I did. I supported their right to build it. I questioned the reasoning and the wisdom of their decision.

See how that works... religious freedom, even when it's hard. How come that is such a difficult concept for the left? Are none of you capable of thinking for yourselves?

Here's what I think. If they want fed cash they follow fed rules. Just like they follow state rules. Or they close the schools and hospitals. If it's good enough for the Mayo Clinic, it's good enough for St. Joe's.

You don't care very much about your fellow Americans, do ya? Because without the Church's Hospitals, many of our poorest - including your beloved African Americans - would have had no access to healthcare.

Greedy fucking bastard.

See..THAT'S social darwinism and eugenics rolled into one liberal stinkbomb.
Okay, hyperbole, hysterics and obviously biased source aside, I consider this to be the biggest political mistake Obama has made in a while. It's bad for him on two levels:
1st. It was just a stupid move. Catholics are not predominantly Repub or Dem like evangelicals are. They are swing voters located in major cities and the MidWest - swing states.
2nd. It calls attantion to the biggest mistake he's ever made - ObamaCare. As an Independent, I can tell you that no one but LibDems like ObamaCare (except the pre-existing conditions & college age kids part). So now he's bringing up his biggest failure as something that is pissing off people in a whole NEW way.

Oops. I think he'll cave. At very minimum, offer an olive branch like exemption for Morning After pills etc... or just give the exemption. Then a few months later, those short-memoried Americans will be focused back on things affecting them. The economy, jobs etc...

So, in short, you just agree with what I've already said. Thanks.

I have no idea.

Not that you're not important! - but with 78 pages of posts, I didn't go through them all looking for what yours. I just responded to the OP.

Hmmm. It seems we agree on something again. That's like, several times lately. :eusa_eh:
Okay, hyperbole, hysterics and obviously biased source aside, I consider this to be the biggest political mistake Obama has made in a while. It's bad for him on two levels:
1st. It was just a stupid move. Catholics are not predominantly Repub or Dem like evangelicals are. They are swing voters located in major cities and the MidWest - swing states.
2nd. It calls attantion to the biggest mistake he's ever made - ObamaCare. As an Independent, I can tell you that no one but LibDems like ObamaCare (except the pre-existing conditions & college age kids part). So now he's bringing up his biggest failure as something that is pissing off people in a whole NEW way.

Oops. I think he'll cave. At very minimum, offer an olive branch like exemption for Morning After pills etc... or just give the exemption. Then a few months later, those short-memoried Americans will be focused back on things affecting them. The economy, jobs etc...

So, in short, you just agree with what I've already said. Thanks.

I have no idea.

Not that you're not important! - but with 78 pages of posts, I didn't go through them all looking for what yours. I just responded to the OP.

Hmmm. It seems we agree on something again. That's like, several times lately. :eusa_eh:

I can understand that, I've posted it several times, in several threads but, frankly, there is - as you said - so much hyperbole and bullshit about this that it's hard to spot any rational thought.

I don't know if you've read what the letters that Bishops are sending out to parishes - and, I understand, that other churches are also reading those letters out to congregations... but they basically call Obama a liar and claim that he broke a promise made to the Cardinal-Designate Dolan to ensure that the same exemption as was contained in "Romney Care" would be in "Obama Care". That was the only reason that the Church backed "Obama Care" back in 09/10. Catholics - and others - will see Obama as a dishonest man who does not respect Christianity.... that will be hard for him to get over.
Ayers......................... fail
Muslim....................... fail
Not Natural Born..........fail
Death Panels...............fail
Government Motors......fail
Terrorist Sympathizer....fail
False SS #...................fail
Lybian Action................fail
Solyndra Scandal..........fail
Fast and Furious...........fail
Job Killer......................fail
Hates Religion.....................................fail.

The list grows............................................................................
Ayers......................... fail
Muslim....................... fail
Not Natural Born..........fail
Death Panels...............fail
Government Motors......fail
Terrorist Sympathizer....fail
False SS #...................fail
Lybian Action................fail
Solyndra Scandal..........fail
Fast and Furious...........fail
Job Killer......................fail
Hates Religion.....................................fail.

The list grows............................................................................

Good point.

Obama is a colossal fail...
I walk down the street in New York City and people recognize me, which my kids think is hilarious. Would anyone know who your sorry ass is?

Yeah, convictions for child molesting and having your picture on the Megan's Law site are going to have people recognizing you....
It seems to me the contraception 'debate' is simply one more effort to discredit the president.

Having children or not is a personal decision, not one to be decided by the government or a religious order.

Suggesting our government is becoming authoritarian/totalitarian etc. is foolish; look carefully at the power and control the various churches hold over their disciples.

Yea, cuz he didn't invite the Arch Bishop to meet with him in the Oval Office several times while drafting the bill. He didn't guarantee the Church that it would not be forced to compromise on its doctrine. He didn't lie to the Arch Bishop. He didn't go back on his promise... it's all an evil plot by everyone because we 'hate' the black guy, right?

