You are free to practice your religion..but not as you see fit, and subject to fining if Obama doesn't approve.

Running a business is not practicing religion. Hiring someone to clean the stadium after a Notre Dame football game is not an exercise of religion.
And that's just it Care, YOU have the right to use or promote BC all you like and still call yourself Catholic. Now the Church says if you are doing so, you have sinned, but a 'venial sin.' CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sin

For those non-conversant with Catholic Doctrine, trust me, it's worse than the Senate.

Nevertheless, the Church just hopes one day you'll see the light. In the meantime, don't get in vitro or slice the tubes. Well ok, the later is there with the pills, those other? Nope, mortal sin. Right there with abortion.

With all of that said, it still hasn't anything to do with the first amendment and religion.

This post probably has wrecked the chances for all the atheists to come knocking on the Church font. Oh well.

In fairness, it is a First Amendment issue. The Government has no right to force a faith - any faith - to go against its doctrine.
I screwed that up, my fault entirely. Sorry. I'm going to see if I can edit my post.

My post edited, I wouldn't fool with those that quoted me, even in my own response.
And that's just it Care, YOU have the right to use or promote BC all you like and still call yourself Catholic. Now the Church says if you are doing so, you have sinned, but a 'venial sin.' CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sin

For those non-conversant with Catholic Doctrine, trust me, it's worse than the Senate.

Nevertheless, the Church just hopes one day you'll see the light. In the meantime, don't get in vitro or slice the tubes. Well ok, the later is there with the pills, those other? Nope, mortal sin. Right there with abortion.

With all of that said, it still hasn't anything to do with the first amendment and religion.

This post probably has wrecked the chances for all the atheists to come knocking on the Church font. Oh well.

In fairness, it is a First Amendment issue. The Government has no right to force a faith - any faith - to go against its doctrine.

The Church is not forced to do anything here. These are business laws.

Wrong. I'm keeping it simple, for the simple.
I haven't caught up on the thread. But I'm still amazed to see Catholics lying. And I'm still amazed that we the people contribute over 60% of the money that pays for Catholic charities through our taxes.

They can go away. The Seventh Day Adventists will happily pick up their slack.
Religious liberty is in jeopardy when the government dictates that they must do things against their doctrine and belief, when their belief HARMS NO ONE. It's a classic example of removing the line between church and state, which is something you all claim to care so much about.

Of course, everybody knows you don't care about it, and the only reason you repeat that mantra is to hide the fact that you do want the state to dictate what we shall believe and how we shall follow our faith.

It's not against the Church's belief or conscience or doctrine because Catholic hospitals and universities are already complying with state versions of this law in 20 states.

The Church is full of shit to claim that they can't comply with this on religious grounds. They're already complying with it.

so what does that prove....? laiety does not always follow the leadership of the Church....

what about the many that want the choice to NOT supply and pay for contraceptives......?

Once again you prove my point. Catholic run BUSINESSES are not religious institutions engaging primarily in religion. Thus they do not have claim to 1st amendment protection.
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:
Get this one!
Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election
Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York
This just made my morning!

Is Donahue threatening to have his priests sexually assault our children in retaliation???

Oh, no, wait, they already did that.

Funny how contraception is seen as bigger issue than molestation by mother church.

Actually, it kind of makes sense. Those condoms are stopping all those potential molestation victims from being born!
It's not against the Church's belief or conscience or doctrine because Catholic hospitals and universities are already complying with state versions of this law in 20 states.

The Church is full of shit to claim that they can't comply with this on religious grounds. They're already complying with it.

I exposed that as false yesterday.

Now you're just lying.

I posted the link that proved it. STFU
New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan???

New York already has a comparable form of this law in place and the Catholic businesses here already comply with it.

Repeating lies does not make them any more true.

You couldn't refute the validity of what I posted.

A TMN moment, "What did you validate?" I saw nothing!

BTW, I'm just joshing, I haven't read through the thread, likely you have.
i am Catholic CG, and i see a huge difference between making the CC pay for full coverage insurance for their Church employees vs covering strangers and non catholic employees at their PUBLIC institutions.

