I love GOVERNMENT and it is why we're a first world country!

Do you like Clean air, water and food?

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Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Yep I love government! Sure it isn't always right and sometimes some of its regulations aren't the best, but it is why we're a first world country!

-Thank government for clean air, water and food. Anyone that believes otherwise needs to read up on history and reality.
-Thank government for the educated population that helps make this country a leader in thousands of different areas.
-Thank government for the stability to build your business and not to fear for your life...Yep, thank the police, military, fbi, cia and nsa.
-Thank government for that road you drive on or for the internet that you bitch about government on!
-Thank government for making sure granny doesn't die and has a nice nursing home

One of Africa's biggest problem is the governments simply don't do the above and are so ineffect that stability doesn't have a chance.

It is time to start thanking government for all it does. It is such bullshit that so many want the wild west for America while in reality it would truly suck! Such ideas need to die.
THANK YOU GOVERNMENT!!! Thank you, you did a fine job!!!!

No somalia, Haiti, or central African republic for me!

I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

If I had to lay a wager, I would say that the MIghty Matty is either a government worker, or a recipient of government largesse........maybe both!
Yep I love government! Sure it isn't always right and sometimes some of its regulations aren't the best, but it is why we're a first world country!

-Thank government for clean air, water and food. Anyone that believes otherwise needs to read up on history and reality.
-Thank government for the educated population that helps make this country a leader in thousands of different areas.
-Thank government for the stability to build your business and not to fear for your life...Yep, thank the police, military, fbi, cia and nsa.
-Thank government for that road you drive on or for the internet that you bitch about government on!
-Thank government for making sure granny doesn't die and has a nice nursing home

One of Africa's biggest problem is the governments simply don't do the above and are so ineffect that stability doesn't have a chance.

It is time to start thanking government for all it does. It is such bullshit that so many want the wild west for America while in reality it would truly suck! Such ideas need to die.
Sadly, by the time the GOP and Trump get through destroying it, Uncle Sam will be on life support waiting on a Democrat once again to save stupid white motherfuckers and this country
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
sucks when all the 1%' ers get the govt to make spechul carve- outs for them like carried interest

yeah, govts are bad

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