This requirement is already in place in 28 states. Why hasn't it been declared unconstitutional?

The mandate that religious organizations offer birth control is in place in zero states.

{(c) This section shall not apply to an individual policy of accident and sickness insurance delivered, issued or renewed pursuant to section 108 or any group blanket policy of accident and sickness insurance delivered, issued or renewed pursuant to section 110 if that policy is purchased by an employer that is a church or qualified church-controlled organization, as those terms are defined in 26 U.S.C. section 3121(w)(3)(A) and (B).}

Contraceptive Coverage and Massachusetts Law - Boston.com

I'm not going to say you're lying, but the hate site that does your thinking is lying.

I was going to say he was lying, since he didn't provide any verification any of the times he spewed it, but I was too lazy to look it up. Good job.
Birth control is considered preventative health care. All insurance providers must provide coverage for preventative health care with no copay.

do you have proof that it is referred to as preventive healthcare by the insurance companies...or are you just offering youir personal opinion?

If someone consumes 5000 calories a day becuase they love chocolate cake, and that feeling "full" after all 5 meals a day...would you consider "weight loss pills" as preventive health care?

It's considered preventative by the medical community. I imagine it is by the insurance industry as well since the vast majority now cover birth control, just not without a copay.

Here are what is currently considered preventative care (or currently before birth control was added to the list):

Preventive Care: What's Covered?

Depending on the health plan type and such factors as your age, preventive care is expected to include such services as:

Blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol tests
Cancer screenings
Counseling on smoking cessation, weight loss, healthy eating, depression treatments, and reduction of alcohol use
Vaccines for measles, polio, meningitis, and HPV (human papilloma virus)
Shots for flu and pneumonia prevention
Screening, vaccines, and counseling for healthy pregnancies
Well-baby and well-child visits up to the age of 21, as well as vision and hearing, developmental assessments, and body mass index (BMI) screenings for obesity
Mammograms for women over age 40
Pap smears for cervical cancer prevention
Colon cancer screening tests for adults over age 50
New Insurance Rules: Free Preventive Health Care

Here is why birth control was added:

Preventing unwanted pregnancies is only one goal of the new requirement. Contraception can help make a woman's next pregnancy healthier by spacing births far enough apart, generally 18 months to two years. Research links closely spaced births to a risk of such problems as prematurity, low birth weight, even autism. Research has shown that even modest copays for medical care can discourage use.

Obama Administration: Health Insurers Must Cover Birth Control With No Copays (this is an ap article reprinted on huffpo, so no huffpo meltdowns allowed)

In other words women are just too stupid to know what's good for them and are incapable of spacing births apart.

That's VERY paternalistic.

What it is all about is the belief that preventing unwanted pregnancy is the single most important national concern. Everything else pales in comparison to the government's need to prevent unwanted pregnancy and the occasional wanted pregnancy. If any other freedom has to be trampled to fill the need of government to prevent unwanted pregnancy then so be it. Nothing else is more important.

How did we get here from the place where pregnancy was a matter between a woman and her doctor?
If Mandated Health Insurance Benefits are not permissible, than please review the following mandated benefits which would be impacted and possibly lose coverage:

Mandate Links
Please see topic specific pages (click to view):


Cancer Mandates and Exceptions

Childhood Immunizations

Clinical Trials Coverage

Colorectal Cancer Screening


Dependent Coverage


Infertility Treatment

Mental Health Benefits

Newborn Hearing Screening

Newborn Genetic & Metabiolic Disease Screening

Mandated Health Insurance Benefits and State Laws: Overview

There is a very straightforward way to fix the current situation - which is that President honor the promise he made to the Church.

Solution: The government should allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception. That is all the Church is asking for.

So, liberals.... is it 'freedom for me, but not for thee' or will you support the right of others to believe differently to you? Hmmm? This should not be a hard call.

Would you support the removal of fertility treatments?
Oh come on NYCarbineer...you are smarter than that...or maybe you dont think I am as smart as I am.....

What you described are rules and regulations ALL businesss of ALL industries must comply with to operate in the US...

My question is different..

Should the federal government decide that an industry MUST offer a service it does not want to offer?

For example....can the federal government force ALL arilines to fly to Otmawah Iowa if they want the right to fly in US air space?

