And for anyone watching @ home:

For the record, I'll pose as a jerk to posters who are jerks. I'm not angry but very much loving life & def. not a jerk : )

I've always been an anti-bully bully.

Now wait a minute...I never said you are not a jerk.

I said I would trust you with my kid before skookerasbil...

But I never said you were NOT a jerk.
Thnx jarhead, I cant rep you b/c I dont rep people enough and it's not "unlocked" for me to rep you yet.

No thanks necessary. I simply told him the truth. I was not defending you. You dont need my defense. I was offering my opinion on here...sort of what we are supposed to do.

skookerasbil uses this forum to dsiplay his lack of secrutiy and confidence. I rearely read his posts unless he is responding to someone I respect.

He's the right version of mr shaman, perhaps 2-3% less annoying.
To each his own................

But Im thinking you're a phoney s0n!!!:2up:

lol....expected response from someone as insecure as you.

So libs are kooks, GT is an angry father, and I am a phoney.

Sounds like you have confidence issues. Good luck with that.

Perhaps...........but you're a phoney s0n!!!:boobies::boobies::rock:

ANd GT......has his own pic as an avatar for a year. THATS as gay as it gets

Funny....you see that as "gay"...

I see it as a sign of confidence.

And by the way...the term "gay" used in the context you used it?

Children use it in that context.

I know no adult that does.
And for anyone watching @ home:

For the record, I'll pose as a jerk to posters who are jerks. I'm not angry but very much loving life & def. not a jerk : )

I've always been an anti-bully bully.

Now wait a minute...I never said you are not a jerk.

I said I would trust you with my kid before skookerasbil...

But I never said you were NOT a jerk.

Opinions are like Water. Everyone has some.
To each his own................

But Im thinking you're a phoney s0n!!!:2up:

lol....expected response from someone as insecure as you.

So libs are kooks, GT is an angry father, and I am a phoney.

Sounds like you have confidence issues. Good luck with that.

Perhaps...........but you're a phoney s0n!!!:boobies::boobies::rock:

ANd GT......has his own pic as an avatar for a year. THATS as gay as it gets

Representing yourself as yourself is GaY? Where does your logical disability come from, exactly?
lol....expected response from someone as insecure as you.

So libs are kooks, GT is an angry father, and I am a phoney.

Sounds like you have confidence issues. Good luck with that.

Perhaps...........but you're a phoney s0n!!!:boobies::boobies::rock:

ANd GT......has his own pic as an avatar for a year. THATS as gay as it gets

Representing yourself as yourself is GaY? Where does your logical disability come from, exactly?
It comes from a lack of confidence.
lol....expected response from someone as insecure as you.

So libs are kooks, GT is an angry father, and I am a phoney.

Sounds like you have confidence issues. Good luck with that.

Perhaps...........but you're a phoney s0n!!!:boobies::boobies::rock:

ANd GT......has his own pic as an avatar for a year. THATS as gay as it gets

Representing yourself as yourself is GaY? Where does your logical disability come from, exactly?

He's definitely hooked into the gay culture. He's always telling us about it and I bet if you did a search of the word, his would be the majority of the posts. :50:
I've argued this issue just to argue, to be quite honest. Times are slow working from home : )

All 1st Amendment, Religious war stuff, etc etc aside, my opinion is as follows:

If the Gov't is offering exemption to the Church, then make it a full-on exemption, none of this qualifier bullshit that "they're not exempt if they're the Church's Business' employee, but not Religious."

It's sort of admitting you're half wrong anyways, doing it that way.
I've argued this issue just to argue, to be quite honest. Times are slow working from home : )

All 1st Amendment, Religious war stuff, etc etc aside, my opinion is as follows:

If the Gov't is offering exemption to the Church, then make it a full-on exemption, none of this qualifier bullshit that "they're not exempt if they're the Church's Business' employee, but not Religious."

It's sort of admitting you're half wrong anyways, doing it that way.

So in essence you are advocating, We go back to original Intent. I agree. I also think it should be done before Government collapses the Social Safety Net the Church has built up for the Needy. Just a thought. :)
I've argued this issue just to argue, to be quite honest. Times are slow working from home : )

All 1st Amendment, Religious war stuff, etc etc aside, my opinion is as follows:

If the Gov't is offering exemption to the Church, then make it a full-on exemption, none of this qualifier bullshit that "they're not exempt if they're the Church's Business' employee, but not Religious."

It's sort of admitting you're half wrong anyways, doing it that way.

