I love California

only 2 states last year werent in the hole jackass. and if california is such a "shithole", then why do people flock here from all over the world to live and vacation? people dont talk about the north dakota dream or the iowa dream. they talk about the california dream.

dont hate what you cant have.

The failedrider is probably in one of those red states that California supports with it's federal taxes.:lol:

California can't support itself much less any other state.

No state is an island anymore....tho I'd enjoy watching Texas secede and try it out.
So... kullyfornia is a liberal shit hole... real shocker there... and the state is flat broke, in the hole actually, with an illegal alien problem from hell... must be because those liberals like it that way... or they're just plain fucking morons... :eusa_whistle:

only 2 states last year werent in the hole jackass. and if california is such a "shithole", then why do people flock here from all over the world to live and vacation? people dont talk about the north dakota dream or the iowa dream. they talk about the california dream.

dont hate what you cant have.

The failedrider is probably in one of those red states that California supports with it's federal taxes.:lol:

"Probably"... so you don't actually know where he lives.... Way to make yourself look stupid! :lol:
I have only your word that you are a californian.

You have lied to me before.

Please don't mistake me for someone who gives a shit what you think. Your deluded ramblings about other people are yours - own them and don't drag me into your fantasies.

I have only your word that the truth matters to you. I see no evidence of that from your continual lies.

Then prove I dont mean anything to you , never again speak to me or read my posts

I want to never speak to you or read your posts again....so stop posting and we'll both be happy.
How stupid are you? I love my state. I just 'hate' what people like you have done to it.... your fucking corrupt assholes and traitors bankrupted my home. I don't hate you, but I despise everything you adore.

This is generalizing a bit, I know, but I visited LA and SF. I was shocked at how filthy not only the people were, but just the streets in general. Trash everywhere. Homeless people all over. "Thugs" just roaming around with no cops anywhere. And far ruder people than in NY (although NY is filthy also). I think Cali, like much of the South, has been ruined by all the posers who moved there. But coming from the South, I expected LA and SF to be the movie-scene dream land. Not even close, I'd choose the South Carolina coast 365 days a year over California.

Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINAAssault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16

No. 15: CALIFORNIAAssault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....
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only 2 states last year werent in the hole jackass. and if california is such a "shithole", then why do people flock here from all over the world to live and vacation? people dont talk about the north dakota dream or the iowa dream. they talk about the california dream.

dont hate what you cant have.

The failedrider is probably in one of those red states that California supports with it's federal taxes.:lol:

"Probably"... so you don't actually know where he lives.... Way to make yourself look stupid! :lol:

No I don't know & don't care imbecile. You are dumber than a sack of rocks, So crawl back on the pumpkin wagon and get out of town............:lol:
You are dumber than a sack of rocks

This is generalizing a bit, I know, but I visited LA and SF. I was shocked at how filthy not only the people were, but just the streets in general. Trash everywhere. Homeless people all over. "Thugs" just roaming around with no cops anywhere. And far ruder people than in NY (although NY is filthy also). I think Cali, like much of the South, has been ruined by all the posers who moved there. But coming from the South, I expected LA and SF to be the movie-scene dream land. Not even close, I'd choose the South Carolina coast 365 days a year over California.

Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINA: POPULATION 1+8+7+9+13+16= 52

Assault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16


Assault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

Yeah, it is kinda hard for a small population to have the same numbers as a big population.:lol:
Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINA: POPULATION 1+8+7+9+13+16= 52

Assault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16


Assault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

Yeah, it is kinda hard for a small population to have the same numbers as a big population.:lol:

hello, its a comparative index. :eusa_whistle:
Please don't mistake me for someone who gives a shit what you think. Your deluded ramblings about other people are yours - own them and don't drag me into your fantasies.

I have only your word that the truth matters to you. I see no evidence of that from your continual lies.

Then prove I dont mean anything to you , never again speak to me or read my posts

That's exactly what I was thinking. For someone that doesn't care what you think, she sure can't stop trying to convince you.

