I love California

Cali used to be a great place to live.

The Dems in Sacremento have made it the tax capital of the world.

I have no idea how any tax paying resident can even afford to live in that State.
Recently? More like over three years ago. Same vote today would turn out VERY differently. Doesn't really matter since civil rights have always been won in court, not at the ballot box. We aren't supposed to vote on fundamental rights anyway.

3 fucking years ago?... Damn, that was like a Generation ago!...

I'm sure California has changed it's mind of what "Rights" are. :thup:

And the '64 Civil Rights Act wasn't Won in Court, Jackass, but the "Right" to Own Slaves was... :thup:

There is a Reason Jefferson Viewed the Court as "Despotic" and the Great Object of his Fear.

You are not being Denied the Right to Marry, you are being Denied the Ability to Redefine Marriage.



Regarding marriage equality, three years is a long time.


Religion isn't a democracy...

My church wouldn't marry my sister and her husband because my brother in-law wasn't confirmed.

You think for a fucking second they would marry a gay couple???

Marriage is the HOLY union between two individuals via blessings from their god/prophet etc..

A civil union in the legal bond between two people in the eyes of the state.

There will NEVER be gay marriage and even if a congregation does go all wacko those marriages would NEVER be accepted the majority of congregations, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to force them to accept your gay marriages.

Even the notion that one believes a church should have to accept gays is tyrannical...
3 fucking years ago?... Damn, that was like a Generation ago!...

I'm sure California has changed it's mind of what "Rights" are. :thup:

And the '64 Civil Rights Act wasn't Won in Court, Jackass, but the "Right" to Own Slaves was... :thup:

There is a Reason Jefferson Viewed the Court as "Despotic" and the Great Object of his Fear.

You are not being Denied the Right to Marry, you are being Denied the Ability to Redefine Marriage.



Regarding marriage equality, three years is a long time.


Religion isn't a democracy...

My church wouldn't marry my sister and her husband because my brother in-law wasn't confirmed.

You think for a fucking second they would marry a gay couple???

Marriage is the HOLY union between two individuals via blessings from their god/prophet etc..

A civil union in the legal bond between two people in the eyes of the state.

There will NEVER be gay marriage and even if a congregation does go all wacko those marriages would NEVER be accepted the majority of congregations, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to force them to accept your gay marriages.

Even the notion that one believes a church should have to accept gays is tyrannical...

There are hundreds of churches all over the country that will marry gays.

Nobody believes a church should HAVE TO marry anyone they don't want to. We are discussing legal, civil marriages. Churches will always be free to discriminate if the choose. It's in the Constitution.
You only get three tries to change the state constitution?

Are you being intentionally obtuse? I was referring to the initiative that gave CA its three strikes law.

Those 3 strike laws are a disaster.

Totally agree with that..

I agree with the idea of 3 strikes however locking a guy up for life for possessing 5-6 pounds of weed is just stupid.

The three strike law should pertain to people who commit "high crimes" (I'd use felony but a lot of felonies are even illogical)...

For example - if you're found guilty of your third armed robbery then maybe you should spend the rest of your life in prison.

Even then I have little to know faith in our judicial system anyways.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? I was referring to the initiative that gave CA its three strikes law.

Those 3 strike laws are a disaster.

Totally agree with that..

I agree with the idea of 3 strikes however locking a guy up for life for possessing 5-6 pounds of weed is just stupid.

The three strike law should pertain to people who commit "high crimes" (I'd use felony but a lot of felonies are even illogical)...

For example - if you're found guilty of your third armed robbery then maybe you should spend the rest of your life in prison.

Even then I have little to know faith in our judicial system anyways.

Our correctional system is a joke, my brother did time in Wasco and had a cell phone, was making thousands of dollars on the inside dealing, and used to post and make updates to his Facebook account, he didn't learn a damn thing in there except how to be a better criminal.
Those 3 strike laws are a disaster.

Totally agree with that..

