And that's just it Care, YOU have the right to use or promote BC all you like and still call yourself Catholic. Now the Church says if you are doing so, you have sinned, but a 'venial sin.' CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sin

For those non-conversant with Catholic Doctrine, trust me, it's worse than the Senate.

Nevertheless, the Church just hopes one day you'll see the light. In the meantime, don't get in vitro or slice the tubes. Well ok, the later is there with the pills, those other? Nope, mortal sin. Right there with abortion.

With all of that said, it still hasn't anything to do with the first amendment and religion.

This post probably has wrecked the chances for all the atheists to come knocking on the Church font. Oh well.

In fairness, it is a First Amendment issue. The Government has no right to force a faith - any faith - to go against its doctrine.

Is Obama making employees of dioceses get free contraceptives? Hospitals and schools should all follow the same rules or get out of the business.

Catholic businesses already do in at least 20 states.


When the church claims they can't comply with this because of doctrine, conscience, or whatever other religious blah blah they throw out,

they are, in a word, LYING.

They're already complying with it.
Remember during the healthcare debate, there was so much "misinformation" out there? Everyone was accusing Fox News and conservatives of making shit up. Then Nancy Pelosi says "We have to pass it to see what's in it".

I don't think ANYONE had any idea how bad this law was. It seems another crap sandwich is delivered weekly.

Archbishop Dolan has essentially called Obama a liar. That's gonna hurt, regardless of people's views on contraception.
He lied to all of us about being able to keep the health care that you have.
He has lied about this bill even before it was passed.
It would be very good if the left/atheists/hatethechurch group would try to separate out the 'pedophile scandals' from this egregious reach into the first amendment, that doesn't only pertain to the PEDOPHILE ENTRENCHED CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!!!

It is almost impossible not to feel anger at the church for allowing pedophiles to thrive while keeping a boot on women.

There is no first amendment issue to this whatsoever. Lying is a sin.
Works for me.

Let's apply the fraud laws to religion. If Listerine can't claim that it prevents colds because there's no science to back that up, how does Catholicism get off saying you can get into heaven after you die?

Didn't you used to be a conservative? :lol:


Wasn't aware that included supporting a church of Pedophiles. I thought that conservatives were against that sort of thing.

I mean, come on Pope Scumwad XVI was the guy who decided that altar boys molested by priests had to sign non-disclosure agreements...

yeah, that's what a "house of God" does.

3, 2, 1 - let the Catholic bashing begin!

Something like a quarter of this country is Catholic. The attacks will hurt more than the issue. Carry on haters.
It would be very good if the left/atheists/hatethechurch group would try to separate out the 'pedophile scandals' from this egregious reach into the first amendment, that doesn't only pertain to the PEDOPHILE ENTRENCHED CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!!!

I'm 'quoting' myself because of Meister's 'thanks'. Many of the religions coming to bat for the Catholic Church in this case, not only have issues with 'her', but think it's just short of the anti-Christ, or maybe not short. However, they do get the 'next they'll come for me....' bit.

This rule applies to business enterprises, not the Catholic church. Any religion that is operating a business enterprise is subject to the same rule. To pretend it is an attack on the church is a lie.
Didn't you used to be a conservative? :lol:


Wasn't aware that included supporting a church of Pedophiles. I thought that conservatives were against that sort of thing.

I mean, come on Pope Scumwad XVI was the guy who decided that altar boys molested by priests had to sign non-disclosure agreements...

yeah, that's what a "house of God" does.


I grew up Catholic.

You know what the first thing most of us figured out at an early age?

Don't let yourself be alone in a room with a priest.

We all knew what they were. Our Parents all knew what they were. They just put up with it because they were too cowed and afraid of the Sky Pixie to actually object to the bullshit.

Except, finally, people spoke out, and sued, and the Church paid out a shitload of money. But then they put non-disclosure agreements in the settlements.
3, 2, 1 - let the Catholic bashing begin!

Something like a quarter of this country is Catholic. The attacks will hurt more than the issue. Carry on haters.

I grew up Catholic.