Liar. You are incapable of 'thinking'... unless it's about food.
The failedrider is probably in one of those red states that California supports with it's federal taxes.:lol:

"Probably"... so you don't actually know where he lives.... Way to make yourself look stupid! :lol:

No I don't know & don't care imbecile. You are dumber than a sack of rocks, So crawl back on the pumpkin wagon and get out of town............:lol:

You need to work on your punctuation. You could do with a couple of commas in that first sentence.

Oh and... unless things have changed drastically in the US, you aren't in charge of where I can be... the 'get out of town' thing confirms your stupidity. Thanks.
This is generalizing a bit, I know, but I visited LA and SF. I was shocked at how filthy not only the people were, but just the streets in general. Trash everywhere. Homeless people all over. "Thugs" just roaming around with no cops anywhere. And far ruder people than in NY (although NY is filthy also). I think Cali, like much of the South, has been ruined by all the posers who moved there. But coming from the South, I expected LA and SF to be the movie-scene dream land. Not even close, I'd choose the South Carolina coast 365 days a year over California.

Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINAAssault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16

No. 15: CALIFORNIAAssault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

There is a lot of crime in South Carolina and in a lot of the southern states. I watch a lot of true crime shows and a lot happens in South Carolina and Georgia.
Then prove I dont mean anything to you , never again speak to me or read my posts

That's exactly what I was thinking. For someone that doesn't care what you think, she sure can't stop trying to convince you.

Liar. You are incapable of 'thinking'... unless it's about food.

Uh, you're the liar. And the one obsessed with food. So much mean energy comes out of you that I'm beginning to think you are the fat one. As well as ugly.
Federal tax revenue by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets remember which state has given the feds the most.

Um.....it should, Hollywood is there, as well as LA, and not to mention Cali has the highest population of any state, or at least top 3. More people, plus the hub of the entertainment business, will mean more taxes.

It is a simple, kindergarten idea Cali had though. "We are the richest state, so we should be able to have the most government handouts so our poor will live better than everyone elses poor". Only problem is, when you offer a free lunch, more and more people accept that rather than earn their own way. You guys humane plans have worked against you.

California has chased most of the movie business away. The industry now only brings in about 1 billion a year from a top of around 12 to 15 billion per.
This is generalizing a bit, I know, but I visited LA and SF. I was shocked at how filthy not only the people were, but just the streets in general. Trash everywhere. Homeless people all over. "Thugs" just roaming around with no cops anywhere. And far ruder people than in NY (although NY is filthy also). I think Cali, like much of the South, has been ruined by all the posers who moved there. But coming from the South, I expected LA and SF to be the movie-scene dream land. Not even close, I'd choose the South Carolina coast 365 days a year over California.

Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINAAssault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16

No. 15: CALIFORNIAAssault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

Could it be that nobody even knows the names of the little towns in other states that are even safer then the ones you want to crow about? California is a big state. I'm sure that somewhere in that state it's safe....maybe because most of the southern part of the state is desert and mostly farmers live there. El Centro for example. Nobody else would live there. Turn off the irrigation water and that place becomes a ghost town over night.

When I played football in junior college my team and I traveled there to play against their team. We felt like we were in Eastern Kentucky. Most of my team was black and their eyes started bucking out because they could sense the prejudice. We stopped to ask for directions and the guy just looked at us like we were bringing a busload of convicts into town. They had a bunch of Red-necks on that team too. One of my white teammates overheard one of the opposing players say "******-lover" to him. Seemed everyone knew everyone in that town. Criminals would have a rough time in El Centro California. If they had trees I'm sure they'd get used every Saturday afternoon.
Last edited:
That's exactly what I was thinking. For someone that doesn't care what you think, she sure can't stop trying to convince you.

Liar. You are incapable of 'thinking'... unless it's about food.

Uh, you're the liar. And the one obsessed with food. So much mean energy comes out of you that I'm beginning to think you are the fat one. As well as ugly.

I'd offer to call a waaaaambulance for ya, but I don't think you'd fit in. Sorry, tubby.
The state is a damn snake pit........couldnt pay me to live there!!!

The answer to the question Why Is California Broke? should now be quite apparent.

•California has a horrible business climate that drives business elsewhere.
•California has an array of some of the highest tax rates in the nation.