I agree with the idea of 3 strikes however locking a guy up for life for possessing 5-6 pounds of weed is just stupid.

The three strike law should pertain to people who commit "high crimes" (I'd use felony but a lot of felonies are even illogical)...

For example - if you're found guilty of your third armed robbery then maybe you should spend the rest of your life in prison.

Even then I have little to know faith in our judicial system anyways.

Our correctional system is a joke, my brother did time in Wasco and had a cell phone, was making thousands of dollars on the inside dealing, and used to post and make updates to his Facebook account, he didn't learn a damn thing in there except how to be a better criminal.

When I was 19-20 I did some time myself over bullshit. Not a lot only 61 days.

I got caught with small amounts of weed several times and then I went to a party where one of my friends blew up a toilet with an M-80 and burned a rug which I was charged with for being a member of the part and the prosecutor threatened me with consecutive sentences for the weed if I didn't plead out to a felony "criminal damage to private property" charge...

I plead to that and was sentenced to 18 months in prison , not to mention they stole 5k in bond from my family and called it fines..

I did those days in Joliet prison - the one where that show (among others and movies) Prison Break was filmed.

I admit I did have that weed but I didn't blow up a toilet or burn that families rug.

It's all behind me now tho...

Our judicial system is all fucked up...
Totally agree with that..

I agree with the idea of 3 strikes however locking a guy up for life for possessing 5-6 pounds of weed is just stupid.

The three strike law should pertain to people who commit "high crimes" (I'd use felony but a lot of felonies are even illogical)...

For example - if you're found guilty of your third armed robbery then maybe you should spend the rest of your life in prison.

Even then I have little to know faith in our judicial system anyways.

Our correctional system is a joke, my brother did time in Wasco and had a cell phone, was making thousands of dollars on the inside dealing, and used to post and make updates to his Facebook account, he didn't learn a damn thing in there except how to be a better criminal.

When I was 19-20 I did some time myself over bullshit. Not a lot only 61 days.

I got caught with small amounts of weed several times and then I went to a party where one of my friends blew up a toilet with an M-80 and burned a rug which I was charged with for being a member of the part and the prosecutor threatened me with consecutive sentences for the weed if I didn't plead out to a felony "criminal damage to private property" charge...

I plead to that and was sentenced to 18 months in prison , not to mention they stole 5k in bond from my family and called it fines..

I did those days in Joliet prison - the one where that show (among others and movies) Prison Break was filmed.

I admit I did have that weed but I didn't blow up a toilet or burn that families rug.

It's all behind me now tho...

Our judicial system is all fucked up...

Its so easy to get caught up in legal troubles, even if you didn't do anything just being with the wrong people or at the wrong place at the wrong time will do you in.
Thank the republicans who got prop 13 passed

Go Jerry Brown! Wait.. he isn't a republican is he?

you dont even know what prop 13 is

Howard Jarvis does, so do I.

It reduced property taxes by 59%.

Better question would be, who held the State house and senate in 1978?

and in so doing reduced public funds by 59%.

remember when Cali schools were the BEST in the world?

Yes I do. I also remember when they decided that students feelings were more important than education. That was the beginning of the end for the public schools in CA. It wasn't due to lack of money it was due to an unwillingnes to hurt the dear childs feelings.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

Spoken like a true socialist commie of one party rule.
I wouldn't be boasting so much TM, your state is bankrupt.
As taxes rise and jobs disappear, California loses its tax base, continuing the state and local fiscal death spiral.
Our correctional system is a joke, my brother did time in Wasco and had a cell phone, was making thousands of dollars on the inside dealing, and used to post and make updates to his Facebook account, he didn't learn a damn thing in there except how to be a better criminal.

When I was 19-20 I did some time myself over bullshit. Not a lot only 61 days.

I got caught with small amounts of weed several times and then I went to a party where one of my friends blew up a toilet with an M-80 and burned a rug which I was charged with for being a member of the part and the prosecutor threatened me with consecutive sentences for the weed if I didn't plead out to a felony "criminal damage to private property" charge...

