I love California

Its what the right is all about
Punishing the poor?

I'd like to see the evidence of this punishment.

Does the right throw the poor in workhouses like the brits did in the 18th century?

Does the right throw the poor in Gulags like Soviet Russia did after the revolution?

I mean, just how exactly is the right trying to punish the poor? By trying to lower their taxes?

You try to dismantle any help for them.

You want them to pay more taxes.

you call them lazy and freeloaders all the time.

Now your going to pretend the right LOVES the poor huh?

Wow...you just regurgitated the spin the politicians on the left want you to believe.

They know many of you are naive enbough to believe the spin.

Curious...what is it like to defend politicians that see you as naive ?
Punishing the poor?

I'd like to see the evidence of this punishment.

Does the right throw the poor in workhouses like the brits did in the 18th century?

Does the right throw the poor in Gulags like Soviet Russia did after the revolution?

I mean, just how exactly is the right trying to punish the poor? By trying to lower their taxes?

You try to dismantle any help for them.

You want them to pay more taxes.

you call them lazy and freeloaders all the time.

Now your going to pretend the right LOVES the poor huh?

Wow...you just regurgitated the spin the politicians on the left want you to believe.

They know many of you are naive enbough to believe the spin.

Curious...what is it like to defend politicians that see you as naive ?

its out of the mouths of your own on here daily.

jesus you live in fantasy land
You try to dismantle any help for them.

You want them to pay more taxes.

you call them lazy and freeloaders all the time.

Now your going to pretend the right LOVES the poor huh?

Wow...you just regurgitated the spin the politicians on the left want you to believe.

They know many of you are naive enbough to believe the spin.

Curious...what is it like to defend politicians that see you as naive ?

its out of the mouths of your own on here daily.

jesus you live in fantasy land

No...it is not.

You take what we say on this board and spin it to sound like you want it to sound.

If we say...."the US cant afford to continue extending unemployment benefits..."

Your response is

"why do you want to see the unemployed starve to death?"
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Guess how I spent my morning today?

Making up 'reindeer food' which we will be selling at a 'coffee morning' at which I shall be serving coffee and cake and cookies (which I shall bake).... and we will be doing this to raise money... to help local poor kids.

Next month, every Wednesday evening, I will be walking for miles, in whatever shitty weather God feels inclined to produce.... and I will be collecting money to help local poor kids.

Every week, I donate at least 4 hours of my time... I teach reading, writing and computer skills to homeless people.

Every month, I donate money to both UK and US charities. Some helping our Vets, and their Vets, some helping those less fortunate.

Every April, I organize a local fundraiser for Cancer Research.

Every month, I help a local charity that provides emergency relief to local families.

I am a Conservative. This is what Conservatives do. It is what many Liberals do. It is what makes us (not you) decent people. We help our fellow man. And we do it not for others to tell us how wonderful we are... we do it because it is the right thing to do. I am the 99%.

We need more like you in CA! I donate to some causes myself (not as much as in previous years): Chicago Homeless Shelter, Humane Society, IDF, Catholic Charities (My cousin works their and they do some great thing around the globe) and I always do the YME Breast Cancer walk and I donate to Yme also!

Few times a year my CORPORATION has their 500 strong work force donate time at Feed My Starving Children and Habitat for Humanity. Not to mention they provide a quarter of the budget of Feed My Starving Children in my city!
Its what the right is all about
Punishing the poor?

I'd like to see the evidence of this punishment.

Does the right throw the poor in workhouses like the brits did in the 18th century?

Does the right throw the poor in Gulags like Soviet Russia did after the revolution?

I mean, just how exactly is the right trying to punish the poor? By trying to lower their taxes?

You try to dismantle any help for them.

You want them to pay more taxes.

you call them lazy and freeloaders all the time.

Now your going to pretend the right LOVES the poor huh?

You know, there is the idea that enslaving people in maze of government programs thus ensuring a lifetime of poverty is not exactly helping anyone.

But we can't expect a simp such as yourself to understand this.
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

I am as conservative as they come and I continually help the poor. I am a vounteer in our community and spend every thanksgiving doling out meals that my wife and I buy at the local Stop and Shop. I support welfare. I donate money annually to a variety of charities and UNLIKE many of my friends on the left, I give my accountant heart palpatations when I refuse to deduct them on my returns, (its a personal thing my wife and I agreed to 27 years ago).
As a recruiter, I have offered my services for free to many clients over the past 3 years. They tell me they need to hire someone but cant afford the fee...so I do the search for them anyway, send them resumes of the unemployed, and dont charge them a dime.

