I love California

Not an opinion...there is a residency requirement needed to register to vote.

I have never claimed that I don't have a residence there. Stupid girl.... get facts, then form opinion. Assuming makes an ASS out of U, not ME. Mmmmk?

Federal Voting Assistance Program - Frequently Asked Questions

I know all about overseas voting. I've done it. Several times.


pathetic... bumping a year old thread. Did it take you a year to think of the retort?
Guess how I spent my morning today?

Making up 'reindeer food' which we will be selling at a 'coffee morning' at which I shall be serving coffee and cake and cookies (which I shall bake).... and we will be doing this to raise money... to help local poor kids.

Next month, every Wednesday evening, I will be walking for miles, in whatever shitty weather God feels inclined to produce.... and I will be collecting money to help local poor kids.

Every week, I donate at least 4 hours of my time... I teach reading, writing and computer skills to homeless people.

Every month, I donate money to both UK and US charities. Some helping our Vets, and their Vets, some helping those less fortunate.

Every April, I organize a local fundraiser for Cancer Research.

Every month, I help a local charity that provides emergency relief to local families.

I am a Conservative. This is what Conservatives do. It is what many Liberals do. It is what makes us (not you) decent people. We help our fellow man. And we do it not for others to tell us how wonderful we are... we do it because it is the right thing to do. I am the 99%.

We need more like you in CA! I donate to some causes myself (not as much as in previous years): Chicago Homeless Shelter, Humane Society, IDF, Catholic Charities (My cousin works their and they do some great thing around the globe) and I always do the YME Breast Cancer walk and I donate to Yme also!

Few times a year my CORPORATION has their 500 strong work force donate time at Feed My Starving Children and Habitat for Humanity. Not to mention they provide a quarter of the budget of Feed My Starving Children in my city!

Millions of Americans do what we do. Sadly, TruthMocker prefers to delegate her personal responsibility to the Government. What pisses her off is that we will not. We happily undertake our obligation to help those less fortunate.... and that drives TruthMocker crazy. She hates that we love our fellow man.

People that help other people friggen suck, especially when they do it without the the government being involved. It doesn't allow politicians to play Santa Claus with our money, and that's just wrong.
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how about helping poor Americans.

Your own platform shows your disgust for the poor

You have no idea what my platform is.

But let me ask you this. (even though you will never respond)

How is weaning the poor off of welfare and providing them ways to become productive members of society showing disgust for them?

Do you not want all Americans to be gainfully employed?

Do you like seeing Americans dependent on govt. cheese?

She prefers them dependent on government cheese.
That way she can feel "good" about herself.
Heck...if everyone were self sufficient, she would not be able to talk about how the poor need our help...and then she wont be able to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

See how spin works TM?

TM does not have spin, she has Trolling... Near every person in this thread has proven TM wrong, yet she keeps repeating herself. TM's debate style reminds me of what you would expect from a bigot or a racist, for TM if "it's" a Republican it's evil, if it's a Democrat it's good.

I have talked about how TM "reboots" during debates, like a computer that you just unplug without shutting it down. TM resets, as if the last 40 pages of her getting owned were wiped off the hard drive.

Of course TM loves Cali, it has one of the strongest divides between the 1%ers and the 99%ers (the poor). Through policy, regardless if there was a Republican in charge or a Democrat, California’s is one of the most liberal states in the country… Cali from what I understand runs the highest deficit in the country. TM can blame the federal Government all she wants, but the federal Government is running a bigger deficit, because once again, no matter if it was Republican or Democrat in charge our country has shifted so far liberal that the programs we have bankrupted the country.

btw I lived in Cali for 22 years, I grew up there, I was born there.
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We need more like you in CA! I donate to some causes myself (not as much as in previous years): Chicago Homeless Shelter, Humane Society, IDF, Catholic Charities (My cousin works their and they do some great thing around the globe) and I always do the YME Breast Cancer walk and I donate to Yme also!

Few times a year my CORPORATION has their 500 strong work force donate time at Feed My Starving Children and Habitat for Humanity. Not to mention they provide a quarter of the budget of Feed My Starving Children in my city!

