Try this. Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)

Part of the key here, is when Religious Institutions take on Community Work, they do it with a Neutral Approach in regard to Soliciting, or Recruiting. That does not translate to the Government Dictating how they operate internally. They do seek compliance with relevant ordinances. There is a distinction here.

Separation of Church and State is a Christian Principle, illustrated very well by John Locke. God First in All things, is not compromised or corrupted by any Civil Contract.

To the extent that the government has the power to 'dictate' to any business how it operates 'internally', and it is indisputable that the government has broad powers in that regard,

it thus has equal power to dictate to businesses that happen to operate under the auspices of some church.
Of course. Stunned silence.

The Church has already proven it can live with this kind of mandate.

You've declared war on the first amendment. Dear Leader made the idiotic mistake of trying to crush his enemies, when he needs their vote.

This won't work out well for you. Obama is toast, the only question is the effect on the house and Senate?
Since when do good deeds earn you exemption from the law of the land?

What "good deed" has Obama done that makes him exempt from the 1st amendment, the law of the land?

The 1st amendment does not exempt businesses being run by religious people from the laws that apply to all businesses, or to all comparable businesses not claiming a religious mantle.
Of course. Stunned silence.

The Church has already proven it can live with this kind of mandate.

You've declared war on the first amendment. Dear Leader made the idiotic mistake of trying to crush his enemies, when he needs their vote.

This won't work out well for you. Obama is toast, the only question is the effect on the house and Senate?

How much money would you like to bet?
Since when do good deeds earn you exemption from the law of the land?

What "good deed" has Obama done that makes him exempt from the 1st amendment, the law of the land?

The 1st amendment does not exempt businesses being run by religious people from the laws that apply to all businesses, or to all comparable businesses not claiming a religious mantle.

Does it protect a private industry from having to offer a service it may not want to offer?

Becuase that is what this deabte is REALLY about.

If an insurance company does not want to offer birth control coverage, why should the government make it do so?
What "good deed" has Obama done that makes him exempt from the 1st amendment, the law of the land?

The 1st amendment does not exempt businesses being run by religious people from the laws that apply to all businesses, or to all comparable businesses not claiming a religious mantle.

Does it protect a private industry from having to offer a service it may not want to offer?

Becuase that is what this deabte is REALLY about.

If an insurance company does not want to offer birth control coverage, why should the government make it do so?

Private businesses have to contribute to Social Security - I'm sure many would prefer not to. They have to pay minimum wage, they have to pay overtime under various circumstances, they have to put in place and comply with a myriad of safety measures that I'm sure many would not do were they not mandated.

So, no, the 1st amendment does in no way protect businesses from mandates they might otherwise not do.
On how to brutally persecute and murder people? Why do you need a manual for that? All you need is crazy religious justifications!

Ever notice how you moron leftists get shrill and lose control when you know you've lost?

You're a leftist because you are stupid. Ergo, when faced with defeat, you flail wildly, with great impotence.
Depends on the war and depends on the combatants. The crusaders were out there murdering people.

You know that the Muslims invaded Europe, doncha, stupidfuck?

Without the Crusades, we would all speak Arabic and live 12th century lives.

The Islamic terrorists fighting against our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are murdering our soldiers.

So the death toll on our soldiers is fine and dandy because we're in a war? War's hell, right?

Oh and Obama has not declared war on the church. Cut your hyperbolic crap.

You are truly stupid, no wonder you voted for Obama.
Another issue the insane right wing can use to name call the president and pretend outrage. The phoniest, most insincere group on the face of the earth is you hypocritical right wingers.

Obama tripped over his own clit, and then shot his foot off. You'll blame the right, you blame everything on the right. But it was Obama himself that sank his reelection.
The 1st amendment does not exempt businesses being run by religious people from the laws that apply to all businesses, or to all comparable businesses not claiming a religious mantle.

Does it protect a private industry from having to offer a service it may not want to offer?

Becuase that is what this deabte is REALLY about.

If an insurance company does not want to offer birth control coverage, why should the government make it do so?

Private businesses have to contribute to Social Security - I'm sure many would prefer not to. They have to pay minimum wage, they have to pay overtime under various circumstances, they have to put in place and comply with a myriad of safety measures that I'm sure many would not do were they not mandated.

