I love California


Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.
I love California too, Truthmatters, but when the financial wizards downgraded America's credit rating it did so on Democrat President Obama's watch after he spent taxpayer money on failed ventures for two years like a drunken sailor squandering all his paycheck on one dame.

That is a total and undisputed fact of truth that cannot be denied.

Stick to your topic of how beautiful California is, Big Bear, Newport Beach, the orchards of Ramona to Mt. Shasta. Speak of the Redwood Forest and Anaheim parks. Tell me about the amazing art schools and galleries, the inimitable Pomona Campuses and charming Chaffey College, nestled in the foothills of Alta Loma. Tell me about the bing Cherry orchards that grow on the other side of Big Bear mountain from San Bernardino. Brag about the famous footprints of Hollywood's finest on the walk outside Grauman's Chinese theater, Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, and the San Diego Zoo. If you live there, a lot of California's weather is like paradise. And the entertainment industry still entertains America.

But don't sully your own thread by throwing out untrue political shibboleths that nobody in academia can believe.

Stick to the theme: California is a beautiful state. Many of us have been there, visited the sights, loved what we saw.

I'm glad you enjoy living in the Golden State. It's a fabulous state.
Without any research, I can tell you the bicycle lane story is pure Pubcrappe, a canard,and totally irrelevant. Classic Pubduperie. LOL!

I'd say Cal.'s problems come from Pub blockage of a real ID SS work card, for YEARS. Pubs love cheap illegal workers, and just give lip service to BS moves, designed to fail, and just for the idiot haters...

With no research I can tell that you are a mindless drone. You parrot whatever BS Democrat talking points there are and think you are smart. You aren't.
I second the motion. Been that way since arrival.

Motion carried. The poster now known as FrancoHFW is a mindless drone. Common enough on both sides of the aisle.

Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.
I love California too, Truthmatters, but when the financial wizards downgraded America's credit rating it did so on Democrat President Obama's watch after he spent taxpayer money on failed ventures for two years like a drunken sailor squandering all his paycheck on one dame.

That is a total and undisputed fact of truth that cannot be denied.

Stick to your topic of how beautiful California is, Big Bear, Newport Beach, the orchards of Ramona to Mt. Shasta. Speak of the Redwood Forest and Anaheim parks. Tell me about the amazing art schools and galleries, the inimitable Pomona Campuses and charming Chaffey College, nestled in the foothills of Alta Loma. Tell me about the bing Cherry orchards that grow on the other side of Big Bear mountain from San Bernardino. Brag about the famous footprints of Hollywood's finest on the walk outside Grauman's Chinese theater, Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, and the San Diego Zoo. If you live there, a lot of California's weather is like paradise. And the entertainment industry still entertains America.

But don't sully your own thread by throwing out untrue political shibboleths that nobody in academia can believe.

Stick to the theme: California is a beautiful state. Many of us have been there, visited the sights, loved what we saw.

I'm glad you enjoy living in the Golden State. It's a fabulous state.

Didn't realize this place was famous. I spent my first two years of college there.
Everyone but your type agrees with the rating agencies, it was the disfunction and lack of confidence in our gov't to work on the problem that caused the downgrade. Ditto mainly the no compromise Pubs in congress.
With no research I can tell that you are a mindless drone. You parrot whatever BS Democrat talking points there are and think you are smart. You aren't.
I second the motion. Been that way since arrival.

Motion carried. The poster now known as FrancoHFW is a mindless drone. Common enough on both sides of the aisle.

Like I care what you dupes think. Always WRONG on political matters. Hoping for your recovery. Please include the source in your links. tyvm
I second the motion. Been that way since arrival.

Motion carried. The poster now known as FrancoHFW is a mindless drone. Common enough on both sides of the aisle.

Like I care what you dupes think. Always WRONG on political matters. Hoping for your recovery. Please include the source in your links. tyvm

:lol::lol::lol:Like we care what you have to say! You may leave drone. You failed at your assigned task.
I hardly expect any intelligent reaction from dittoheads, Foxbots, and Moonies...ridiculous, hateful talking points and insults...

Pubs have caused the illegals problem by blocking a SS work ID card and enforcement of laws against illegal work and employers, because they love cheap labor. They distract morons like you with BS unconstitutional hate laws and talk of a useless, un-American Berlin Wall that would cost trillions and wouldn't work. Hoping for your recovery.
Everyone but your type agrees with the rating agencies, it was the disfunction and lack of confidence in our gov't to work on the problem that caused the downgrade. Ditto mainly the no compromise Pubs in congress.

And who is at the top of the government food chain?

Why, that would be... THE PRESIDENT.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

And yet a Majority Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage in California recently... :thup:

An Interesting Voting Block, Cali is.


California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

And yet a Majority Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage in California recently... :thup:

An Interesting Voting Block, Cali is.



Recently? More like over three years ago. Same vote today would turn out VERY differently. Doesn't really matter since civil rights have always been won in court, not at the ballot box. We aren't supposed to vote on fundamental rights anyway.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

And yet a Majority Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage in California recently... :thup:

An Interesting Voting Block, Cali is.



Recently? More like over three years ago. Same vote today would turn out VERY differently. Doesn't really matter since civil rights have always been won in court, not at the ballot box. We aren't supposed to vote on fundamental rights anyway.

3 fucking years ago?... Damn, that was like a Generation ago!...

I'm sure California has changed it's mind of what "Rights" are. :thup:

And the '64 Civil Rights Act wasn't Won in Court, Jackass, but the "Right" to Own Slaves was... :thup:

There is a Reason Jefferson Viewed the Court as "Despotic" and the Great Object of his Fear.

You are not being Denied the Right to Marry, you are being Denied the Ability to Redefine Marriage.


Gay activists tried to get an intitative on the ballot to overturn 8. They couldn't get enough signatures to qualify.

California has an odd voter base. The cities are crammed with immigrants from all over the world. They can't be counted on to vote for the pet social projects of the liberals. So many are on public benefits that they can be counted on to increase taxes. More than half the state is recieving some kind of assistance. Unfortunately the result is that businesses have fled the state in DROVES with few companies moving here. Financially the state is in a constant quandry of how to squeeze more out of fewer and fewer people.

With social issues though, California is fairly conservative. The largest bloc to vote against same sex marriage were the predominently Catholic mexicans. That bloc is pretty hard to overcome no matter what the liberal propaganda is.
I hardly expect any intelligent reaction from dittoheads, Foxbots, and Moonies...ridiculous, hateful talking points and insults...

Pubs have caused the illegals problem by blocking a SS work ID card and enforcement of laws against illegal work and employers, because they love cheap labor. They distract morons like you with BS unconstitutional hate laws and talk of a useless, un-American Berlin Wall that would cost trillions and wouldn't work. Hoping for your recovery.

Well, you'd have to know an intelligent reaction to expect it.

It's not like you've ever made an argument on this board. All you do is call people dittoheads, Foxbots, and Moonies...

And then whine about insults......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

If you look at your post, you see one key word...


Somehow that fact is lost on the left.

Great post. I'd nominate it for one of the ten most stupid of 2011.
California, the worst run state in the union.

I wonder why? Could it be all those moonbats?
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

Why don't you move there and have a get together with California girl.

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