Most Catholics know the Church is full of shit on this issue.

which is why these pedophile priests are often preaching to empty Churches. A Church is a nice place to get married, but it plays less of a role in people's lives then it did when I was growing up.
Wasn't aware that included supporting a church of Pedophiles. I thought that conservatives were against that sort of thing.

I mean, come on Pope Scumwad XVI was the guy who decided that altar boys molested by priests had to sign non-disclosure agreements...

yeah, that's what a "house of God" does.


I grew up Catholic.

You know what the first thing most of us figured out at an early age?

Don't let yourself be alone in a room with a priest.

We all knew what they were. Our Parents all knew what they were. They just put up with it because they were too cowed and afraid of the Sky Pixie to actually object to the bullshit.

Except, finally, people spoke out, and sued, and the Church paid out a shitload of money. But then they put non-disclosure agreements in the settlements.


Del lives in some world where people never change their minds.

Hey, guy, you think it's impossible for someone to grow up Catholic, and then realize that it's full of shit.

I realize it was when my mom died despite all the prayers, and the horrid old nun who tortured us as children told us God had to have a good reason.
Been there, discussed that. Not repeating it for the slow kids at the back.

I love how some people discuss something and then consider the matter settled. And then state that no-one else is allowed to discuss it in the same thread.

If people feel that they want to discuss the matter separately from your discussion, do you suggest that they start another thread?

I doubt the Mods would agree with you. And even if they did, you'd then jump into THAT thread and tell them there was already a thread that discussed the matter.

Just because you've talked about the matter, doesn't mean other people don't also want to discuss the same matter.

And since this particular thread is close to 100 pages long, (with most of that 100 pages being people insulting one another or other similar bullshit) it is likely that said other people don't want to have to sift through all the crap to find where your particular conversation left off.

She is nothing but a race baiter. (No other reason she and her white European church hate Obama!!) In fact she is a master baiter. Bout all the action she gets in life. So give her a break!!!! She and others don't mind hijacking a thread to keep you from discussing the salient points which she can't understand. Start another thread.
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Del lives in some world where people never change their minds.

Hey, guy, you think it's impossible for someone to grow up Catholic, and then realize that it's full of shit.

I realize it was when my mom died despite all the prayers, and the horrid old nun who tortured us as children told us God had to have a good reason.

i'm truly moved.

it's probably the coffee
I consider it enlightening. I realized then that they were all full of shit. Became an Atheist soon after realizing all the other religions are full of shit.

It will be a happy day when the whole world is free of the stupidity of religion. But until then, I'll just enjoy mocking it.

I walk down the street in New York City and people recognize me, which my kids think is hilarious. Would anyone know who your sorry ass is?

Does recognition somehow make you a better person?

How sad.

I feel sorry for you.

Do not feel sorry for me, I am happy when you are obviously miserable.

"Whine - One - One, what is your emergency?"

"Yea, hi, we have a poster requiring an immediate removal of head from ass. The head is apparently recognizable which makes him/her very important in New York. He thinks said head is really important as an anonymous poster on a messageboard. Poster may also require a reality check focusing on his inability to read the emotions of anonymous posters"

This rule applies to business enterprises, not the Catholic church. Any religion that is operating a business enterprise is subject to the same rule. To pretend it is an attack on the church is a lie.

Not a lie....it is a blatant attack on the Church....on religious freedom.....and primarily an attack on the Constitution....

Why doesn't your "constitutional scholar" president understand the 1st Amendment...? :cuckoo:

If Obama can get a simple "business rule" to override the Constitution.....don't you think EVERBODY'S freedoms....including yours......are in jeopardy....?
It would be very good if the left/atheists/hatethechurch group would try to separate out the 'pedophile scandals' from this egregious reach into the first amendment, that doesn't only pertain to the PEDOPHILE ENTRENCHED CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!!!

It is almost impossible not to feel anger at the church for allowing pedophiles to thrive while keeping a boot on women.

There is no first amendment issue to this whatsoever. Lying is a sin.

Your saying it's 'black' doesn't make white, black.

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