Another issue the insane right wing can use to name call the president and pretend outrage. The phoniest, most insincere group on the face of the earth is you hypocritical right wingers.

I surprised to hear you say this...:(

Maybe you're just caught up in the moment...:dunno:

Sorry, Lumpy. But some of these comments are just outrageous. I really do feel that way about the Republican leadership in Washington. But not every single right winger. So I guess you could say I was just frustrated with the whole topic. You know that you are okay in my book. :beer:
From a 1998 paper, Catholic Charities USA agencies receive 62 percent of their funding from federal, state, and local governments. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America receives 54 percent of its budget from government, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 48 percent, the Salvation Army 15.9 percent, and the YMCA 8.1 percent.
http://housingministries.org/policyAssets/policy articles/Aspen, McCarthy-Castelli, xxxx.pdf

In 2009, 70% of their funding came from the state. Catholic Charities funding sources are varied and the support of individual and private donors is invaluable, yet a large percent (nearly 70% in 2009) comes from government entities.
Newsroom - Catholic Charities USA
Wow. It almost sounds like the Catholic church is a branch of the government.
From a 1998 paper, Catholic Charities USA agencies receive 62 percent of their funding from federal, state, and local governments. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America receives 54 percent of its budget from government, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 48 percent, the Salvation Army 15.9 percent, and the YMCA 8.1 percent.
http://housingministries.org/policyAssets/policy articles/Aspen, McCarthy-Castelli, xxxx.pdf

In 2009, 70% of their funding came from the state. Catholic Charities funding sources are varied and the support of individual and private donors is invaluable, yet a large percent (nearly 70% in 2009) comes from government entities.
Newsroom - Catholic Charities USA
Wow. It almost sounds like the Catholic church is a branch of the government.

Or one of the 5 largest corporations in the world.
They can't get past the hatred of pro-lifers.

who's "they"?

anti-choicers aren't "pro life", they're pro birth.

They.... they are those who care more about killing babies than caring for their fellow Americans' First Amendment Rights.

And, the Church - it's 'pro life'.... it does not walk away from children after birth. If a Mom doesn't want the baby, we'll take it and find a family for it. And... we'll pay for it's education, if necessary... and provide healthcare for it.
I think you've lost your mind.

An employee has every right to have the same health care coverage available to them as an employee at the company next door. This issue isn't about abortion, it is about birth control and every woman should have access to birth control.

Sex isn't bad, you know. It's just a normal biological function.
Its is not awful. Where we disagree is on a very fine line:

You say St. Joseph's Hospital is a Catholic hospital. Your perspective is that it is therefore wholly accountable to the vatican.

I say St. Joseph's Hosptial is a healthcare institution providing services and products to the community it serves in accordance to the teachings of Jesus. This hospital, because of the charity care it provides enjoys a tax benefit and receives grants, subsidies and services from the government. Its employees as members of the community have a right to access prescriptive contraceptives just like Kaiser( a non faith based system) down the street offers its employees.

I never mentioned the Vatican. It is a Catholic Hospital and employees who want healthcare coverage that a Catholic employer cannot provide, can go work elsewhere. They have that whole 'choice' thing that you're so passionate about. If you have choice, why can't we? I would never obstruct your rights - even those that I passionately disagree with.... why can you not do likewise for others? What is so hard about giving us a choice? Why trample on our First Amendment Rights just because you happen to agree with abortion? Why can I not agree with abortion?

Why don't you compromise? All we want is to be allowed to provide care for the most needy, and live according to our faith. Surely to (insert optional deity here), that's not too much to ask? Particularly given what we do in this country.

But the fact is, you don't do it alone. Systems spend millions of dollars in educating surgeons from around the world; muslims, buddhists, atheists, jewish and then they might practice in Catholic hospitals. Trust me, Catholic hospitals want their names in the hat when the best and brightest become eligible to practice.

ETA: all Catholic hospitals have a direct tie to the vatican in terms of eligibility status and controversial procedural practices

I have to say it is almost laughable to say that Catholic charities are totally altruistic. Fact is, they want to recruit people to join the church. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Another issue the insane right wing can use to name call the president and pretend outrage. The phoniest, most insincere group on the face of the earth is you hypocritical right wingers.

