Get the democrats out of people's private lives and stop telling them how to worship and what. No Church can demand funds from a non-believer for Church functions. The government should keep their pick pocket hands to itself in demanding funds specifically to force religious people to support objectionable government purposes.
HA HA HA!!!! What a joke these religious hypocrites do not even keep the big ten and they are worried about how to twist shit to cause more controversy in politics. People are soooooo fucking stupid to buy in to this shit. Condoms, the pill really? To hell with the politicians saying fuck all of you yes we are corrupt, yes we stole trillions, yes we are going to probe every aspect of your life and yes we will determine how you live, where you work, how to raise your stupid fucking children as we will no longer support education and again yes we do not give a shit about you personally being protected as we need the police and fire money to build a bigger military to protect our investments and interest all over the world and if you want a job we will create an environment where you either work as peasants for our huge corporation or serve in our military protecting our money.
Qouote all the intellectual resources you wish as common fucking sense is at a loss here. Simple math, simple reasoning, and simply quit being sucked in to the bullshit on T.V. Politicians do not care about you, your children, your businesses, your health, nothing. You are losers to all of them and if we continue in this direction I must agree.

Easy Karl, they can't handle it. Especially when it comes at them like a psychotic episode...:eek:
Well, there's a form of birth control that we all should support.


THe problem is that ends once marriage begins.

speak for ya'selfF!~

well...it ended...then picked up right after she gave birth...then ended again...then picked up again right after she gave birth to my second one....and, alas, ended again.

But it HAS picked up as of late. AT least that is what I am hearing......
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Does it have a big back seat?
speak for ya'selfF!~

well...it ended...then picked up right after she gave birth...then ended again...then picked up again right after she gave birth to my second one....and, alas, ended again.

But it HAS picked up as of late. AT least that is what I am hearing......

lol u r a funny dude

lol...I love my wife more than life itself.
All said in jest...
she is the best................at least that is what I am hearing
(jeez...I cant help myself)
Get the democrats out of people's private lives and stop telling them how to worship and what. No Church can demand funds from a non-believer for Church functions. The government should keep their pick pocket hands to itself in demanding funds specifically to force religious people to support objectionable government purposes.

Nobody's telling anyone how to worship. This is about the violation of the 1st Amendment by the RCC. Why should they be able to tell anyone what medical services they can have? No one is saying they have to provide the service, but as long as it's legal, people should be able to follow their own conscience without unConstitutional interference from religious officials.
Get the democrats out of people's private lives and stop telling them how to worship and what. No Church can demand funds from a non-believer for Church functions. The government should keep their pick pocket hands to itself in demanding funds specifically to force religious people to support objectionable government purposes.

Nobody's telling anyone how to worship. This is about the violation of the 1st Amendment by the RCC. Why should they be able to tell anyone what medical services they can have? No one is saying they have to provide the service, but as long as it's legal, people should be able to follow their own conscience without unConstitutional interference from religious officials.

No one is telling people what kind of services they can have, just what kind of services will be paid for by others.

People should be allowed to follow their own conscience in deciding whether they wish to pay for the contraception or abortion for someone else.
Get the democrats out of people's private lives and stop telling them how to worship and what. No Church can demand funds from a non-believer for Church functions. The government should keep their pick pocket hands to itself in demanding funds specifically to force religious people to support objectionable government purposes.

Nobody's telling anyone how to worship. This is about the violation of the 1st Amendment by the RCC. Why should they be able to tell anyone what medical services they can have? No one is saying they have to provide the service, but as long as it's legal, people should be able to follow their own conscience without unConstitutional interference from religious officials.

No one is telling people what kind of services they can have, just what kind of services will be paid for by others.

People should be allowed to follow their own conscience in deciding whether they wish to pay for the contraception or abortion for someone else.

