I love California

yes the right wing really hates the fact that I keep reminding the world that the republicans have worked for decades to keep legal American voters from voting.

That and many other facts they hate to face.

Reminding 'the world'? The world? Oh man, your delusions are far worse than even your fellow posters realized.

Hint: Most of the world doesn't know who you are. Nor, I suspect,do they give a shit what you 'keep reminding' them about. In fact, most of the world doesn't actually give a shit what you think.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

This has jack shit to do with your assertion that you are 'reminding the world'. It's an edited clip of a dead guy. So what?

Shall I assume that you have no response to the issue of the 'world' that you are 'reminding'?

What 'world'? Your dream world doesn't count, TruthMocker.
Where Theres Smoke Theres Fire 100000 Stolen Votes in Chicago
the U.S. Attorney in Chicago at the time, Daniel Webb, estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all votes in the city) had been cast.[2] Sixty-five individuals were indicted for federal election crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent to stand trial and another who died) were convicted.
Good reporting by the local media helped fuel the investigation. One wire story concerned "a man listed as voting at a Skid Row precinct in the 27th Ward [who] had been dead for more than two years." He was listed as living at the Arcade Hotel, and his signature was among those of 47 other voters listed as living at the hotel. However, the "[o]perators and residents of the hotel told the Sun-Times that 41 of the 47 people did not reside at the Arcade."[11]

In its reporting, the Chicago Tribune discovered that the supposed home address of three voters in the 17th Precinct of the 27th Ward was a vacant lot. The paper also discovered that votes had been cast for seven residents of a nursing home who denied having voted-their signatures on the ballot applications were all forgeries. In fact, one resident had no fingers or thumbs with which to write a sig*nature.[12] The fraud was so blatant that the resident without fingers or thumbs "was counted as having voted twice by the end of the day."[13] Not surpris*ingly, Stevenson easily won the 17th Precinct, by a margin of 282 to 30.[14]

Locker was shocked at the sheer magnitude of the number of fraudulent votes and the fact that fraud occurred in every single Chicago precinct.[21] More than 3,000 votes had been cast in the names of individuals who were dead, and more than 31,000 individuals had voted twice in different locations in the city.[22] Thousands of individuals had supposedly voted despite being incarcerated at the time of the election, and utility records showed that some individuals who voted were registered as living on vacant lots.
So you ignore all the studies I jsut gave and and go with the very people who promoted keeping voters from voting to win elections?
If the OWS crowd can find time in their busy day to protest
in Lower Manhattan or in participating in shutting down the Port
of Oakland then they don't have any excuses that they don't have time
to get the right form of ID to vote in an election that is 11 months from now.

End of argument.
So you ignore all the studies I jsut gave and and go with the very people who promoted keeping voters from voting to win elections?

So you ignore the 63 convictions for voting fraud in just one single election?

I guess you just go with the very people who cast votes for the dead, the invisible, the people who vote more than once, and the people without fingers.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

Your partisan bias is only eclipsed by your ignorance.

Republicans in California don't govern; they have created problems and are bereft of ideas other than opposition to taxes. Ever since the passage of Prop. 13 the Republican Party in California has opposed any taxes yet proposed very expensive legislation under the guise of public safety or cutting the fat.

Our prison population is the best example of the myopic policies of the California Republican Party (and prescient of what our nation will become if the Tea Party/Boenher House mentality prevails). The cost to build and maintain prisons is enormous. By adding enhancements - use a gun, three strikes and taking away the discretion of judges by mandating stiff sentences - the state has needed to raid the revenue of counties. Counties can no longer fund preventative services in social services, corrections, health care or education. We have become a reactive state when proactive actions are less costly in terms of actual dollars and human suffering.

I could go on and on, on matters you and other conservatives would ignore - willful ignorance, avarice and bigotry suppress reason and allow opinions to form based only on emotion.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

Your partisan bias is only eclipsed by your ignorance.
Republicans in California don't govern; they have created problems and are bereft of ideas other than opposition to taxes. Ever since the passage of Prop. 13 the Republican Party in California has opposed any taxes yet proposed very expensive legislation under the guise of public safety or cutting the fat.

Our prison population is the best example of the myopic policies of the California Republican Party (and prescient of what our nation will become if the Tea Party/Boenher House mentality prevails). The cost to build and maintain prisons is enormous. By adding enhancements - use a gun, three strikes and taking away the discretion of judges by mandating stiff sentences - the state has needed to raid the revenue of counties. Counties can no longer fund preventative services in social services, corrections, health care or education. We have become a reactive state when proactive actions are less costly in terms of actual dollars and human suffering.

I could go on and on, on matters you and other conservatives would ignore - willful ignorance, avarice and bigotry suppress reason and allow opinions to form based only on emotion.

Oh, the irony.....:eusa_whistle:
so you claim no one starts small businesses in california?

more republican lies
California is broke. We have a completely democratic legislature. We have an attorney general that made it a campaign promise to drive business out the state and she won.

We have an initiative process that substitutes the voter for the legislature. When I see ads for various ballot provisions, I never pay attention, except at the end when I look at who the sponsors are. If it's sponsored by a union, I vote against it. If it is opposed by a union I vote for it.
50 out of 50 in worst school systems in the nation.
50 out of 50 in cost of living (CA really loves there poor, so they draw the poverty line as any family making under $100K)
50 ouf of 50 in business flight! Gotta hate those job creators.
50 out of 50 in new business openings per capita.
50 out of 50 in healthcare costs.
50 out of 50 in high taxation.
50 out of 50 in bond and credit ratings.
50 out of 50 in deficit!

Yep you have a lot to be proud of! :eusa_whistle:

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