I love GOVERNMENT and it is why we're a first world country!

Do you like Clean air, water and food?

  • Total voters
Hmmm. No, I'd much rather have soggy, days old food that I picked up off the ground. I have plans to move to Flint, Michigan so I can get some of the dirtiest water around. Oh, and I'm a big fan of sitting behind a running car and breathing in the fumes.

In all seriousness, Matthew, no I don't want any of those things. But I'm sure people can take care of the environment without being bullied into doing so by the government. You don't need government, you need common sense.

Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
Hmmm. No, I'd much rather have soggy, days old food that I picked up off the ground. I have plans to move to Flint, Michigan so I can get some of the dirtiest water around. Oh, and I'm a big fan of sitting behind a running car and breathing in the fumes.

In all seriousness, Matthew, no I don't want any of those things. But I'm sure people can take care of the environment without being bullied into doing so by the government. You don't need government, you need common sense.

Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Businesses have zero power to confiscate money from citizens. Government does.
Yet you only rail against businesses.
Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
What has Trump done to you in his 3 days in office?
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
What has Trump done to you in his 3 days in office?

As a woman and a person of color.....what has he done? EXISTED!!
Now a fuckin question for you....8 years of Obama, what the fuck had that brother done to your white ass?...besides remind you red fucks that your privelege card has an expiration date, thus Trump!!
Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
What has Trump done to you in his 3 days in office?

As a woman and a person of color.....what has he done? EXISTED!!
Now a fuckin question for you....8 years of Obama, what the fuck had that brother done to your white ass?...besides remind you red fucks that your privelege card has an expiration date, thus Trump!!
As a woman and a person of color.....what has he done? EXISTED!!
Now a fuckin question for you....8 years of Obama, what the fuck had that brother done to your white ass?...besides remind you red fucks that your privelege card has an expiration date, thus Trump!!

Thanks for working so hard on Trump's 2020 reelection campaign so early.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
our drug war is worse.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to kick down your door and arrest you.
all talk and no action from the right.
Unfortunately people don't take care of the environment which is why there are regulations in the first place.
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
what are you talking about?
Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
what are you talking about?

Stop bringing up constitutional issue, ie govern shit....if your unwilling to address all the const. laws Trump is breaking!!
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
our drug war is worse.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to kick down your door and arrest you.
all talk and no action from the right.
We control all branches of the Federal government and you control 5 of 50 States.

Democrats are irrelevant.
Stop bringing up constitutional issue, ie govern shit....if your unwilling to address all the const. laws Trump is breaking!!
Liberals spent the last 8 years unwilling to address all the violations of both Constitution and Law perpetrated by Barak Obama, and suddenly - on day 3 of his Presidency - Liberals are screaming about Trump?!

Well looky-looky, 'Rip Van Liberal' finally woke the F* Up!

Wrong. The regulations are there to make uncle Sam money

Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
Americans are why we are ine of the greatest nations in the world. Government is / has been the reason we have been in decline...
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
What has Trump done to you in his 3 days in office?

He made our country less safe. Banning Muslims will boost terrorist recruitment and infuriate our allys in the mid east.
He made our country less safe. Banning Muslims will boost terrorist recruitment and infuriate our allys in the mid east.
I'm pretty sure financing, supplying, arming, protecting, and defending Al Qaeda and ISIS benefitted them as well, more so than banning them temporarily until we can come up with a better vetting process.
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

Try taking a look at a dollar bill sometime...guess who's name is on it! Guess who prints it!

I got some horrible news for ya....

The government supplies the money, not the taxpayers.

Money is a note by the government stating that it recognizes the wealth of the bearer to the amount of the currency.

Without government you would have no money.

But feel free to go with bit-coin or print your own currency...see how that goes for ya!
He made our country less safe. Banning Muslims will boost terrorist recruitment and infuriate our allys in the mid east.
I'm pretty sure financing, supplying, arming, protecting, and defending Al Qaeda and ISIS benefitted them as well, more so than banning them temporarily until we can come up with a better vetting process.

So that's the crazy story that's being passed around to the RWNJs now?
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

Try taking a look at a dollar bill sometime...guess who's name is on it! Guess who prints it!

I got some horrible news for ya....

The government supplies the money, not the taxpayers.

Money is a note by the government stating that it recognizes the wealth of the bearer to the amount of the currency.

Without government you would have no money.

But feel free to go with bit-coin or print your own currency...see how that goes for ya!
Government doesn't make anything. Without the American tax payer the government cannot survive.
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

Try taking a look at a dollar bill sometime...guess who's name is on it! Guess who prints it!

I got some horrible news for ya....

The government supplies the money, not the taxpayers.

Money is a note by the government stating that it recognizes the wealth of the bearer to the amount of the currency.