We're talking insurance. I pay for my insurance. Who is this mythical "someone else" you're talking about?
If Mandated Health Insurance Benefits are not permissible, than please review the following mandated benefits which would be impacted and possibly lose coverage:

Mandate Links
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Infertility Treatment

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Newborn Hearing Screening

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Mandated Health Insurance Benefits and State Laws: Overview

There is a very straightforward way to fix the current situation - which is that President honor the promise he made to the Church.

Solution: The government should allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception. That is all the Church is asking for.

So, liberals.... is it 'freedom for me, but not for thee' or will you support the right of others to believe differently to you? Hmmm? This should not be a hard call.

Would you support the removal of fertility treatments?

It doesn't matter what I - as an individual - would or would not support. The issue is whether the President is held accountable for his promise to the Catholic Church. He promised that the Church would be able to provide health care coverage that did not include contraception. He needs to honor that promise to the Church.

This is not about any individual's opinion. It's not about whether you support a woman's right to choose... it is about the First Amendment and that Asshole in the Oval's lie to the Catholic Church.
There is a very straightforward way to fix the current situation - which is that President honor the promise he made to the Church.

Solution: The government should allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception. That is all the Church is asking for.

So, liberals.... is it 'freedom for me, but not for thee' or will you support the right of others to believe differently to you? Hmmm? This should not be a hard call.

Would you support the removal of fertility treatments?

It doesn't matter what I - as an individual - would or would not support. The issue is whether the President is held accountable for his promise to the Catholic Church. He promised that the Church would be able to provide health care coverage that did not include contraception. He needs to honor that promise to the Church.

This is not about any individual's opinion. It's not about whether you support a woman's right to choose... it is about the First Amendment and that Asshole in the Oval's lie to the Catholic Church.

Actually if does matter because your choice to be Catholic is one made as an individual. Thus opinion is very relevant.

Do you have a link to the Obama promise? I've been researching for a while and am yet to locate a resource. Thank you.
Would you support the removal of fertility treatments?

It doesn't matter what I - as an individual - would or would not support. The issue is whether the President is held accountable for his promise to the Catholic Church. He promised that the Church would be able to provide health care coverage that did not include contraception. He needs to honor that promise to the Church.

This is not about any individual's opinion. It's not about whether you support a woman's right to choose... it is about the First Amendment and that Asshole in the Oval's lie to the Catholic Church.

Actually if does matter because your choice to be Catholic is one made as an individual. Thus opinion is very relevant.

Do you have a link to the Obama promise? I've been researching for a while and am yet to locate a resource. Thank you.

Obama sandbags the Archbishop

In November, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, held what he describes as an “extraordinarily friendly” meeting with Obama at the White House.

The president assured the archbishop of his respect for the Church, and the archbishop came away persuaded Obama would never force the Church to adopt any policy that would violate her principles.
Thank you for the link. I can see how the church feels betrayed. Symantics I suppose, I will always see an independent business (hospital, university) with ties to the church. And Catholics will always see Catholic institutions which provide healthcare and/or education.

Since Catholic and Jesuit institions are already practicing this offering, why is this now an issue? Is it because the states which mandate this coverage are STATES and now a federal mandate is more ominous?
It doesn't matter what I - as an individual - would or would not support. The issue is whether the President is held accountable for his promise to the Catholic Church. He promised that the Church would be able to provide health care coverage that did not include contraception. He needs to honor that promise to the Church.

This is not about any individual's opinion. It's not about whether you support a woman's right to choose... it is about the First Amendment and that Asshole in the Oval's lie to the Catholic Church.

Actually if does matter because your choice to be Catholic is one made as an individual. Thus opinion is very relevant.

Do you have a link to the Obama promise? I've been researching for a while and am yet to locate a resource. Thank you.

Obama sandbags the Archbishop

In November, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, held what he describes as an “extraordinarily friendly” meeting with Obama at the White House.

The president assured the archbishop of his respect for the Church, and the archbishop came away persuaded Obama would never force the Church to adopt any policy that would violate her principles.

I did as you suggested CG.

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