I love California

I love California

REAL California Girls are awesome!

The FAKE ones . . . not so much...
Truthmatters is an angel singing heavenly anthems. If it weren't for her, I would never have known how evil I am. Praise be to Truthmatters.

Um, I know there's not a lot to do up there in CheddarLand, but don't you think it's a little early in the day to be hitting the Moosehead? :D

I've turned over a new leaf. If we were all more like Truthmatters, what a wonderful world this would be.

p.s. It gets dark early up here in the winter. 4:30 and the sun's already down.

You really don't want to be a Stepford Wife! :eek: Or a Pod Person...... :eek:
Gay activists tried to get an intitative on the ballot to overturn 8. They couldn't get enough signatures to qualify.

No they didn't. There is an initiative that was just cleared for circulation for the 2012 election cycle. It is the first one.

Prop 8 repeal cleared for signature-gathering - San Jose Mercury News

Which is one of the very cool things about California.
The people's initiative.

No, actually it isn't. The initiative process is one of the fucked up things about this state. Think "three strikes".
No they didn't. There is an initiative that was just cleared for circulation for the 2012 election cycle. It is the first one.

Prop 8 repeal cleared for signature-gathering - San Jose Mercury News

Which is one of the very cool things about California.
The people's initiative.

No, actually it isn't. The initiative process is one of the fucked up things about this state. Think "three strikes".

You only get three tries to change the state constitution?
What college taught you how to spell that??
The Hollywood Upstairs School of Residential Rental Property Management.

It took a while to collect the twenty box tops as she's so busy, but by God she did it!

It takes 21 box tops!
She probably chewed one of them up accidentally though, and I have a feeling The Hollywood Upstairs School of Residential Rental Property Management's math skills aren't much better than their spelling skills.
Holy shit, no wonder you a “professional business woman” that is nothing more than a landlord to property that was given to her. Your husband was like all she has to do is cash a fucking check once a month, how can she fuck that up?
But you know she has at one point or another. The poor man probably has to staple the damn check to her forehead and lead her to the teller's window himself, and even then it's a 50/50 chance the check actually makes it the two feet from her to the teller without her drooling on it or using it to pick her nose.

LMAO! Y'all are crazy!:lol:
Thank the republicans who got prop 13 passed

Go Jerry Brown! Wait.. he isn't a republican is he?

you dont even know what prop 13 is

Howard Jarvis does, so do I.

It reduced property taxes by 59%.

Better question would be, who held the State house and senate in 1978?

and in so doing reduced public funds by 59%.

remember when Cali schools were the BEST in the world?

That must have been along time ago, the schools in Cali are some garbage now.

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