Religious liberty is in jeopardy when the government dictates that they must do things against their doctrine and belief, when their belief HARMS NO ONE. It's a classic example of removing the line between church and state, which is something you all claim to care so much about.

Of course, everybody knows you don't care about it, and the only reason you repeat that mantra is to hide the fact that you do want the state to dictate what we shall believe and how we shall follow our faith.

It's not against the Church's belief or conscience or doctrine because Catholic hospitals and universities are already complying with state versions of this law in 20 states.

The Church is full of shit to claim that they can't comply with this on religious grounds. They're already complying with it.
It doesn't matter what I - as an individual - would or would not support. The issue is whether the President is held accountable for his promise to the Catholic Church. He promised that the Church would be able to provide health care coverage that did not include contraception. He needs to honor that promise to the Church.

This is not about any individual's opinion. It's not about whether you support a woman's right to choose... it is about the First Amendment and that Asshole in the Oval's lie to the Catholic Church.

Actually if does matter because your choice to be Catholic is one made as an individual. Thus opinion is very relevant.

Do you have a link to the Obama promise? I've been researching for a while and am yet to locate a resource. Thank you.

Obama sandbags the Archbishop

In November, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, held what he describes as an “extraordinarily friendly” meeting with Obama at the White House.

The president assured the archbishop of his respect for the Church, and the archbishop came away persuaded Obama would never force the Church to adopt any policy that would violate her principles.

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan???

New York already has a comparable form of this law in place and the Catholic businesses here already comply with it.
Religious liberty is in jeopardy when the government dictates that they must do things against their doctrine and belief, when their belief HARMS NO ONE. It's a classic example of removing the line between church and state, which is something you all claim to care so much about.

Of course, everybody knows you don't care about it, and the only reason you repeat that mantra is to hide the fact that you do want the state to dictate what we shall believe and how we shall follow our faith.

It's not against the Church's belief or conscience or doctrine because Catholic hospitals and universities are already complying with state versions of this law in 20 states.

The Church is full of shit to claim that they can't comply with this on religious grounds. They're already complying with it.

so what does that prove....? laiety does not always follow the leadership of the Church....

what about the many that want the choice to NOT supply and pay for contraceptives......?
Religious liberty is in jeopardy when the government dictates that they must do things against their doctrine and belief, when their belief HARMS NO ONE. It's a classic example of removing the line between church and state, which is something you all claim to care so much about.

Of course, everybody knows you don't care about it, and the only reason you repeat that mantra is to hide the fact that you do want the state to dictate what we shall believe and how we shall follow our faith.

That is such crap. Nobody is being told to do anything they don't want to do. Stop lying.
It's not against the Church's belief or conscience or doctrine because Catholic hospitals and universities are already complying with state versions of this law in 20 states.

The Church is full of shit to claim that they can't comply with this on religious grounds. They're already complying with it.

I exposed that as false yesterday.

Now you're just lying.
Actually if does matter because your choice to be Catholic is one made as an individual. Thus opinion is very relevant.

Do you have a link to the Obama promise? I've been researching for a while and am yet to locate a resource. Thank you.

Obama sandbags the Archbishop

In November, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, held what he describes as an “extraordinarily friendly” meeting with Obama at the White House.

The president assured the archbishop of his respect for the Church, and the archbishop came away persuaded Obama would never force the Church to adopt any policy that would violate her principles.

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan???

New York already has a comparable form of this law in place and the Catholic businesses here already comply with it.

Repeating lies does not make them any more true.
Recent Polls Show Majority Of Catholics Support Insurance Plans That Cover Contraception


Majority Support Requirement that Employer Health Care Plans Include Contraception Coverage
•A majority (55%) of Americans agree that "employers should be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception and birth control at no cost." Four-in-ten (40%) disagree with this requirement.
•There are major religious, generational and political divisions: •Roughly 6-in-10 Catholics (58%) believe that employers should be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception.
•Among Catholic voters, support for this requirement is slightly lower at 52%.
•Only half (50%) of white Catholics support this requirement, compared to 47% who oppose it.