•California is beholden to the unions, especially the teachers union and prison system, and at the municipal level to the police and fire unions.
•California hands out money with free services encouraging an influx of illegal aliens and an exodus of those wealthy enough and mobile enough to move.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Why Is California Broke?

That shithole is becomming like a third world nation over the past 20 years. Nobody wants to move there anymore, except of course, the most eccentric oddballs of society.........many of whom head directly to SanFranSicko.
Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINAAssault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16

No. 15: CALIFORNIAAssault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

Could it be that nobody even knows the names of the little towns in other states that are even safer then the ones you want to crow about? California is a big state. I'm sure that somewhere in that state it's safe....maybe because most of the southern part of the state is desert and mostly farmers live there. El Centro for example. Nobody else would live there. Turn off the irrigation water and that place becomes a ghost town over night.

When I played football in junior college my team and I traveled there to play against their team. We felt like we were in Eastern Kentucky. Most of my team was black and their eyes started bucking out because they could sense the prejudice. We stopped to ask for directions and the guy just looked at us like we were bringing a busload of convicts into town. They had a bunch of Red-necks on that team too. One of my white teammates overheard one of the opposing players say "******-lover" to him. Seemed everyone knew everyone in that town. Criminals would have a rough time in El Centro California. If they had trees I'm sure they'd get used every Saturday afternoon.

Mud even when i see the stats for the small towns....Cal,does pretty good....and EL Centro is VERY predominantly Mexican......
Oh, come on. Generalizing a bit?? How about you're an out and out liar??? People would not come here in droves if it were so, "filthy".

So you'd choose South Carolina over California??? Not smart.

Most Dangerous States: Crime rankings for 2010

No. 4: SOUTH CAROLINAAssault: 1
Burglary: 8
Murder: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 9
Rape: 13
Robbery: 16

No. 15: CALIFORNIAAssault: 18
Burglary: 25
Murder: 16
Motor Vehicle Theft: 3
Rape: 41
Robbery: 5

Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
and you will notice how Ca. places 5 cities in the top 25 ON THE SAFEST CITIES list....S.C.......i dont seem to see them anywhere .......and of course 3 of those cities are in OC....:eusa_whistle:

one thing i did notice is that the 3 most populated States placed 15 cities on that list.....5 apiece....

Could it be that nobody even knows the names of the little towns in other states that are even safer then the ones you want to crow about? California is a big state. I'm sure that somewhere in that state it's safe....maybe because most of the southern part of the state is desert and mostly farmers live there. El Centro for example. Nobody else would live there. Turn off the irrigation water and that place becomes a ghost town over night.

When I played football in junior college my team and I traveled there to play against their team. We felt like we were in Eastern Kentucky. Most of my team was black and their eyes started bucking out because they could sense the prejudice. We stopped to ask for directions and the guy just looked at us like we were bringing a busload of convicts into town. They had a bunch of Red-necks on that team too. One of my white teammates overheard one of the opposing players say "******-lover" to him. Seemed everyone knew everyone in that town. Criminals would have a rough time in El Centro California. If they had trees I'm sure they'd get used every Saturday afternoon.

What about John Steinbeck's Salinas? That garden spot is now a Mexican infested toilet.
Liar. You are incapable of 'thinking'... unless it's about food.

Uh, you're the liar. And the one obsessed with food. So much mean energy comes out of you that I'm beginning to think you are the fat one. As well as ugly.

I'd offer to call a waaaaambulance for ya, but I don't think you'd fit in. Sorry, tubby.

I know you think you're smart, witty, and sooo entertaining. But you're not. Your schtik is really getting old and it was dumb in the first place. Quit boring everybody to death.
Uh, you're the liar. And the one obsessed with food. So much mean energy comes out of you that I'm beginning to think you are the fat one. As well as ugly.

I'd offer to call a waaaaambulance for ya, but I don't think you'd fit in. Sorry, tubby.

I know you think you're smart, witty, and sooo entertaining. But you're not. Your schtik is really getting old and it was dumb in the first place. Quit boring everybody to death.

No. :lol:

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