I plead to that and was sentenced to 18 months in prison , not to mention they stole 5k in bond from my family and called it fines..

I did those days in Joliet prison - the one where that show (among others and movies) Prison Break was filmed.

I admit I did have that weed but I didn't blow up a toilet or burn that families rug.

It's all behind me now tho...

Our judicial system is all fucked up...

Its so easy to get caught up in legal troubles, even if you didn't do anything just being with the wrong people or at the wrong place at the wrong time will do you in.

Well I did get caught possessing pot (which should be totally legal) however that was all I was guilty of...

Our judicial system is a farce and so are the crooked cops...

The notion the police are the "good guys" is epic bullshit.

Just the other day some cop murdered a guy because another bar patron said said "you suck at darts" and the cop was like "I can do whatever I want because I'm a cop" then murdered him.
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No, actually it isn't. The initiative process is one of the fucked up things about this state. Think "three strikes".

You only get three tries to change the state constitution?

Are you being intentionally obtuse? I was referring to the initiative that gave CA its three strikes law.

Hmmm, to insult back or not...I choose not.

It was a legit question.
California is not the only state that has a three strike law.
Will TM speak on the issue of the rising taxes and fees in Ca? Just wondering.....

If I may...TM seems to be away from the board.

Simply, gotta fund those unfunded liabilities that Jerry Brown started with guaranteed defined pensions for public sector employees.
When I was 19-20 I did some time myself over bullshit. Not a lot only 61 days.

I got caught with small amounts of weed several times and then I went to a party where one of my friends blew up a toilet with an M-80 and burned a rug which I was charged with for being a member of the part and the prosecutor threatened me with consecutive sentences for the weed if I didn't plead out to a felony "criminal damage to private property" charge...

I plead to that and was sentenced to 18 months in prison , not to mention they stole 5k in bond from my family and called it fines..

I did those days in Joliet prison - the one where that show (among others and movies) Prison Break was filmed.

I admit I did have that weed but I didn't blow up a toilet or burn that families rug.

It's all behind me now tho...

Our judicial system is all fucked up...

Its so easy to get caught up in legal troubles, even if you didn't do anything just being with the wrong people or at the wrong place at the wrong time will do you in.

Well I did get caught possessing pot (which should be totally legal) however that was all I was guilty of...

Our judicial system is a farce and so are the crooked cops...

The notion the police are the "good guys" is epic bullshit.

Just the other day some cop murdered a guy because another bar patron said said "you suck at darts" and the cop was like "I can do whatever I want because I'm a cop" then murdered him.

I don't think cops are necessarily "good guys" but I think they are a necessary evil, without police and law and order societies break down, similar to whats going on in Somalia.
Its so easy to get caught up in legal troubles, even if you didn't do anything just being with the wrong people or at the wrong place at the wrong time will do you in.

Well I did get caught possessing pot (which should be totally legal) however that was all I was guilty of...

Our judicial system is a farce and so are the crooked cops...

The notion the police are the "good guys" is epic bullshit.

Just the other day some cop murdered a guy because another bar patron said said "you suck at darts" and the cop was like "I can do whatever I want because I'm a cop" then murdered him.

I don't think cops are necessarily "good guys" but I think they are a necessary evil, without police and law and order societies break down, similar to whats going on in Somalia.
In my experience, the biggest problem is the need the good cops feel to cover up for the bad ones. Every cop knows that if he rats out his "brother in blue," he's going to be marked as a snitch in the department and ostracized.

Really there aren't that many bad cops, it's just hard as hell to punish them.
A good time to post up this brilliant video.............the perfect illustration of the fcukkedupedness in the thinking of the far left.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHdhrNhh88&feature=related]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
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yes the right wing really hates the fact that I keep reminding the world that the republicans have worked for decades to keep legal American voters from voting.

That and many other facts they hate to face.

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