I love GOVERNMENT and it is why we're a first world country!

Do you like Clean air, water and food?

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This GREAT NATION was built fighting oppressive governments and it's foundation is built on the idea of LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Matthew needs a course or two on history & a possible brain transplant.
The question was "do you like clean water, air and food?", not "do you like oppressive government?"

You answered "no". Could you explain why you do not like clean water air and food?
This GREAT NATION was built fighting oppressive governments and it's foundation is built on the idea of LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Matthew needs a course or two on history & a possible brain transplant.
The question was "do you like clean water, air and food?", not "do you like oppressive government?"
The question is that of a child and as such deserves an equally idiotic response.
Now bug off, surely you have some queers or Jews to harass
So without regulations, do you think everybody will be responsible out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think polluters will just stop polluting even if it does cost them money? Do you really think that? Our environment is much better because of regulation. Do you want to go back like it was, where some rivers just caught on fire occasionally?

We have regulations to keep out illegal aliens...how's that working out?

Great. More Mexicans are leaving our country than are coming here.
If true, good riddance. If not, I hope they do soon enough.


It is true, and has been true for quite a few years. Unfortunately, claiming differently was one of the many major lies that Trump told to stir up the crazies who voted for him. I wonder why right wing radio and fox never bothered to report that?
More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming across the border
I don't know what's true or isn't true about current crossing rates but I can tell you they are a problem in my industry. Too many contractors can drastically undercut bids because of them.

You were just given proof. How can you honestly say you don't know? If you choose to believe a lie, don't try to pretend to be an honest honorable person. Just admit you are another lying right winger.
Hmmm. No, I'd much rather have soggy, days old food that I picked up off the ground. I have plans to move to Flint, Michigan so I can get some of the dirtiest water around. Oh, and I'm a big fan of sitting behind a running car and breathing in the fumes.

In all seriousness, Matthew, no I don't want any of those things. But I'm sure people can take care of the environment without being bullied into doing so by the government. You don't need government, you need common sense.

Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again

So a law isn't regulation? Don't try to play word games unless you can do better than that.
Hmmm. No, I'd much rather have soggy, days old food that I picked up off the ground. I have plans to move to Flint, Michigan so I can get some of the dirtiest water around. Oh, and I'm a big fan of sitting behind a running car and breathing in the fumes.

In all seriousness, Matthew, no I don't want any of those things. But I'm sure people can take care of the environment without being bullied into doing so by the government. You don't need government, you need common sense.

Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
"Law" and "regulation" are not mutually exclusive terms.
We have regulations to keep out illegal aliens...how's that working out?

Great. More Mexicans are leaving our country than are coming here.
If true, good riddance. If not, I hope they do soon enough.


It is true, and has been true for quite a few years. Unfortunately, claiming differently was one of the many major lies that Trump told to stir up the crazies who voted for him. I wonder why right wing radio and fox never bothered to report that?
More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming across the border
I don't know what's true or isn't true about current crossing rates but I can tell you they are a problem in my industry. Too many contractors can drastically undercut bids because of them.

You were just given proof. How can you honestly say you don't know? If you choose to believe a lie, don't try to pretend to be an honest honorable person. Just admit you are another lying right winger.
I don't believe anything posted on an internet forum. Especially anything coming out of a leftie
Hmmm. No, I'd much rather have soggy, days old food that I picked up off the ground. I have plans to move to Flint, Michigan so I can get some of the dirtiest water around. Oh, and I'm a big fan of sitting behind a running car and breathing in the fumes.

In all seriousness, Matthew, no I don't want any of those things. But I'm sure people can take care of the environment without being bullied into doing so by the government. You don't need government, you need common sense.

Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again

So a law isn't regulation? Don't try to play word games unless you can do better than that.
No, a LAW is imposed by duly elected representatives. More often than not a regulation is imposed by a lone ideological nut passing down mandates that were not approved by those same elected representatives.

Class dismissed....
So without regulations, do you think everybody will be responsible out of the goodness of their hearts?

Lol, you dunce.

I'm not saying dispense with regulations, I'm saying ease up on them. Environmental regulation by our government is out of control.
Hmmm. No, I'd much rather have soggy, days old food that I picked up off the ground. I have plans to move to Flint, Michigan so I can get some of the dirtiest water around. Oh, and I'm a big fan of sitting behind a running car and breathing in the fumes.

In all seriousness, Matthew, no I don't want any of those things. But I'm sure people can take care of the environment without being bullied into doing so by the government. You don't need government, you need common sense.

Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
"Law" and "regulation" are not mutually exclusive terms.
Quiet Muslim, I wasn't talking to you.
Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
"Law" and "regulation" are not mutually exclusive terms.
Quiet Muslim, I wasn't talking to you.


Do you think polluters will just stop polluting even if it does cost them money?

Furthermore, this only goes to make my next point. When you make regulations about pollution, you get to define what pollution is according to preset standards.

If you can find a reasonable limit, great. But so far, the EPA and other similar agencies have taken that definition too far. And now it has begun to infringe on the property rights of the American citizen.
This GREAT NATION was built fighting oppressive governments and it's foundation is built on the idea of LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Matthew needs a course or two on history & a possible brain transplant.
The question was "do you like clean water, air and food?", not "do you like oppressive government?"

You answered "no". Could you explain why you do not like clean water air and food?

Do your parents know you're gay?

Do you still beat your wife?

Can you see how a loaded question works?
Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
"Law" and "regulation" are not mutually exclusive terms.
Quiet Muslim, I wasn't talking to you.
I did not make up the facts. Facts are facts. Pointing out a particular fact is no good reason to insult me by calling me a Muslim. I would report your post if I didn't think you insulted me simply because you've just consumed a few too many alcoholic beverages..
This GREAT NATION was built fighting oppressive governments and it's foundation is built on the idea of LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Matthew needs a course or two on history & a possible brain transplant.
The question was "do you like clean water, air and food?", not "do you like oppressive government?"

You answered "no". Could you explain why you do not like clean water air and food?

Do your parents know you're gay?

Do you still beat your wife?

Can you see how a loaded question works?
The question in the OP is not a loaded question. There are no presuppositions inherent in the question and it is not an example of a plurium interrogationum logical fallacy.
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Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again

So a law isn't regulation? Don't try to play word games unless you can do better than that.
No, a LAW is imposed by duly elected representatives. More often than not a regulation is imposed by a lone ideological nut passing down mandates that were not approved by those same elected representatives.

Class dismissed....

Regulations are adopted under authority granted by statutes. Statutes are written by to duly elected representatives. Just because you might not like some regulations doesn't mean they are some nefarious force that isn't under our control. I suspect your classes were dismissed long before you learned anything about this.
Do you think polluters will just stop polluting even if it does cost them money?

Furthermore, this only goes to make my next point. When you make regulations about pollution, you get to define what pollution is according to preset standards.

If you can find a reasonable limit, great. But so far, the EPA and other similar agencies have taken that definition too far. And now it has begun to infringe on the property rights of the American citizen.

So are you against regulations, or do you just like to whine about some of them you don't like?
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

He sure does but then he's just a dumb fuck who thinks Govt. is the be all and end all.

Govt. can do nothing with out the tax payer supplying the money.

Dumbass should be thanking the taxpayer not the giant, bloated Govt.

What a dumbass.

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