•Among other religious Americans, 61% of religiously unaffiliated Americans believe that employers should be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception, compared to only half (50%) of white mainline Protestants and less than 4-in-10 (38%) white evangelical Protestants.

Last edited:

This notion that Catholics from coast to coast will change their mind on voting for Obama because of this seems to be wishful thinking. Those who voted for him in 2010 knew quite well where he stands on abortion and contraception; plus there are plenty of "cafeteria Christians" running around out there.

Perhaps a palatable GOP candidate would be a better idea.


This notion that Catholics from coast to coast will change their mind on voting for Obama because of this seems to be wishful thinking. Those who voted for him in 2010 knew quite well where he stands on abortion and contraception; plus there are plenty of "cafeteria Christians" running around out there.

Perhaps a palatable GOP candidate would be a better idea.


I do not believe it is the "contraception" issue that will trun off Catholics.

It is the fact that Obama made a promise to the Church in return for the Church backing an Obama initiative....and after the Church did as he asked, he withdrew his end of the deal.

That can prove to be very damning.
It isn't insurance covering contraception, for the hundredth time, it's that contraception and abortion must be provided without copays or any other form of payment. The cost is to be picked up by everyone else that is paying premiums.
Charlie Cook wonders if the White House deliberately picked this fight now, knowing where it would go. He points out that for all the talk about Republican primary turnout being down, Democrats aren’t that keen on their guy either. The White House says this was not a political decision, that once the nonpartisan, nongovernmental Institute of Medicine recommended that contraceptives be included as part of women’s preventive health care, the die was cast.

“This will in a lot of ways be a faultline in this election,” says Bill Burton, who is with the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action. The election won’t turn on these kinds of cultural issues, but they can generate emotion and passion. Obama’s job approval is just above 50 percent among younger voters, a group that gave him 66 percent of their vote in 2008. “They’ve got to get young people jazzed up, and there are very few issues that get young women more jazzed up than contraception,” says Cook. Indeed, the Obama campaign website highlights the issue of contraception, along with the fact that it will be free once the Affordable Care Act is implemented.

Did Obama Administration Pick a Fight on Birth Control Deliberately? - The Daily Beast

It isn't insurance covering contraception, for the hundredth time, it's that contraception and abortion must be provided without copays or any other form of payment. The cost is to be picked up by everyone else that is paying premiums.

Drop the insurance or find another job.
It isn't insurance covering contraception, for the hundredth time, it's that contraception and abortion must be provided without copays or any other form of payment. The cost is to be picked up by everyone else that is paying premiums.

Drop the insurance or find another job.

Or, pay, just like everyone else.

A woman wants a free abortion or free birth control pills but someone who needs life saving medication has to cough up a co-pay.

They can get screwed and pay for it. Stand on a corner with an empty beer can holding their sign "Can't afford to fuck, please help".
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!


Tea Parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends.

This notion that Catholics from coast to coast will change their mind on voting for Obama because of this seems to be wishful thinking. Those who voted for him in 2010 knew quite well where he stands on abortion and contraception; plus there are plenty of "cafeteria Christians" running around out there.

Perhaps a palatable GOP candidate would be a better idea.


Actually, they had no idea that he would put the Church in this position... before 2008 (which is when they actually voted for him - not 2010 - idiot).... and, during the drafting of the bill, Obama asked to meet with the Arch Bishop - at that meeting - he gave his word that the Church would not be put into this position.

Either get your fucking facts straight, or don't fucking post.... but don't post bullshit and pretend it's fact.

Catholics are changing their minds about Obama.... we are a notorious swing vote. Most Catholics are not dem or GOP. But they are always Catholic.
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!


Tea Parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends.

'NoNukes' is a 1960s has been.... or is it never was?
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!



Tea Parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends.

'NoNukes' is a 1960s has been.... or is it never was?
The Latter.
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!



Tea Parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends.

'NoNukes' is a 1960s has been.... or is it never was?

I walk down the street in New York City and people recognize me, which my kids think is hilarious. Would anyone know who your sorry ass is?
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!


Tea Parties are for little girls and their imaginary friends.

See Sue Run


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