I'm going to ignore that fact that you are ignoring my points because you can't refute them and ask this:

Has government required electric utilities to provide electricity to everyone in a given area? Whether the utility wanted to or not?

it was a criteria to allow then to have the monopoly.....it was a decision the industry as a whole agreed upon.

The telecommunications industry disagreed and therfore competiton was allowed...and you saw what happened.

I did not ignore your points...I showed you how they are not refutable...they are accurate and true...but applied to ALL businesses...not just one business....so it is different.

I like an honest debate...and willing to debate this with you.......but please, keep it honest.

This health insurance requirement is not being applied to ONE business? What?
This requirement is already in place in 28 states. Why hasn't it been declared unconstitutional?

The mandate that religious organizations offer birth control is in place in zero states.

{(c) This section shall not apply to an individual policy of accident and sickness insurance delivered, issued or renewed pursuant to section 108 or any group blanket policy of accident and sickness insurance delivered, issued or renewed pursuant to section 110 if that policy is purchased by an employer that is a church or qualified church-controlled organization, as those terms are defined in 26 U.S.C. section 3121(w)(3)(A) and (B).}

Contraceptive Coverage and Massachusetts Law - Boston.com

I'm not going to say you're lying, but the hate site that does your thinking is lying.

But many Catholic institutions are already operating in states that require contraceptive coverage, such as New York and California. Such laws are on the books in 28 states, and only eight of them exempt Catholic hospitals and universities. Nowhere has the Catholic Church shut down in response.

Happy now asshole?

The Repubs are jumping up and down. Santorum, among others, would like to take us back to the Dark Ages, Our Orange Golf Pro and the Old Turtle Guy are frothing (Santorum again, sorry) at the mouth and its all show.

This has been law of the land since 1964. It was further clarified in 2000. Covering contraception is the law already in 28 states. In 2007 the Catholic church sued New York state over its requiremen*t and lost. In 2009 Belmont College was prosecuted and fined for not providing coverage for its employees. Catholic hospital pharmacies already carry birth control and morning after pills. They accept TAX money from the government and woman are nearly unanimous in their support of birth control being easily available to ALL.

How did we get here from the place where pregnancy was a matter between a woman and her doctor?


Get the damn Republicans out of our private lives. I'm sick of the Peeping Toms trying to pass more an more laws, trying to grow government even bigger so they have more control over our most personal and private issues.

Why should we all be controlled by the Republicans and some old rich guy in a dress who lives in the Vatican? Why should these MEN be given the power to drag all of us back to the Dark Ages?

You don't have to be a woman to care about women's issues. If you have a mother, daughter, sister, etc- they will be impacted by this craziness.
Add your voice to the One Million Strong For Women.
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I'm going to ignore that fact that you are ignoring my points because you can't refute them and ask this:

Has government required electric utilities to provide electricity to everyone in a given area? Whether the utility wanted to or not?

it was a criteria to allow then to have the monopoly.....it was a decision the industry as a whole agreed upon.

The telecommunications industry disagreed and therfore competiton was allowed...and you saw what happened.

I did not ignore your points...I showed you how they are not refutable...they are accurate and true...but applied to ALL businesses...not just one business....so it is different.

I like an honest debate...and willing to debate this with you.......but please, keep it honest.

This health insurance requirement is not being applied to ONE business? What?

I meant one industry.
Never mind.
HA HA HA!!!! What a joke these religious hypocrites do not even keep the big ten and they are worried about how to twist shit to cause more controversy in politics. People are soooooo fucking stupid to buy in to this shit. Condoms, the pill really? To hell with the politicians saying fuck all of you yes we are corrupt, yes we stole trillions, yes we are going to probe every aspect of your life and yes we will determine how you live, where you work, how to raise your stupid fucking children as we will no longer support education and again yes we do not give a shit about you personally being protected as we need the police and fire money to build a bigger military to protect our investments and interest all over the world and if you want a job we will create an environment where you either work as peasants for our huge corporation or serve in our military protecting our money.
Qouote all the intellectual resources you wish as common fucking sense is at a loss here. Simple math, simple reasoning, and simply quit being sucked in to the bullshit on T.V. Politicians do not care about you, your children, your businesses, your health, nothing. You are losers to all of them and if we continue in this direction I must agree.

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