So what it boils down to....you are strictly speaking from a partisan standpoint and painting a broad brush that stops short once you hit the left side.

That is quite pathetic of you TM.....and pretty much eliminated the little bit of credibility you may have had left on this board.
You know why the left doesnt donate that much . Because they feel their taxes is the donation for the people on welfare. They sit behind a screen and claim the love the poor when the majority does nothing for them on a day to day basis.. I donate to many charities mostly children because I feel they have no choice in the matter. That is what my focus is . I am sure TDM feels that I am the enemy but you know I can care less anymore she is worthless to me and what she thinks of me does not matter. I will never lose any sleep on anything she says.:lol:
Still waiting...

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Guess how I spent my morning today?

Making up 'reindeer food' which we will be selling at a 'coffee morning' at which I shall be serving coffee and cake and cookies (which I shall bake).... and we will be doing this to raise money... to help local poor kids.

Next month, every Wednesday evening, I will be walking for miles, in whatever shitty weather God feels inclined to produce.... and I will be collecting money to help local poor kids.

Every week, I donate at least 4 hours of my time... I teach reading, writing and computer skills to homeless people.

Every month, I donate money to both UK and US charities. Some helping our Vets, and their Vets, some helping those less fortunate.

Every April, I organize a local fundraiser for Cancer Research.

Every month, I help a local charity that provides emergency relief to local families.

I am a Conservative. This is what Conservatives do. It is what many Liberals do. It is what makes us (not you) decent people. We help our fellow man. And we do it not for others to tell us how wonderful we are... we do it because it is the right thing to do. I am the 99%.

That's the problem with conservatives. They have too much excess cash to give to the poor and too much time to spend helping people and enjoying life.

We need to take their money, spread it around to Obama's rich friends and force conservatives to have to work 24/7, and teach them to like it. Maybe ask for it.
Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

Guess how I spent my morning today?

Making up 'reindeer food' which we will be selling at a 'coffee morning' at which I shall be serving coffee and cake and cookies (which I shall bake).... and we will be doing this to raise money... to help local poor kids.

Next month, every Wednesday evening, I will be walking for miles, in whatever shitty weather God feels inclined to produce.... and I will be collecting money to help local poor kids.

Every week, I donate at least 4 hours of my time... I teach reading, writing and computer skills to homeless people.

Every month, I donate money to both UK and US charities. Some helping our Vets, and their Vets, some helping those less fortunate.

Every April, I organize a local fundraiser for Cancer Research.

Every month, I help a local charity that provides emergency relief to local families.

I am a Conservative. This is what Conservatives do. It is what many Liberals do. It is what makes us (not you) decent people. We help our fellow man. And we do it not for others to tell us how wonderful we are... we do it because it is the right thing to do. I am the 99%.

We need more like you in CA! I donate to some causes myself (not as much as in previous years): Chicago Homeless Shelter, Humane Society, IDF, Catholic Charities (My cousin works their and they do some great thing around the globe) and I always do the YME Breast Cancer walk and I donate to Yme also!

Few times a year my CORPORATION has their 500 strong work force donate time at Feed My Starving Children and Habitat for Humanity. Not to mention they provide a quarter of the budget of Feed My Starving Children in my city!

Millions of Americans do what we do. Sadly, TruthMocker prefers to delegate her personal responsibility to the Government. What pisses her off is that we will not. We happily undertake our obligation to help those less fortunate.... and that drives TruthMocker crazy. She hates that we love our fellow man.
Let me clear up something for you.

being wealthy doesnt mean you cant learn about the rest of America.

The right who are wealthy just dont care to learn about the rest of America.

That is why they have decided to be right instead of left.

Its a philosophy.

When was the last time the right urged helping the poor?

I am as conservative as they come and I continually help the poor. I am a vounteer in our community and spend every thanksgiving doling out meals that my wife and I buy at the local Stop and Shop. I support welfare. I donate money annually to a variety of charities and UNLIKE many of my friends on the left, I give my accountant heart palpatations when I refuse to deduct them on my returns, (its a personal thing my wife and I agreed to 27 years ago).
As a recruiter, I have offered my services for free to many clients over the past 3 years. They tell me they need to hire someone but cant afford the fee...so I do the search for them anyway, send them resumes of the unemployed, and dont charge them a dime.

So what it boils down to....you are strictly speaking from a partisan standpoint and painting a broad brush that stops short once you hit the left side.

