I love California

Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Helping the poor, like donating to charity?

Conservatives give far more money to charity than liberals.

Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

How about helping poor countries.

Bush gave more aid to African countries than any other President in history.
You know why the left doesnt donate that much . Because they feel their taxes is the donation for the people on welfare. They sit behind a screen and claim the love the poor when the majority does nothing for them on a day to day basis.. I donate to many charities mostly children because I feel they have no choice in the matter. That is what my focus is . I am sure TDM feels that I am the enemy but you know I can care less anymore she is worthless to me and what she thinks of me does not matter. I will never lose any sleep on anything she says.:lol:

in all fairness......when we prepare meals on thanksgiving...many of those helping out are very liberal in their ideology.

However.....I am one of only 3 people that not only prepare and serve the food....but ALSO BUY the food......and the other 2?
Both are Local republican politicians.
And Stop and Shop?
They supply the transporatation of the food to the location and charge us at a 10% discount.
They are good people.

Our local market donates all the food for our Help the Homeless Christmas Lunch. Local stores are incredibly generous. And the local drug store makes up gifts of soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and stuff. Local storekeepers in my area are really good about it.

that is one thing that we all get a kick out of here in my community.
I have a reputation....some call me "the mayor"...even though we dont have a mayor.
But for the Christmas dinner at the largest church here?
Many have commented that I should not be helping them out for I am Jewish.
Go figure that one out.
Now...dont get me wrong...the church itself blasted the congregation for those sentiments.....but one knows when one is not wanted.
So what do I do?
I donate money to the church and make it clear that it is earmarked strictly for the Christmas Dinner.
THAT the congregation takes.

Funny thing...if I were a liberal? I would want to sue the church for discrimination.

Butr me?

Hey...live your life the way you want. I will stay out of your way.
I am as conservative as they come and I continually help the poor. I am a vounteer in our community and spend every thanksgiving doling out meals that my wife and I buy at the local Stop and Shop. I support welfare. I donate money annually to a variety of charities and UNLIKE many of my friends on the left, I give my accountant heart palpatations when I refuse to deduct them on my returns, (its a personal thing my wife and I agreed to 27 years ago).
As a recruiter, I have offered my services for free to many clients over the past 3 years. They tell me they need to hire someone but cant afford the fee...so I do the search for them anyway, send them resumes of the unemployed, and dont charge them a dime.

So what it boils down to....you are strictly speaking from a partisan standpoint and painting a broad brush that stops short once you hit the left side.

That is quite pathetic of you TM.....and pretty much eliminated the little bit of credibility you may have had left on this board.
You know why the left doesnt donate that much . Because they feel their taxes is the donation for the people on welfare. They sit behind a screen and claim the love the poor when the majority does nothing for them on a day to day basis.. I donate to many charities mostly children because I feel they have no choice in the matter. That is what my focus is . I am sure TDM feels that I am the enemy but you know I can care less anymore she is worthless to me and what she thinks of me does not matter. I will never lose any sleep on anything she says.:lol:

in all fairness......when we prepare meals on thanksgiving...many of those helping out are very liberal in their ideology.

However.....I am one of only 3 people that not only prepare and serve the food....but ALSO BUY the food......and the other 2?
Both are Local republican politicians.
And Stop and Shop?
They supply the transporatation of the food to the location and charge us at a 10% discount.
They are good people.

I have been involved in Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts for 25 years. We have annual food drives, go to elderly people's homes and do repairs, we work soup kitchens in homeless shelters, we adopt families at Christmas so they will have gifts to open Christmas morning. The list could go on for pages but we do these things because we care, because we can and because we should.
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Helping the poor, like donating to charity?

Conservatives give far more money to charity than liberals.

Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

How about helping poor countries.

Bush gave more aid to African countries than any other President in history.

how about helping poor Americans.

Your own platform shows your disgust for the poor
I was just talking to my veteran friend ystrdy from back in the day in SoCal. He dicided to stay there. He's a Libral like me. I moved away from Cali in '87. SoCal had its good points but I require more than surf, suburban sprawl, freeways, etc... It never claimed to be anything else so I has no qualms w/ it. If I went back it'd prolly be farther north.
Regarding the problems with the California state budget and allegations about what caused it, I have just two words of response: Proposition 13.
California has been literally ruined by liberals and illegal aliens. Someday, one of two things will happen, one, a massive earth quake will hit and kill millions of the liberals and illegal aliens and the state might be salvageable if taken over by conservatives, or two, the rest of the country will line its Minute Men up on the eastern California border and march west cleansing it of the liberal and illegal alien pestilence, and then inhabit it with conservatives.

Hey... one can dream... :eusa_eh:
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Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Helping the poor, like donating to charity?

Conservatives give far more money to charity than liberals.

Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

How about helping poor countries.

Bush gave more aid to African countries than any other President in history.

how about helping poor Americans.

Your own platform shows your disgust for the poor

You have no idea what my platform is.

But let me ask you this. (even though you will never respond)

How is weaning the poor off of welfare and providing them ways to become productive members of society showing disgust for them?

Do you not want all Americans to be gainfully employed?

Do you like seeing Americans dependent on govt. cheese?
The republican platform advocates cutting spending on the poor and wants them to pay more taxes
The republican platform advocates cutting spending on the poor and wants them to pay more taxes

The republican platform is about spending within our means....somnething neither party did....but now we have no choice.
And nowhere is it about increasing taxes on the poor. You just made that up.
The republican platform advocates cutting spending on the poor and wants them to pay more taxes

The republican platform is about spending within our means....somnething neither party did....but now we have no choice.
And nowhere is it about increasing taxes on the poor. You just made that up.

Of course she made it up.

That's all she ever does!

She NEVER backs up any of her claims.
Helping the poor, like donating to charity?

Conservatives give far more money to charity than liberals.

Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

How about helping poor countries.

Bush gave more aid to African countries than any other President in history.

how about helping poor Americans.

Your own platform shows your disgust for the poor

You have no idea what my platform is.

But let me ask you this. (even though you will never respond)

How is weaning the poor off of welfare and providing them ways to become productive members of society showing disgust for them?

Do you not want all Americans to be gainfully employed?

Do you like seeing Americans dependent on govt. cheese?

She prefers them dependent on government cheese.
That way she can feel "good" about herself.
Heck...if everyone were self sufficient, she would not be able to talk about how the poor need our help...and then she wont be able to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

See how spin works TM?

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