corporate tax rates — Colorado has only a 4.6 percent corporate tax as opposed to California’s 8.84 percent, and 10.84 percent on banks and financial institutions.
Not a shocker! This is a reason many companies state they leave the US altogether!

9 - Hostility from government agencies — local, county and state employees often view business owners as “the enemy,” according to Vranich’s clients.
Liberals always hate the businesses that employee the majority of Americans and who pay the tax dollars that fund their government jobs. It's the liberal mental disease!

8 - Costly, business-killing regulatory measures. And with AB 32 [Ed: "The Global Warming Solutions Act"] implementation already taking place, regulatory costs will climb higher.
Over-regulation is the niche of the liberal mind. Just look at the Community Reinvestment Act, which was one of the main culprits of the mortgage meltdown.

7 - Extravagant state spending with no end in sight.
Liberals like to spend and waste!

6 - Unfriendly business environment — California is ranked 51st (even behind D.C.) in the country for being a “business friendly state.”
Again Liberals hate businesses that create jobs and employ the majority of Americans!

5 - High cost of doing business within California’s cities, which are some of the highest in the nation.
With enormous government spending comes high costs of business that gets pushed onto the consumer in the form of higher taxes!

4 - High personal income tax rates — California’s personal income tax is 9.55 percent.
That is ROBBERY! Not sure why a millionaire would stay in the state. Oh wait most are moving out!

3 - California’s Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT is 6.65 percent for business and 7.25 percent for individuals).

2 - Litigious environment in California — businesses can be sued for just about anything.
CA legal system might be the worst in the world!

1 - General quality of life - other states offer less traffic, lower real estate prices and better schools.
Schools are some of the worst in the country, real estate is some of the pricest and traffic in LA is worst than anywhere I have ever drove in!

Business people know why CA is falling and it's not hard to figure out. I hope WI is taking notice, since the corrupt public unions are trying to oust him. Without Walker you would be heading in the CA direction.
California, led for decades by the locusts known as Democrats, is headed down the drain. The voters' decision to reelect a two-time failure as governor cemented its fate. Jerry Brown won't stand up to the monstrous public sector unions that bought him the governorship -- and he can't fix the problems confronting the state without nuking the public sector unions. More than two-thirds of the state's entire budget goes to salaries and benefits.

The average total compensation for an employee of the state of California is $106,000 a year. And the state retirement system (CalPERS) shows that the average defined benefit pension is $67,000 a year for a 30-year employee.

Fraud and abuse of the taxpayer is rife throughout state government. The Los Angeles Times recently reported that "[n]early three-quarters of Los Angeles County firefighters and lifeguards who retired in the last three years successfully claimed they were disabled on the job and won enhanced pension benefits."

The very same week the San Francisco Chronicle noted that , "In the game of megabuck public paychecks, outgoing San Francisco police brass are hauling away the gold... former Police Chief Heather Fong – who retired in 2009 – received a grand total of $528,595 in her final year. ... Now that she's gone, she's pulling down an annual pension of $229,500 for life."
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Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?
why ignore the question?

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

She will never answer you. If she does she will spin it. She is useless . If we quit giving answers or debating her she will have to argue with herself.
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?
See told you. She did spin it, She answered the question about Chelsea but ignored you on Calf Girl ..
I feel bad for the responsible people of California who are gonna have to keep paying higher taxes to bail out the masses of irresponsible folks who moved there, or were born there and just never grew up. Although, soon the other 49 states are gonna have to pitch in to save Cali. That state is "too big to fail" and the Feds will make sure it doesn't.

I'll tell you what they can't afford... they can't afford for people like my Dad to abandon the state.... but he did.... forced into it by obscene taxes. That's more people out of work in CA, and a business gone.... simply because he refuses to pay for other people's fuck ups.... and the liberals have surely fucked up that once great state.

hahahahahaha, then you are no longer a Californian huh?

Im glad he left the state if he hated his fellow caliifornians so much.

I hope he is very happy in his new state.

You're a tool. If you are going to debate, at least give honest answers. SO how exactly are you planning to pay off such debt again?
Oh, and for the record.... you're a total fucking asshole for claiming my dad 'hates' his fellow Californians. You have no right to claim people 'hate' others just because you do. We are not all such moronic little retards that we 'hate' people for their politics. Bitch.

Oh really? Because actions speak louder than words. Maybe it's the word 'hate' you're objecting to, but you sure do show a veritable shit ton of the attitude formerly known as hate at ANYBODY on this board who isn't happily joining in the RWNJ™ singalong.
why ignore the question?

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

She will never answer you. If she does she will spin it. She is useless . If we quit giving answers or debating her she will have to argue with herself.

See the trap you are setting for yourself?

I am an honest person and you refuse to accept certain facts.

Do you think no honest person reading thesse posts will notice the lies you pretend dont exsist?

This isnt about left and right , its about truth.

Stop making it about emotion like Cali does.

Accept FACTS like a big girl.

You thought after being a Fox veiwer that Franks said something YEARS after he actually said them.
You are allowing them to manipulate you
Its what Fox wanted you to believe.
Federal tax revenue by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets remember which state has given the feds the most.

Um.....it should, Hollywood is there, as well as LA, and not to mention Cali has the highest population of any state, or at least top 3. More people, plus the hub of the entertainment business, will mean more taxes.

It is a simple, kindergarten idea Cali had though. "We are the richest state, so we should be able to have the most government handouts so our poor will live better than everyone elses poor". Only problem is, when you offer a free lunch, more and more people accept that rather than earn their own way. You guys humane plans have worked against you.