Millions of Americans do what we do. Sadly, TruthMocker prefers to delegate her personal responsibility to the Government. What pisses her off is that we will not. We happily undertake our obligation to help those less fortunate.... and that drives TruthMocker crazy. She hates that we love our fellow man.

People that help other suck, especially when they do it without the the government being involved. It doesn't allow politicians to play Santa Claus with our money, and that's just wrong.

We bad. :eusa_angel:
I have never claimed that I don't have a residence there. Stupid girl.... get facts, then form opinion. Assuming makes an ASS out of U, not ME. Mmmmk?

Federal Voting Assistance Program - Frequently Asked Questions

I know all about overseas voting. I've done it. Several times.


pathetic... bumping a year old thread. Did it take you a year to think of the retort?

I find it very odd that she insists I should not vote in the US... because apparently, living outside the US makes one no longer an American. I wonder how the Military would see that? Since lots of them spend years outside the US. I happen to know of several who have been stationed in Europe for years.

I guess they're good enough to die for assclowns like TruthMocker, but they're not good enough to vote in our country.
how about helping poor Americans.

Your own platform shows your disgust for the poor

You have no idea what my platform is.

But let me ask you this. (even though you will never respond)

How is weaning the poor off of welfare and providing them ways to become productive members of society showing disgust for them?

Do you not want all Americans to be gainfully employed?

Do you like seeing Americans dependent on govt. cheese?

She prefers them dependent on government cheese.
That way she can feel "good" about herself.
Heck...if everyone were self sufficient, she would not be able to talk about how the poor need our help...and then she wont be able to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

See how spin works TM?
The left needs poor folks.

Without them they would have a single issue to beat over our heads with.
I think everyone should put Lies matters on ignore list that no one will see what she says and she can argue with herself. It will drive her crazy lol(even though I suspect she is a little off)
You have no idea what my platform is.

But let me ask you this. (even though you will never respond)

How is weaning the poor off of welfare and providing them ways to become productive members of society showing disgust for them?

Do you not want all Americans to be gainfully employed?

Do you like seeing Americans dependent on govt. cheese?

She prefers them dependent on government cheese.
That way she can feel "good" about herself.
Heck...if everyone were self sufficient, she would not be able to talk about how the poor need our help...and then she wont be able to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

See how spin works TM?

TM does not have spin, she has Trolling... Near every person in this thread has proven TM wrong, yet she keeps repeating herself. TM's debate style reminds me of what you would expect from a bigot or a racist, for TM if "it's" a Republican it's evil, if it's a Democrat it's good.

I have talked about how TM "reboots" during debates, like a computer that you just unplug without shutting it down. TM resets, as if the last 40 pages of her getting owned were wiped off the hard drive.

Of course TM loves Cali, it has one of the strongest divides between the 1%ers and the 99%ers (the poor). Through policy, regardless if there was a Republican in charge or a Democrat, California’s is one of the most liberal states in the country… Cali from what I understand runs the highest deficit in the country. TM can blame the federal Government all she wants, but the federal Government is running a bigger deficit, because once again, no matter if it was Republican or Democrat in charge our country has shifted so far liberal that the programs we have bankrupted the country.

btw I lived in Cali for 22 years, I grew up there, I was born there.

It's funny, I post on another board where TM used to post. She got tooled over there for several years and then (thankfully) left and rarely comes back. What was interesting was after discovering this board I saw the posters here had almost the exact same reaction to her as the posters on the board I'm on. There's obviously a reason for that as you pretty much stated above.
The only thing worse than a 2 party system, is a one party system.

(that is if you actually believe we have a 2 party system now)
The only thing worse than a 2 party system, is a one party system.

(that is if you actually believe we have a 2 party system now)

Exactly. What are the goals of the RNC and DNC? Win elections and control power.

What are the goals of politicians? 1) Power 2) Stay employed (win elections)

So while partisans bitch over which party 'cares' more the RNC and DNC laugh all the way to the bank.
The only thing worse than a 2 party system, is a one party system.

(that is if you actually believe we have a 2 party system now)

Exactly. What are the goals of the RNC and DNC? Win elections and control power.

