I love California

TM is a full on low life no doubt, but I don’t think it's fair to pick on how someone makes a living. While I agree there sounds like there is more to the story, like how did TM buy 2 properties out of the blue, it's still not fair to criticize someone’s life when we only have so little information and it's also not fair to ask specifics about someone’s life on the internet IMO.

If they want to share that is up to them.

your not a nice person

Did the truth hurt?

Probably not, because the truth doesn't matter to her.
I told you me and my hubby bought the houses.

We were still helping myu family at the time and have had many bro's and sis's live with us as well as my parents at one point.

You just hate anyone who not right wing no matter how well they take care of themselves and family
I inherited the home three years ago when my father in law died.

I bought the other two homes with my hubby long ago

Fair enough and sorry about the death in the family.

But it does not sound like you did this on your own, it sounds like someone gave you a shit ton of capital. While that is lucky for you, you sound a bit spoiled as homes in cali cost 300,000 on the low end and that is an 50-80 year old home.

In the end I think our point is of course you like Cali, you never seemed to have to work your way up, you were handed from the sounds of it a good lot in life, yet you bitch relentlessly about people getting just that.

You do realize you "own" 3 homes and many people don't even have a house yes?

Now I'm not looking for bad here, I'm going off what you have told me here and what I know of you from your posts and threads on these boards.

post 583

You were told already

1) None of what I said in your quote do I deal in fact

2) I missed your post as I went off to make food.

I re-read back posts and found your post but we were beyond your quote by this time. Have you ever missed a post someone made TM?

In the end you lied to try and make a point.
Its as if you people what everyone to think people on the right do nothing but lie
I told you me and my hubby bought the houses.

We were still helping myu family at the time and have had many bro's and sis's live with us as well as my parents at one point.

You just hate anyone who not right wing no matter how well they take care of themselves and family

And another lie, my Wife’s Parents are Democrats and voted for Obama (they hate him now) but I like them, I really like her Dad. That is not the only example, but I don't need to make a list to prove that once again you lied.

And with that, I’m out. Keep up the fight for division and hate TM, you’re incredibly bad at it and have steered many people away from your cause, I thank you for that. Many have learned lesions from watching your stupidity get run over here and on many other boards that you Troll I’m sure.
Your the one who lied about me and claimed he was all nice.

i proved you lied and were not nice.

California demographic shift: More people leaving than moving in - Los Angeles Times

I lived in Cali for 22 years, I grew up there. There are now more people leaving cali than going to it. Also of course TM loves Cali, it has the highest deficit spending of all the US.

I lived in Santa Rosa, they just closed all the big parks... lol. Fuck that shit hole.

McCluer would like to move back, but it's still too expensive. "It's really difficult," McCluer said. "I've given myself 11/2 to two years to save money."

she still wants to come back.

That is why California always recovers

Uhhh... TM, why are you so fucking stupid. When cali recovers it will be because they cut spending, cut welfare and lower taxes and people like Obama stop trying to prop up housing costs.

So yes TM, people are leaving cali because it costs to much.

Serious question TM, do you have a full time job and do you get any money from the Government?

You insulted me right off the bat when I had NOT insulted you

Truthmatters is an angel singing heavenly anthems. If it weren't for her, I would never have known how evil I am. Praise be to Truthmatters.

Um, I know there's not a lot to do up there in CheddarLand, but don't you think it's a little early in the day to be hitting the Moosehead? :D

I've turned over a new leaf. If we were all more like Truthmatters, what a wonderful world this would be.

p.s. It gets dark early up here in the winter. 4:30 and the sun's already down.
Your lies are now a matter of the record

Truthmatters is an angel singing heavenly anthems. If it weren't for her, I would never have known how evil I am. Praise be to Truthmatters.

Um, I know there's not a lot to do up there in CheddarLand, but don't you think it's a little early in the day to be hitting the Moosehead? :D

I've turned over a new leaf. If we were all more like Truthmatters, what a wonderful world this would be.

p.s. It gets dark early up here in the winter. 4:30 and the sun's already down.

It's already dark down here in the Flatlands too.

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