So, no, the 1st amendment does in no way protect businesses from mandates they might otherwise not do.

Oh come on NYCarbineer...you are smarter than that...or maybe you dont think I am as smart as I am.....

What you described are rules and regulations ALL businesss of ALL industries must comply with to operate in the US...

My question is different..

Should the federal government decide that an industry MUST offer a service it does not want to offer?

For example....can the federal government force ALL arilines to fly to Otmawah Iowa if they want the right to fly in US air space?
Are the hospitals taking fed dollars?

Let's talk about the schools?

STUDENTS are able to get Federal Student loans and PEL Grants. Does this mean that they are only allowed to spend their loans at schools that follow the religious edicts established by Obama?

That's what the administration is saying, that because there are students that have federal loans, they can bully their way in and mandate school clinics offer contraceptives. No doubt abortion clinics are soon to follow.

Look, I know the left is hostile to liberty, but is there any limit that you will say "enough" to?
It might be helpful, or at least interesting, to recall that when the Constitution was written,

labor laws were virtually non-existent. It's something of a stretch to divine original intent of the framers on issues that weren't then issues.

At least you acknowledge your hostility to the constitution.

The left seeks to crush liberty, that is the end game. Thank you for being honest about this.
It might be helpful, or at least interesting, to recall that when the Constitution was written,

labor laws were virtually non-existent. It's something of a stretch to divine original intent of the framers on issues that weren't then issues.

At least you acknowledge your hostility to the constitution.

The left seeks to crush liberty, that is the end game. Thank you for being honest about this.

The left thinks people have more rights than businesses. You suck up, you.
The 1st amendment does not exempt businesses being run by religious people from the laws that apply to all businesses,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Notice, it doesn't say, Congress shall make no law except for when a business is involved?

Your war on the first amendment is doomed to failure. You bit off WAY more than you can chew this time.

or to all comparable businesses not claiming a religious mantle.

The federal government may not dictate religious matters. The attempt to do so violates the first amendment.

Yes, the war is actually against the first amendment, and the rest of the bill of rights. I understand that the left is at war against liberty, seeking authoritarianism. But you've overestimated your power.

Obama is done, nothing he does can save him. This attack will dominate the airwaves and every church pulpit from now until November.

It was a stupid, stupid move - but Obama is a stupid, stupid man.
Of course. Stunned silence.

The Church has already proven it can live with this kind of mandate.

You've declared war on the first amendment. Dear Leader made the idiotic mistake of trying to crush his enemies, when he needs their vote.

This won't work out well for you. Obama is toast, the only question is the effect on the house and Senate?

It's the RCC that's violating the 1st. Isn't it supposed to protect us from having religion imposed on us? Money is ahead of people and now a foreign church hierarchy is ahead of people. Who is the 1st amendment really supposed to protect?
The left thinks people have more rights than businesses. You suck up, you.

The left seeks a nation where people have zero rights. You assign "rights" to groups. Rulers assign privilege to groups they wish to curry favor with. Abortionists have privilege that others lack, Hispanics have privileges denied to Whites or Asians, gays have privilege that straights are denied, on down the line.

Individuals have zero rights, they are mere cogs to be manipulated as the rulers see fit. To the left, we are just parts in the great machine of the state. Individualism, the concept that individuals have worth and are unique, is a Christian concept that has no place in the brave new world of the left.

I find what you seek to establish to be a cold, dismal place, with no hope and no purpose.
the crux of the debate is that Government feels it has the right to tell an industry what product to sell.

Many insurers may not want to cover biurth control....something that most use for convenience...not for health purposes.

What right does the government have to tell them they must sell the service?
It's the RCC that's violating the 1st.


What a fucking moron.

Isn't it supposed to protect us from having religion imposed on us?

No, it certainly isn't.

The prohibition is from the federal government establishing a state religion - OR INTERFERING WITH RELIGION.

Obama is attempting to dictate doctrine to the Catholic Church, that is a violation of the 1st.

He should be impeached for this, but that won't happen. However, his reelection bid is over.

Money is ahead of people and now a foreign church hierarchy is ahead of people. Who is the 1st amendment really supposed to protect?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

You should at least learn what it is you seek to defeat.

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