Sometimes I hope the San Andreas fault line breaks wide open dumping California into the pacific ocean. About 70% of Americas problem would be washed away.
I'll tell you what they can't afford... they can't afford for people like my Dad to abandon the state.... but he did.... forced into it by obscene taxes. That's more people out of work in CA, and a business gone.... simply because he refuses to pay for other people's fuck ups.... and the liberals have surely fucked up that once great state.

hahahahahaha, then you are no longer a Californian huh?

Im glad he left the state if he hated his fellow caliifornians so much.

I hope he is very happy in his new state.

You're a tool. If you are going to debate, at least give honest answers. SO how exactly are you planning to pay off such debt again?

A better econony.

You see when the tide turns the cuts Jerry Brown has made and will continue to make will cause Cali to soar.

Then you will hate cali that much more.

You dont like your fellow Americans and want to see them fail
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Guess how I spent my morning today?

Making up 'reindeer food' which we will be selling at a 'coffee morning' at which I shall be serving coffee and cake and cookies (which I shall bake).... and we will be doing this to raise money... to help local poor kids.

Next month, every Wednesday evening, I will be walking for miles, in whatever shitty weather God feels inclined to produce.... and I will be collecting money to help local poor kids.

Every week, I donate at least 4 hours of my time... I teach reading, writing and computer skills to homeless people.

Every month, I donate money to both UK and US charities. Some helping our Vets, and their Vets, some helping those less fortunate.

Every April, I organize a local fundraiser for Cancer Research.

Every month, I help a local charity that provides emergency relief to local families.

I am a Conservative. This is what Conservatives do. It is what many Liberals do. It is what makes us (not you) decent people. We help our fellow man. And we do it not for others to tell us how wonderful we are... we do it because it is the right thing to do. I am the 99%.
Does Chelsea Clinton advocate punishing the poor for being poor?

Of course not, nobody does. What a stupid question.

Its what the right is all about
Punishing the poor?

I'd like to see the evidence of this punishment.

Does the right throw the poor in workhouses like the brits did in the 18th century?

Does the right throw the poor in Gulags like Soviet Russia did after the revolution?

I mean, just how exactly is the right trying to punish the poor? By trying to lower their taxes?
Federal tax revenue by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets remember which state has given the feds the most.

Um.....it should, Hollywood is there, as well as LA, and not to mention Cali has the highest population of any state, or at least top 3. More people, plus the hub of the entertainment business, will mean more taxes.

It is a simple, kindergarten idea Cali had though. "We are the richest state, so we should be able to have the most government handouts so our poor will live better than everyone elses poor". Only problem is, when you offer a free lunch, more and more people accept that rather than earn their own way. You guys humane plans have worked against you.

Sometimes I hope the San Andreas fault line breaks wide open dumping California into the pacific ocean. About 70% of Americas problem would be washed away.

see the HATE the right lives in?

The right likes this country split by hate.

They foment it daily
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

Gov Brown promised no such thing. Why lie? It doesn't help your cause yet seems to be a common practice among those on the right. If you're going to lie about the Gov. elect, maybe spelling his name corrrectly might provide you with some credability. Misspelling his name suggests your lie was a repeat of someone else's propaganda and, makes your arugment (and you) appear foolish.

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed California Dream Act, legislator says
MILLER: Free tuition for illegals - Washington Times
Jerry Brown signs Dream Act for illegal immigrants
Of course not, nobody does. What a stupid question.

Its what the right is all about
Punishing the poor?

I'd like to see the evidence of this punishment.

Does the right throw the poor in workhouses like the brits did in the 18th century?

Does the right throw the poor in Gulags like Soviet Russia did after the revolution?

I mean, just how exactly is the right trying to punish the poor? By trying to lower their taxes?

You try to dismantle any help for them.

You want them to pay more taxes.

you call them lazy and freeloaders all the time.

Now your going to pretend the right LOVES the poor huh?
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

I am as conservative as they come and I continually help the poor. I am a vounteer in our community and spend every thanksgiving doling out meals that my wife and I buy at the local Stop and Shop. I support welfare. I donate money annually to a variety of charities and UNLIKE many of my friends on the left, I give my accountant heart palpatations when I refuse to deduct them on my returns, (its a personal thing my wife and I agreed to 27 years ago).
As a recruiter, I have offered my services for free to many clients over the past 3 years. They tell me they need to hire someone but cant afford the fee...so I do the search for them anyway, send them resumes of the unemployed, and dont charge them a dime.

So what it boils down to....you are strictly speaking from a partisan standpoint and painting a broad brush that stops short once you hit the left side.

That is quite pathetic of you TM.....and pretty much eliminated the little bit of credibility you may have had left on this board.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

Gov Brown promised no such thing. Why lie? It doesn't help your cause yet seems to be a common practice among those on the right. If you're going to lie about the Gov. elect, maybe spelling his name corrrectly might provide you with some credability. Misspelling his name suggests your lie was a repeat of someone else's propaganda and, makes your arugment (and you) appear foolish.

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed California Dream Act, legislator says
MILLER: Free tuition for illegals - Washington Times
Jerry Brown signs Dream Act for illegal immigrants

see how much they hate the poor.

they dont want kids who have worked their ases off a nd done what society says they should do because?????????????? of something the child had NO control over.

Perry is right your heartless
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

Yep! tis true. Republicans don't run Californication. That's why the state is so fucked up with entitlements, and illegals and is going bankrupt. Thanks for the info Truthdon'tmattermuch.

Exactly. You look at states run by Liberal Democrats compared to states run by Conservative republicans and you can see a huge difference in the economies. Texas and Florida and Arizona have booming economies. What Liberal run state is booming? I cant think of one.

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