What are the goals of politicians? 1) Power 2) Stay employed (win elections)

So while partisans bitch over which party 'cares' more the RNC and DNC laugh all the way to the bank.

Always glad to see new members who don't bring along an affiliation to a party to cloud their judgement on issues, welcome aboard :).
No, it's going broke because of fucking liberals and fucking RINOs. Idiot. My dad pulled his business out of California.... they've moved to AZ. He'd rather support a decent state, not some bunch of fools who ran a great state into bankruptcy.

So full of love

Only a fucking moron would see that post in terms of 'love' and 'hate'. He's a business man. He makes business decisions. Of course, you are too fucking stupid to understand that. To you, it's 'hate'.... to him it was doing what was best... for his family, and his employees.

Stupid, fucking ignorant little bitch.


yet more of your bragging

My dad is moving his business out of Ca. Shame cuz we're Ca born and bred, shame for his employees who will soon become statistics. But that's the cost of running a business in Ca today - he can run it equally well - and a damned sight more cost effectively - by shifting to another state. Where he will downsize and not employ so many.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

It shows TM. You all are Fucked. Such a Beautiful State. It's a shame. :(
So full of love

Only a fucking moron would see that post in terms of 'love' and 'hate'. He's a business man. He makes business decisions. Of course, you are too fucking stupid to understand that. To you, it's 'hate'.... to him it was doing what was best... for his family, and his employees.

Stupid, fucking ignorant little bitch.


yet more of your bragging

My dad is moving his business out of Ca. Shame cuz we're Ca born and bred, shame for his employees who will soon become statistics. But that's the cost of running a business in Ca today - he can run it equally well - and a damned sight more cost effectively - by shifting to another state. Where he will downsize and not employ so many.

At the risk of repeating myself..... 'stupid, fucking ignorant little bitch'. And, you're a liar.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

It shows TM. You all are Fucked. Such a Beautiful State. It's a shame. :(
And thus remains a question that may come up...IF they go under? Should the other 49 (or is it 56 according to the O)...no matter...bail them out for thier poor choices if ever such a scenario come to pass?
You have no idea what my platform is.

But let me ask you this. (even though you will never respond)

How is weaning the poor off of welfare and providing them ways to become productive members of society showing disgust for them?

Do you not want all Americans to be gainfully employed?

Do you like seeing Americans dependent on govt. cheese?

She prefers them dependent on government cheese.
That way she can feel "good" about herself.
Heck...if everyone were self sufficient, she would not be able to talk about how the poor need our help...and then she wont be able to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

See how spin works TM?
The left needs poor folks.

Without them they would have a single issue to beat over our heads with.
Why not since the left creates them as pawns to thier whims?
So full of love

Only a fucking moron would see that post in terms of 'love' and 'hate'. He's a business man. He makes business decisions. Of course, you are too fucking stupid to understand that. To you, it's 'hate'.... to him it was doing what was best... for his family, and his employees.

Stupid, fucking ignorant little bitch.


yet more of your bragging

My dad is moving his business out of Ca. Shame cuz we're Ca born and bred, shame for his employees who will soon become statistics. But that's the cost of running a business in Ca today - he can run it equally well - and a damned sight more cost effectively - by shifting to another state. Where he will downsize and not employ so many.

Ummm, just for your info 'cause you're so knowledge challenged and all, but California is a Democratic state through and through. Democrat guv, and a Democrat run legislature.
Republicans havn't had any real power in CA since Reagan.

Just thought you might like to know the truth, not that you care about the truth mind you, but some do...care that is.
Let's see. This week in CA. The Bay Area liberals moved forward with a 1/2 Billion Plus Dollar plan to put a bike lane on the Bay Bridge.

Never mind this part:

Furthermore, by adding bike lanes to either side of the western span, it would cause the bridge to sag by two feet, slightly reducing the clearance for the large container and cruise ships regularly crossing underneath and violating a U.S. Coast Guard rule prohibiting the bridge from sagging by more than half a foot.

Bay Bridge Bike Lane May Be $550 Million Bike Lane To Nowhere (Video)

Liberals are friggin' brilliant in CA.

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