I surprised to hear you say this...:(

Maybe you're just caught up in the moment...:dunno:

I can't believe she thinks the President trying to infringe on the rights of American Citizens to freely exercise their religion is causing pretend outrage.

Nothing pretend about wanting to protect our First Amendment rights.

Whose 1st Amendment rights would you be violating? What gives the RCC the right to tell an individual what services they're allowed to have covered by insurance? People are people, not money or a church hierachy that isn't even in step with its own members.
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I have to say it is almost laughable to say that Catholic charities are totally altruistic. Fact is, they want to recruit people to join the church. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Not true. Catholics do not recruit people to join the church.
It's all voluntary.
Catholics don't even force you to go to Mass. Purely one's choice.
During most of the year - the church is relatively full on Sunday.
Try to find a seat on Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday or Easter.
This is funny stuff, consider no Catholics today live as our parents did and had one brat after another. Everyone practices birth control, aside from the Duggars does anyone have twelve or more children today? So what is the solution to reality, pretend it ain't so and criticize those who give women, all women, the freedoms we all desire. What nonsense it is when the 15th century comes in contact with 21st.
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This is funny stuff, consider no Catholics today live as our parents did and had one brat after another. Everyone practices birth control, aside from the Duggars does anyone have twelve or more children today? So what is the solution to reality, pretend it ain't so and criticize those who give women, all women, the freedoms we all desire. What nonsense it is when the 15th century comes in contact with 21st.

Not true.
So they are willing to resort to barbaric ways because someone is being pro choice/our rights are being exercised?

Yeah, even more reason why I hate them.
I have to say it is almost laughable to say that Catholic charities are totally altruistic. Fact is, they want to recruit people to join the church. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Not true. Catholics do not recruit people to join the church.
It's all voluntary.
Catholics don't even force you to go to Mass. Purely one's choice.
During most of the year - the church is relatively full on Sunday.
Try to find a seat on Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday or Easter.

Church Exists to Evangelize! Pope Calls every Catholic to Become a Missionary - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online
The bottom line on this subject for me is this.

Women have as much right to have their reproductive health needs covered as anyone else has a right to have their health care needs covered.

Birth control should be covered and now it finally is covered.

There should be no waivers granted for any employer.

Granting waivers because of some entities religious belief is favoring religion. And that simply isn't kosher in the USA.
The bottom line on this subject for me is this.

Women have as much right to have their reproductive health needs covered as anyone else has a right to have their health care needs covered.

Birth control should be covered and now it finally is covered.

There should be no waivers granted for any employer.

Granting waivers because of some entities religious belief is favoring religion. And that simply isn't kosher in the USA.

Your opinion is noted, however, birth control is not permitted in the Catholic Church.
The bottom line on this subject for me is this.

Women have as much right to have their reproductive health needs covered as anyone else has a right to have their health care needs covered.

Birth control should be covered and now it finally is covered.

There should be no waivers granted for any employer.

Granting waivers because of some entities religious belief is favoring religion. And that simply isn't kosher in the USA.

Your opinion is noted, however, birth control is not permitted in the Catholic Church.

And the church is free to remind its members that birth control is forbidden instead of relying on the government to deny coverage.
Bishop: 'Hitler and Mussolini' 'Would Love Our School System'...

What a fucking asshole.

An asshole for being fucking right as rain?

He might have added that Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot would have loved it too, but I guess he left them out for brevity's sake.
The bottom line on this subject for me is this.

Women have as much right to have their reproductive health needs covered as anyone else has a right to have their health care needs covered.

Birth control should be covered and now it finally is covered.

There should be no waivers granted for any employer.

Granting waivers because of some entities religious belief is favoring religion. And that simply isn't kosher in the USA.

Your opinion is noted, however, birth control is not permitted in the Catholic Church.

And the church is free to remind its members that birth control is forbidden instead of relying on the government to deny coverage.

That is not their objection, dude.

Their objection is that the government is FORCING them to provide for funding for things that the church believes to be murder in many cases.

That libtards dont get this is no surprise when one recalls their inability to understand why people had a problem with Stalins agricultural policies in the Ukraine with the Kulaks.

'Whats the big deal about killing a few million people by starvation?' they would ask. 'You can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.'

Nothing has changed since then either, except now they get marketing pros to do their lying for them.

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