That is quite pathetic of you TM.....and pretty much eliminated the little bit of credibility you may have had left on this board.
You know why the left doesnt donate that much . Because they feel their taxes is the donation for the people on welfare. They sit behind a screen and claim the love the poor when the majority does nothing for them on a day to day basis.. I donate to many charities mostly children because I feel they have no choice in the matter. That is what my focus is . I am sure TDM feels that I am the enemy but you know I can care less anymore she is worthless to me and what she thinks of me does not matter. I will never lose any sleep on anything she says.:lol:

in all fairness......when we prepare meals on thanksgiving...many of those helping out are very liberal in their ideology.

However.....I am one of only 3 people that not only prepare and serve the food....but ALSO BUY the food......and the other 2?
Both are Local republican politicians.
And Stop and Shop?
They supply the transporatation of the food to the location and charge us at a 10% discount.
They are good people.
why ignore the question?

Answer me TM...

You made the claim that CG was born to a wealthy family so she has no idea how regular americans live.

SO I ask again...do you feel the same way about Cheslea Clinton?

She will never answer you. If she does she will spin it. She is useless . If we quit giving answers or debating her she will have to argue with herself.

See the trap you are setting for yourself?

I am an honest person and you refuse to accept certain facts.

Do you think no honest person reading thesse posts will notice the lies you pretend dont exsist?

This isnt about left and right , its about truth.

Stop making it about emotion like Cali does.

Accept FACTS like a big girl.

You thought after being a Fox veiwer that Franks said something YEARS after he actually said them.
You are allowing them to manipulate you
Its what Fox wanted you to believe.

TM, you keep claiming you are an honest person when I have in fact caught you in more than one lie. Because you say it or your left wing media outlet says it, doesn't make it true. I'd put you on ignore but it would take a lot of chuckles out of my experience on this board. :cuckoo:
I am as conservative as they come and I continually help the poor. I am a vounteer in our community and spend every thanksgiving doling out meals that my wife and I buy at the local Stop and Shop. I support welfare. I donate money annually to a variety of charities and UNLIKE many of my friends on the left, I give my accountant heart palpatations when I refuse to deduct them on my returns, (its a personal thing my wife and I agreed to 27 years ago).
As a recruiter, I have offered my services for free to many clients over the past 3 years. They tell me they need to hire someone but cant afford the fee...so I do the search for them anyway, send them resumes of the unemployed, and dont charge them a dime.

So what it boils down to....you are strictly speaking from a partisan standpoint and painting a broad brush that stops short once you hit the left side.

That is quite pathetic of you TM.....and pretty much eliminated the little bit of credibility you may have had left on this board.
You know why the left doesnt donate that much . Because they feel their taxes is the donation for the people on welfare. They sit behind a screen and claim the love the poor when the majority does nothing for them on a day to day basis.. I donate to many charities mostly children because I feel they have no choice in the matter. That is what my focus is . I am sure TDM feels that I am the enemy but you know I can care less anymore she is worthless to me and what she thinks of me does not matter. I will never lose any sleep on anything she says.:lol:

in all fairness......when we prepare meals on thanksgiving...many of those helping out are very liberal in their ideology.

However.....I am one of only 3 people that not only prepare and serve the food....but ALSO BUY the food......and the other 2?
Both are Local republican politicians.
And Stop and Shop?
They supply the transporatation of the food to the location and charge us at a 10% discount.
They are good people.

Our local market donates all the food for our Help the Homeless Christmas Lunch. Local stores are incredibly generous. And the local drug store makes up gifts of soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and stuff. Local storekeepers in my area are really good about it.
She will never answer you. If she does she will spin it. She is useless . If we quit giving answers or debating her she will have to argue with herself.

See the trap you are setting for yourself?

I am an honest person and you refuse to accept certain facts.

Do you think no honest person reading thesse posts will notice the lies you pretend dont exsist?

This isnt about left and right , its about truth.

Stop making it about emotion like Cali does.

Accept FACTS like a big girl.

You thought after being a Fox veiwer that Franks said something YEARS after he actually said them.
You are allowing them to manipulate you
Its what Fox wanted you to believe.

TM, you keep claiming you are an honest person when I have in fact caught you in more than one lie. Because you say it or your left wing media outlet says it, doesn't make it true. I'd put you on ignore but it would take a lot of chuckles out of my experience on this board. :cuckoo:

She's just a lying little bitch. Most of her whining about me is driven by jealousy. Sad little critter that she is.

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