Without government you would have no money.

But feel free to go with bit-coin or print your own currency...see how that goes for ya!
Government doesn't make anything. Without the American tax payer the government cannot survive.

The government prints the money and nowadays creates money electronically. The money ultimately gets it's value based on all the productive work of the American people, who are the tax payers. However, it's the government the creates & protects the economic environment that makes it possible for the workers to do productive work AND to be paid fairly (somewhat) for their labor.

Taxes go to the government to make it possible for the government to create and protect that economic environment.

It's a symbiotic relationship. In the case of the U.S., the government is 'of the people, for the people and by the people', so the government exist to benefit the people. Taxes benefit the taxpayer.

In many cased throughout history and the world, governments did not exist 'of the people, for the people and by the people', and the economic environment created by the government did not benefit the people.

You probably have never lived under a government that did not exist for the benefit of the people, so you take our government for granted.
Only an idiot would believe that. Do you want drunks speeding and killing people? Regulations cut that down a lot. Do you enjoy clean water, air, and food? Without regulations, we wouldn't have that. Do you like the electric company fixing the problem as quickly as possible when your lights go out? Regulation is responsible for that. We both know I could continue for pages.
Dwi laws are LAWS not regulations. Try again
i only agree to the extent it is a form of double taxation. departments should not be benefiting from any revenue confiscated from the People.
What has taken over this country and sadly idiots like you are too stupid to see it, is big BUSINESS. They own your politicians, the control our economy and now you got one of the greediest stupid in the white house. You will find, as did idiots whites during the turn of the century, that big business is out for one color and one color only and trust me, as hard as it is to believe, it ain't WHITE....its GREEN.
More the reason for small government. Businesses have zero power to create laws, arrest you or make you buy products. Government does.
The government provided thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the murder of over 500 people, to include men, women, and children...also to include 4 American citizens.

Government attempted to affect a cover-up - no one was punished, no one was held accountable for the illegal arming of Drug cartels, and over 500 innocent people never got justice.

The government, in its attempt to cover this up, was exposed and engaged in Felony Acts of Perjury before Congress. The Government's perverted Dept of Justice refused to do its job of filing charges and prosecuting the offender because the perpetrator WAS the US Attorney General.

The US Government financed, supported, aremed, trained, and protected terrorists world-wide: The PLO, Al Qaeada, ISIS - thousands of people were murdered by those the government saw fit to help, to include men, women, and children...to include US Citizens / troops.

The US government - at least many of its leaders like Obama and Hillary, globalists - began using their political govt positions to affect world change in their vision / view. Obama stole $1 Billion in US tax dollars and gave it to the UN for its new Global Initiative. The 1st $500 million, Obama lied to the American people, claimed it was for Zika in the US, then sent the money to the UN. This last $500 million - Obama just said ,'F* It - I'm doing it, and sent it on.

Big business has a large impact on the way things are done - many of them are part of the Globalist 'movement', but the government has proven time and again it can do whatever it wants - spy on people, target you and deny you Non-Tax status, steal your tax dollars, kill you with a drone strike... They have elevated themselves above both Constitution and law. This last administration was the most lawless in US history and proved all of this to be the case.

Hopefully if Trump does anything he promised it will be what he promised in his Inauguration speech - RETURN THE GOVT INTO THE HANDS OF 'WE THE PEOPLE'!
I will never ever ever understand you constitutional idiots who find it so convient to site constitutional rights and laws, yet when it comes to that CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, WHO'S ALL BUT SHITTED ON YOUR BELOVED CONSTITUTIONS, YOU NUTS TURN A DEAF EAR?????
If your gonna argue its effectiveness and ignore parts that clearly need addressing...than your creds are mute.
what are you talking about?

Stop bringing up constitutional issue, ie govern shit....if your unwilling to address all the const. laws Trump is breaking!!
i voted blue not red.
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

A typical right wing moron who thinks that all those GREAT things that our government provides us (including protecting the right for right wingers to be eternal dickheads) Is paid by the good fairy or generous billionaires like Trump who has paid taxes in 25 years.
I'd say thanks to the tax payers that supply the money. Not government that only takes it. You have your priorities wrong.

A typical right wing moron who thinks that all those GREAT things that our government provides us (including protecting the right for right wingers to be eternal dickheads) Is paid by the good fairy or generous billionaires like Trump who has paid taxes in 25 years.
Great things like Vietnam, slavery, Jim Crow?

Right wingers seem to HATE if they had to send a $300 per month check to the federal government for health care, but LOVE sending that same check to some private HC insurance company because..................well, because these right wingers see their duty as helping that insurance company's CEO get a better, faster and nicer private Lear Jet.

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