I also do not believe BC pills conflict with being ''pro life''.

And that's just it Care, YOU have the right to use or promote BC all you like and still call yourself Catholic. Now the Church says if you are doing so, you have sinned, but a 'venial sin.' CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sin

For those non-conversant with Catholic Doctrine, trust me, it's worse than the Senate.

Nevertheless, the Church just hopes one day you'll see the light. In the meantime, don't get in vitro or slice the tubes. Well ok, the later is there with the pills, those other? Nope, mortal sin. Right there with abortion.

With all of that said, it still hasn't anything to do with the first amendment and religion.

This post probably has wrecked the chances for all the atheists to come knocking on the Church font. Oh well.

In fairness, it is a First Amendment issue. The Government has no right to force a faith - any faith - to go against its doctrine.

Is Obama making employees of dioceses get free contraceptives? Hospitals and schools should all follow the same rules or get out of the business.
And that's just it Care, YOU have the right to use or promote BC all you like and still call yourself Catholic. Now the Church says if you are doing so, you have sinned, but a 'venial sin.' CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sin

For those non-conversant with Catholic Doctrine, trust me, it's worse than the Senate.

Nevertheless, the Church just hopes one day you'll see the light. In the meantime, don't get in vitro or slice the tubes. Well ok, the later is there with the pills, those other? Nope, mortal sin. Right there with abortion.

With all of that said, it still hasn't anything to do with the first amendment and religion.

This post probably has wrecked the chances for all the atheists to come knocking on the Church font. Oh well.

In fairness, it is a First Amendment issue. The Government has no right to force a faith - any faith - to go against its doctrine.

Is Obama making employees of dioceses get free contraceptives? Hospitals and schools should all follow the same rules or get out of the business.

Been there, discussed that. Not repeating it for the slow kids at the back.
Been there, discussed that. Not repeating it for the slow kids at the back.

I love how some people discuss something and then consider the matter settled. And then state that no-one else is allowed to discuss it in the same thread.

If people feel that they want to discuss the matter separately from your discussion, do you suggest that they start another thread?

I doubt the Mods would agree with you. And even if they did, you'd then jump into THAT thread and tell them there was already a thread that discussed the matter.

Just because you've talked about the matter, doesn't mean other people don't also want to discuss the same matter.

And since this particular thread is close to 100 pages long, (with most of that 100 pages being people insulting one another or other similar bullshit) it is likely that said other people don't want to have to sift through all the crap to find where your particular conversation left off.
Been there, discussed that. Not repeating it for the slow kids at the back.

I love how some people discuss something and then consider the matter settled. And then state that no-one else is allowed to discuss it in the same thread.

If people feel that they want to discuss the matter separately from your discussion, do you suggest that they start another thread?

I doubt the Mods would agree with you. And even if they did, you'd then jump into THAT thread and tell them there was already a thread that discussed the matter.

Just because you've talked about the matter, doesn't mean other people don't also want to discuss the same matter.

And since this particular thread is close to 100 pages long, (with most of that 100 pages being people insulting one another or other similar bullshit) it is likely that said other people don't want to have to sift through all the crap to find where your particular conversation left off.

Well, if he would read through the threads (because there are several) where this issue has been raised... what else is there to say? One side has there view, others have a different view. Blah, blah, blah.
Reminds me of the Soviet Union. They didn't ever outlaw religion. They just regulated it out of existence.

Works for me.

Let's apply the fraud laws to religion. If Listerine can't claim that it prevents colds because there's no science to back that up, how does Catholicism get off saying you can get into heaven after you die?

Didn't you used to be a conservative? :lol:


Wasn't aware that included supporting a church of Pedophiles. I thought that conservatives were against that sort of thing.