Dictating to the Church was coverage it must provide when that coverage is contrary to their religious doctrine is tyranny. It is why we have the First Amendment. Frankly, I am sick and tired of the left wing and their 'freedom for me but not for thee'.

Fucking idiot.

Thanks for sharing.

I haven't yet heard Obama or any POTUS threaten American citizens with going to hell if they did not go along with the current dogma.

You're are free to practice your religion as you see fit, thought I'm pretty certain you have no fear of an unwanted pregnancy, your personality suggests no one would risk having you as the mother of their child.
You are free to practice your religion..but not as you see fit, and subject to fining if Obama doesn't approve.
Religious liberty is in jeopardy when the government dictates that they must do things against their doctrine and belief, when their belief HARMS NO ONE. It's a classic example of removing the line between church and state, which is something you all claim to care so much about.

Of course, everybody knows you don't care about it, and the only reason you repeat that mantra is to hide the fact that you do want the state to dictate what we shall believe and how we shall follow our faith.

The problem is, their beliefs actually do harm people. Forcing people to have unwanted pregnancies harms them.

And some of the procedures involved are medically necessary. Most doctors recommend women over 40 get their tubes tied. Sometimes women have to take birth control pills for hormone replacement.

Here's a concept.

The Doctors won't go into Church and start reading from the Bible.

And the Clergy won't go into the Doctor's office and try to do his job.

Simple enough.
im stunned how a church think they can take government they can not give health care to people. So, now the church can deny gay employees from getting health care because they are married.
The problem is, their beliefs actually do harm people. Forcing people to have unwanted pregnancies harms them.

And some of the procedures involved are medically necessary. Most doctors recommend women over 40 get their tubes tied. Sometimes women have to take birth control pills for hormone replacement.

Here's a concept.

The Doctors won't go into Church and start reading from the Bible.

And the Clergy won't go into the Doctor's office and try to do his job.

Simple enough.

Comrade Joe! Come in, have some vodka.

Oh wait, based on your post, you've already had a LOT of vodka.....
The problem is, their beliefs actually do harm people. Forcing people to have unwanted pregnancies harms them.

And some of the procedures involved are medically necessary. Most doctors recommend women over 40 get their tubes tied. Sometimes women have to take birth control pills for hormone replacement.

Here's a concept.

The Doctors won't go into Church and start reading from the Bible.

And the Clergy won't go into the Doctor's office and try to do his job.

Simple enough.

Comrade Joe! Come in, have some vodka.

Oh wait, based on your post, you've already had a LOT of vodka.....

I just asking what makes Clergy qualified to make medical decisions for people.

I mean, it's a simple enough question. Do you go into your doctor's office with a priest and have him sit in judgement on anything the doctor advises? I don't. Most sensible people don't.

I guess you'd want to.

Frankly, when the Churches stop getting tax exemptions and all the other goodies I'm stuck paying for with higher taxes, then I will listen to them carp about them not wanting to pay for insurance for their employees.
You are free to practice your religion..but not as you see fit, and subject to fining if Obama doesn't approve.

Reminds me of the Soviet Union. They didn't ever outlaw religion. They just regulated it out of existence.

Works for me.

Let's apply the fraud laws to religion. If Listerine can't claim that it prevents colds because there's no science to back that up, how does Catholicism get off saying you can get into heaven after you die?
It seems to me the contraception 'debate' is simply one more effort to discredit the president.

Having children or not is a personal decision, not one to be decided by the government or a religious order.

Suggesting our government is becoming authoritarian/totalitarian etc. is foolish; look carefully at the power and control the various churches hold over their disciples.

Yea, cuz he didn't invite the Arch Bishop to meet with him in the Oval Office several times while drafting the bill. He didn't guarantee the Church that it would not be forced to compromise on its doctrine. He didn't lie to the Arch Bishop. He didn't go back on his promise... it's all an evil plot by everyone because we 'hate' the black guy, right?

Dictating to the Church was coverage it must provide when that coverage is contrary to their religious doctrine is tyranny. It is why we have the First Amendment. Frankly, I am sick and tired of the left wing and their 'freedom for me but not for thee'.

Fucking idiot.

Thanks for sharing.

I haven't yet heard Obama or any POTUS threaten American citizens with going to hell if they did not go along with the current dogma.

You're are free to practice your religion as you see fit, thought I'm pretty certain you have no fear of an unwanted pregnancy, your personality suggests no one would risk having you as the mother of their child.

In this country, I don't need your permission to practice my religion.... much as you might wish it to be under your authority, it is not.

Nor should you be 'pretty certain' about anything other than your own fucking stupidity.
You are free to practice your religion..but not as you see fit, and subject to fining if Obama doesn't approve.

Reminds me of the Soviet Union. They didn't ever outlaw religion. They just regulated it out of existence.

Works for me.

Let's apply the fraud laws to religion. If Listerine can't claim that it prevents colds because there's no science to back that up, how does Catholicism get off saying you can get into heaven after you die?

Didn't you used to be a conservative? :lol:


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