Too bad the catholic church didn't work this hard to weed out the child rapers. Good to see they have their priorities straight.
Too bad the catholic church didn't work this hard to weed out the child rapers. Good to see they have their priorities straight.

You dont think protecting religious liberty in this nation should be a high priority?

And what makes you think they can't multi task? I mean there are like a billion catholics. Im pretty sure they can do more than one thing at the same time effectively and without any hiccups.
Another issue the insane right wing can use to name call the president and pretend outrage. The phoniest, most insincere group on the face of the earth is you hypocritical right wingers.

I surprised to hear you say this...:(

Maybe you're just caught up in the moment...:dunno:
Another issue the insane right wing can use to name call the president and pretend outrage. The phoniest, most insincere group on the face of the earth is you hypocritical right wingers.

I surprised to hear you say this...:(

Maybe you're just caught up in the moment...:dunno:

I can't believe she thinks the President trying to infringe on the rights of American Citizens to freely exercise their religion is causing pretend outrage.

Nothing pretend about wanting to protect our First Amendment rights.
Too bad the catholic church didn't work this hard to weed out the child rapers. Good to see they have their priorities straight.

You dont think protecting religious liberty in this nation should be a high priority?

And what makes you think they can't multi task? I mean there are like a billion catholics. Im pretty sure they can do more than one thing at the same time effectively and without any hiccups.

Did the church spent the last 40 years combating the pedophiles in it's priesthood? In 1972 was there a proclamation admitting they had a child raper problem and a vow to "fight in the streets" the child rapers in their ranks?
Another issue the insane right wing can use to name call the president and pretend outrage. The phoniest, most insincere group on the face of the earth is you hypocritical right wingers.

I surprised to hear you say this...:(

Maybe you're just caught up in the moment...:dunno:

I can't believe she thinks the President trying to infringe on the rights of American Citizens to freely exercise their religion is causing pretend outrage.

Nothing pretend about wanting to protect our First Amendment rights.

Are the hospitals taking fed dollars?
When you mix politics with religion the cheap shots from the left become quite outrageous and far beyond the pail.

The faithful were surely shamed, demanded action and repercussions of their religious leaders but they still remained faithful and it's unreasonable to assume that their rights under the constitution should be frivolously taken away...
Cool the violent rhetoric, dittoheads. Too bad facts are so inconvenient....

Dont like is quoting Obama's violent rhetoric, eh?

Not surprising.

Cool the violent rhetoric, dittoheads. Too bad facts are so inconvenient....

Dont like is quoting Obama's violent rhetoric, eh?

Not surprising.

I'm not talking about a President's quote taken out of context- I'm talking about super "patriot" dittoheads who would get physically violent in real life- it's a symptom of the brainwashed who have no actual facts, when their argument has been destroyed- as always....

Quote: Originally Posted by Article 15
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr.Nick
Quote: Originally Posted by Article 15

"Whoa, whoa, whoa let's not get out of control here.

This is a Christian country we live in, Carb.
You're a Sharia loving motherfucker..

There's more of that lying we were talking about earlier.

Love the unsolicited family attack too, Nick.

I forgot we're Americans and we use baseball bats...

My bad.

Not my Americans.

Massachusetts, under Romney, did the same thing as the ACA would. So does Georgia (and 28 other states). More Pubcrappe for the dupes, with Catholic priests doing what they're told to- don't want to be excommunicated, while 98% of CATHOLIC women use birth control.They already have a year waiver, and Dems have said enforcement would be weak. That'll be nothing compared to the protests of the women involved LOL
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How exactly is rhetoric violent out of context but non-violent in? It's still violent.
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!


Well, if you knew a lot of real Catholics, you wouldn't be impressed.

Most Catholics support a woman's right to control her own body. 69% of Catholic women have used the pill at some point in their lives. 98% of sexually active Catholic women use some form of brith control. 75% of Catholics think the Church should change its stance on brith control and a whopping 47% even support the right to an abortion.

Many Catholics Reject Church Ban on Birth Control, Condoms for HIV Prevention; New Pope Unlikely To Have Differing Views

If you don't think Obama's boys haven't poll tested this one six ways to Sunday and figured out that the only people that were really not going to be on his side on this were the kind of prudes who vote Republican anyway, then you are deluding yourself.

Why are these people staying within the Catholic Church? If they care not to be devout Catholics and follow the beliefs of the Church of Rome, why do they stay?

The Church and its laws are Eternal.

So those that disagree should bugger off and find somewhere else to be "spiritual" with the laws of man and not of God.

If I decide to become Muslim can I demand because of how I feel about certain issues that Islam change its ways?

I don't think that boat would float.:lol:
So would prefer that Islam remains a backwards religion and that people within the religion shouldn't express disagreement and encourage reform?
It's not murder if it's war, silly.

Obama declared war on the church, and therefore on a huge number of his own people. I think this will be pretty interesting.

Obama declare "war"?

Link, Allie?

Here is an easy one. :lol:

Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight?

That's exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. "Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles fans."

Read more: Obama Flashback: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'... - President Obama - Fox Nation

Lol......so that's a "no, he didn't declare war on the Church"
Would 'you people' (and you'll know who I mean) support a Muslim community in the US imposing Sharia law,

and then declaring that any US law, including laws regulating business, that conflicted with Sharia would henceforth be null and void in that community?

That's religious freedom, right??? That's a pure exercise of the 1st amendment, right?

Whoa, whoa, whoa let's not get out of control here.

This is a Christian country we live in, Carb.

Apparently. Apparently the 1st amendment protects the exercise of only certain Christian religious beliefs.
No, we answered it by pointing out that you were obfuscating, and using logical fallacy.

Sharia law that makes it legal to abuse and stone women is not the same as a law that forces the church to provide contraceptives. Nobody is HARMED if the church doesn't pay for contraceptives.

People are HARMED by sharia law.

See the difference? Yes? No?

Assuming only for sake of argument that is true, how is that any worse than a law that protects the right of a woman to, as you would put it,

murder her unborn baby?
The Catholic League is RW nuts, and the Catholic Church is out of touch on birth control. Just more fodder for RW media. Divide and conquer doesn't work anymore...
No, we answered it by pointing out that you were obfuscating, and using logical fallacy.

Sharia law that makes it legal to abuse and stone women is not the same as a law that forces the church to provide contraceptives. Nobody is HARMED if the church doesn't pay for contraceptives.

People are HARMED by sharia law.

See the difference? Yes? No?

So what you're saying is that the 1st amendment religious exercise protection only applies to exercises that the government approves of.

I think that's been my point all along.

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