I mean, come on Pope Scumwad XVI was the guy who decided that altar boys molested by priests had to sign non-disclosure agreements...

yeah, that's what a "house of God" does.
It would be very good if the left/atheists/hatethechurch group would try to separate out the 'pedophile scandals' from this egregious reach into the first amendment, that doesn't only pertain to the PEDOPHILE ENTRENCHED CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!!!
I am not surprised. It's takes far more courage to apologize for one's mistakes than to wash over them. I expected cowardice from you - and I was not disappointed.

Improve Your Confession: Mea Culpa - Catholic Examination of Conscience App for Catholic Confession

Mea Culpa is meant to be an examination of conscience app for Catholics who want to make a sincere confession, and recollect as much as possible.

It is NOT a suitable replacement for the sacrament of confession. You CAN NOT use it
to confess via the internet or over the phone.

I'll take care of my confession some Sunday, if and only if the Church of my youth confesses the sins it has covered up and asks for my forgiveness.

I know exactly what it is. And I know people use it when the words 'I'm sorry' are just too hard. Your conscience is yours to live with. I am comfortable with mine, because I only ever attack an individual's intellect... with one exception - and she earned it. If you choose to attack me on subjects of which you know nothing - that is for you. I won't carry your burdens for you.

But, but, but ... it was only my opinion. The fact that I hit a cord and was likely spot on is why I 'Mea Culped'; I would have done so in private, but, like others who are regularly nasty, you block any PM - a sure sign of cowardice.

Comments on the intelligence of others based solely on not agreeing with you are personal attacks on the messenger. Do you attend confession and express your sins of logic?

I comment regularly on the lack of intelligence of CrusaderFrank and Willow Tree, because it is evident from what they post that they are rather dim. If either of them ever put together a thread of substance, it would be fun to attack the message. Sadly, they can't.
It would be very good if the left/atheists/hatethechurch group would try to separate out the 'pedophile scandals' from this egregious reach into the first amendment, that doesn't only pertain to the PEDOPHILE ENTRENCHED CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!!!

I'm 'quoting' myself because of Meister's 'thanks'. Many of the religions coming to bat for the Catholic Church in this case, not only have issues with 'her', but think it's just short of the anti-Christ, or maybe not short. However, they do get the 'next they'll come for me....' bit.
Improve Your Confession: Mea Culpa - Catholic Examination of Conscience App for Catholic Confession

Mea Culpa is meant to be an examination of conscience app for Catholics who want to make a sincere confession, and recollect as much as possible.

It is NOT a suitable replacement for the sacrament of confession. You CAN NOT use it
to confess via the internet or over the phone.

I'll take care of my confession some Sunday, if and only if the Church of my youth confesses the sins it has covered up and asks for my forgiveness.

I know exactly what it is. And I know people use it when the words 'I'm sorry' are just too hard. Your conscience is yours to live with. I am comfortable with mine, because I only ever attack an individual's intellect... with one exception - and she earned it. If you choose to attack me on subjects of which you know nothing - that is for you. I won't carry your burdens for you.

But, but, but ... it was only my opinion. The fact that I hit a cord and was likely spot on is why I 'Mea Culped'; I would have done so in private, but, like others who are regularly nasty, you block any PM - a sure sign of cowardice.

Comments on the intelligence of others based solely on not agreeing with you are personal attacks on the messenger. Do you attend confession and express your sins of logic?

I comment regularly on the lack of intelligence of CrusaderFrank and Willow Tree, because it is evident from what they post that they are rather dim. If either of them ever put together a thread of substance, it would be fun to attack the message. Sadly, they can't.

No cord hit.... could not have been further from the truth but my personal life is just that... personal. You only make yourself look ridiculous with your fantasies about me.

And, it's not 'cowardice', it's choice. I prefer assholes to make assholes of themselves in public. I cannot think of a single thing that I would want to discuss with you in private. Nothing. If you do have something to say, the opportunity is open to do so. You would need to invite me to speak to you privately - there is a method to do so. I would - until this exchange - have accepted. I have no problem with that - lots of people do that. But you choose to make asinine comments - with no basis in reality - because you are an ass. Your choice and absolutely nothing to do with me.

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