I love GOVERNMENT and it is why we're a first world country!

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Right wingers seem to HATE if they had to send a $300 per month check to the federal government for health care, but LOVE sending that same check to some private HC insurance company because..................well, because these right wingers see their duty as helping that insurance company's CEO get a better, faster and nicer private Lear Jet.
I like it my money goes to buying cops lots of ammo to use. It's great we have Gitmo for our illegal wars in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Right wingers seem to HATE if they had to send a $300 per month check to the federal government for health care, but LOVE sending that same check to some private HC insurance company because..................well, because these right wingers see their duty as helping that insurance company's CEO get a better, faster and nicer private Lear Jet.
I like it my money goes to buying cops lots of ammo to use. It's great we have Gitmo for our illegal wars in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan.
Gitmo was created in order to get around both US military and civilian law.

The result has been that large numbers of cases were so tainted that they could not be prosecuted. We didn't recognize rights of the accused by any US system of justice, we used torture, we destroyed evidence, we incarcerated people that were sold to us in Afghanistan (allowing war lords to get rid of their opposition), etc.

This was a fabulous and lasting example of America not giving a crap about the rule of law - regardless of the platitudes we spew.

So, basically we ended up turning almost all of them loose.
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This GREAT NATION was built fighting oppressive governments and it's foundation is built on the idea of LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Matthew needs a course or two on history & a possible brain transplant.

Show where in the Constitution is says LIMITED GOVERNMENT

We get the RIGHTSIZED GOVERNMENT as determined by We the People
This GREAT NATION was built fighting oppressive governments and it's foundation is built on the idea of LIMITED GOVERNMENT.

Matthew needs a course or two on history & a possible brain transplant.

Show where in the Constitution is says LIMITED GOVERNMENT

We get the RIGHTSIZED GOVERNMENT as determined by We the People
It is Government, limited to our social Contract. Unfortunately for us, the right wing has lousy reading comprehension, and any right wing fantasy will do, for them.
I like big government because they start unjustified wars.

That's what I like about republicans. They continue the unjustified wars. Except for baby bush, who went off half cocked like a banty rooster after 9-11 , and drove us into debt and disaster, the little scumbag. And also like unto nixon keeping vietnam going on for years after saying he would end vietnam. I'm hoping Trump has enough sense to end the trend. He's our first prez in a long time not beholden to the "defense" industry.
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I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.
Government is We the People

Can't thank one without theother
If everyone quit paying taxes, where would the government be?

We the People created our government in a document we like to call The Constitution
In that Constitution we authorized that government to collect revenue on behalf of the people
We elect representatives to decide how to spend that money
I like big government because they start unjustified wars.

That's what I like about republicans. They continue the unjustified wars. Except for baby bush, who went off half cocked like a banty rooster after 9-11 , and drove us into debt and disaster, the little scumbag. And also like unto nixon keeping vietnam going on for years after saying he would end vietnam. I'm hoping Trump has enough sense to end the trend. He's our first prez in a long time not beholden to the "defense" industry.
What we need is bigger government to stop the unjustified wars.
Taxes, we need higher taxes for a War on Illegals.

Let's also, "blame the right" for higher taxes.
We have the best government in the world

Those who disagree are free to post which government they consider to be superior
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.
Government is We the People

Can't thank one without theother
If everyone quit paying taxes, where would the government be?

We the People created our government in a document we like to call The Constitution
In that Constitution we authorized that government to collect revenue on behalf of the people
We elect representatives to decide how to spend that money
hilarious you had to explain Civics 101 to that rw hacktroll lol.
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.
Government is We the People

Can't thank one without theother
If everyone quit paying taxes, where would the government be?

We the People created our government in a document we like to call The Constitution
In that Constitution we authorized that government to collect revenue on behalf of the people
We elect representatives to decide how to spend that money
hilarious you had to explain Civics 101 to that rw hacktroll lol.
I know how it works dumbass, but their wouldn't be government if it wasn't for us tax payers to fund it.
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.
Government is We the People

Can't thank one without theother
If everyone quit paying taxes, where would the government be?

We the People created our government in a document we like to call The Constitution
In that Constitution we authorized that government to collect revenue on behalf of the people
We elect representatives to decide how to spend that money
hilarious you had to explain Civics 101 to that rw hacktroll lol.
I know how it works dumbass, but their wouldn't be government if it wasn't for us tax payers to fund it.

No, it is clear you do not know how it works

The Government is...We the People
We put them there

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