So in essence you are advocating, We go back to original Intent. I agree. I also think it should be done before Government collapses the Social Safety Net the Church has built up for the Needy. Just a thought. :)

Original intent, meaning 1st Amendment all literal and no precedents of interpretation?

I don't agree with that, because it would then read to me as Religious Law supercedes National Law within said Church. I can't get behind that for obvious reasons.
The Left/Democrat assholes declared War on Christians a long time ago. Their all just Western Euro-trash wannabes. Western Europe's Leftist/Socialist assholes destroyed the Church there. And that's what American Leftist/Socialist assholes want to do here. This is just another vicious attack on Christians. And so much for this President being a 'Uniter' huh? He has done nothing but divide Americans. His attack on the Church is totally wrong & unnecessary.

I guess we'll see if Christians stand up and fight the Left though. So far, they've completely rolled over. If the Church wants to survive in America, they better get off the sidelines and get in the game. Because the vicious attacks from the Left are only going to get worse. Time will tell on this one i guess. We'll see.
Your opinion is noted, however, birth control is not permitted in the Catholic Church.

And the church is free to remind its members that birth control is forbidden instead of relying on the government to deny coverage.

That is not their objection, dude.

Their objection is that the government is FORCING them to provide for funding for things that the church believes to be murder in many cases.

That libtards dont get this is no surprise when one recalls their inability to understand why people had a problem with Stalins agricultural policies in the Ukraine with the Kulaks.

'Whats the big deal about killing a few million people by starvation?' they would ask. 'You can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.'

Nothing has changed since then either, except now they get marketing pros to do their lying for them.
You're an idiot.

I've argued this issue just to argue, to be quite honest. Times are slow working from home : )

All 1st Amendment, Religious war stuff, etc etc aside, my opinion is as follows:

If the Gov't is offering exemption to the Church, then make it a full-on exemption, none of this qualifier bullshit that "they're not exempt if they're the Church's Business' employee, but not Religious."

It's sort of admitting you're half wrong anyways, doing it that way.

So in essence you are advocating, We go back to original Intent. I agree. I also think it should be done before Government collapses the Social Safety Net the Church has built up for the Needy. Just a thought. :)

Original intent, meaning 1st Amendment all literal and no precedents of interpretation?

I don't agree with that, because it would then read to me as Religious Law supercedes National Law within said Church. I can't get behind that for obvious reasons.

You understand there is exception to Religious Exemption, where Harm is caused, where damage is done. Separation of Church and State gives neither the License to act as Tyrants. You understand that Participation in a Church is Voluntary, and you are free to break the ties anytime you want? You do get that, right?
I'm curious to know if the Church is against birth control pills that are used for reasons not actually related to birth control. Regulating painful or irregular cycles, etc.

So in essence you are advocating, We go back to original Intent. I agree. I also think it should be done before Government collapses the Social Safety Net the Church has built up for the Needy. Just a thought. :)

Original intent, meaning 1st Amendment all literal and no precedents of interpretation?

I don't agree with that, because it would then read to me as Religious Law supercedes National Law within said Church. I can't get behind that for obvious reasons.

You understand there is exception to Religious Exemption, where Harm is caused, where damage is done. Separation of Church and State gives neither the License to act as Tyrants. You understand that Participation in a Church is Voluntary, and you are free to break the ties anytime you want? You do get that, right?

Your 2 last sentences are inane to the point I made.

To the beginning:

Where, under original intent, are these exceptions located?
Yes, it does and let's hope so.

Though it has been awhile..hopefully they still have their manual.

I've been watching a Showtime series, the Borgias. It isn't kind to the Catholic Church, I think it is instead truthful. BUT, it makes very clear that that Church had no clue nor even ability to wage war. It may have told monarchs that they had a duty to wage certain wars, but the Church itself had no ability.

French soldiers were Catholic - but they were FRENCH soldiers, not Vatican soldiers.
Try this. Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)

Part of the key here, is when Religious Institutions take on Community Work, they do it with a Neutral Approach in regard to Soliciting, or Recruiting. That does not translate to the Government Dictating how they operate internally. They do seek compliance with relevant ordinances. There is a distinction here.

Separation of Church and State is a Christian Principle, illustrated very well by John Locke. God First in All things, is not compromised or corrupted by any Civil Contract.
It might be helpful, or at least interesting, to recall that when the Constitution was written,

labor laws were virtually non-existent. It's something of a stretch to divine original intent of the framers on issues that weren't then issues.

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